Web Sites/Pages:



CyberSTrider is a supported shareware scheme which was inspired by Joe Connor's InterActive. Run by Denesh 'Danny' Bhabuta, CyberSTrider also supports a large number of shareware titles for Ataris and other computing platforms such as the PC and Apple Mac. The site is currently under construction, but the basic information page is already in place.


InterActive (+ US mirror)

InterActive was founded by Joe Connor, and has been run by him since 1993. It aims to encourage authors to produce and support English versions of their software, and to encourage UK users to register 'foreign' software. Joe supports many popular shareware titles, and the comprehensive web site contains information on both the scheme and the programs it supports.

http://www.cix.co.uk/~inactive/ + http://www.toad.net/~interact/

StuSoft Shareware

StuSoft is the title under which Stuart Denman, a Computer Science student from Washington USA, produces Atari shareware titles. 'Speed of Light' is a fast GIF viewing tool with many image processing functions. It is certainly the optimum GIF viewer for the ST range. Stuart has also written a Yahtzee clone called 'Triple Yahoo'. Both titles are downloadable from this page.
