KODAK Arrange-It Photo CD Portfolio Layout Software for Windows Version 1.0 July 1, 1994 This release for the MICROSOFT Windows version of KODAK Arrange-It Photo CD Portfolio Layout Software contains the following known problems: - Some minor path redrawing problems may occur in some situations. These problems can generally be corrected by scrolling the canvas to force the affected area to redraw. - Some minor path redrawing problems may occur with various video drivers. - Save As Bitmap will include any overlapping windows, that is, windows that are set to always display frontmost. - Images with 16 colors or shades of gray should be saved as BMP instead of TIFF for importing into Arrange-It software. - When using Copy Directory to Photo CD, do not add directories or subdirectories that contain periods. They can be added to the list, but the resulting script can not be processed.