Webster's History : Version 0.06
Version 0.06
- Paragraphs and Images can now be Centered and Right Aligned.
- Text is aligned correctly with an images
, Middle
and Bottom
. (Well almost!)
- Added News and Mail fetchers for use with ReadNews. Supplied by Julian Wright. (See Note 1)
- Fixed the Telnet fetcher (Thanks to all those who pointed me in the right direction) (See Note 2)
- Moved all fetchers into the <Webster$Fetch> directory. Websters directory was getting a little crowded.
- Page Up/Page Down and Scrolling now work correctly when the tool bar is at the top of the screen.
- Fixed Vertical Alignment problems with differant text styles on a line.
- Added
Strikethough and Underline tags.
- This version also handles file of type &FAF as if they are HTML files, as I have heard that this is what Acorn have allocated. If this is true later versions will only handle this type.
- You can now save an image clicked on with Menu from the Main Windows
option. (Double click with Adjust has the same effect)
- Copes with inpage links where a full or partial URL is specified. (Previous versions would reload the whole page)
- Added an icon to the toolbar for
Add the current URL to the HotList
(Also added one for printing for the future)
- Added A ScanType file for deciding a files type from it's contents.
- Added Saving the page as a
Draw file
and a Text file
(Both not fully implemented yet).
- Clicking on the Toolbars
icons with Adjust now should fetch the pages images as well as the text.
- Rehashed all this documentation. Updating it, tidying icons, filenames and links etc. Also added advice on bugs in the Bugs file.
- Websters http fetcher should now cope with MIME headers being returned. This Fetcher now needs a 32k WimpSlot. (Doesn't always work though as it needs a
, so it will not yet ask for them)
- Now finds the Bold + Italic style for a font, if there is one. Also much better at nesting fonts.
Style lists now seem to work.
- Now supports Netscape's extensions to Ordered lists. This has unfortunately made decoding slower. (See the Codes file for details)
- This is untested by me!
- This is untested for remote sites.
- A reload of the page is required for any change to be fully effective.
Andrew Pullan, 14th February 1995