Webster's History :
Version 0.02
- Added an icon for the iconbar.
- Quiting the main window only closes the window. You can also reopen it by clicking Select on the iconbar icon.
- Added a simple
- Added a
Goto URL
- Fixed problem with Webster locking if you quit while it's fetching.
- Tool bar should now open atatched to the main window.
- Unordered lists now start with coloured dots.
- Numbers in Ordered lists should not overlap now (I think).
- All fetched items are now Cached on disk.
- HTTP fetcher now stands a chance of working. It has been re-written and tested!
- Extension to RISC OS filetype mapping is no longer written into HTTP. It's in !HTTPs Messages file instead. Details can be found on HTTP's page.
- Clicking on the HourGlass while Fetching should kill the Fetcher (But not the KA9Q session, Yet!)
- URLs passed to fetchers now start in /.
- Better at coping with headings containing 'nonstandard' tags.
- The <I> and <b> Tags now work. Selecting the Oblique, Italic or Bold Style of the current font.
- Copes with lines greater than 255 characters in HTML and Text files.
- Copes with URLs starting with //. It's non standard but I have found it on some pages.
- Bit faster at writing preformatted and standard text.
- Fixed a bug in closeing font handles, but there may still be others!
- Think this version should work from with SparkFS or ArcFS archives. It certainly works with SparkFS, but I don't have a copy of ArcFS.
Andrew Pullan, 23rd November 1994