80X0393.ZIP Assembly Language Snippets, Freeware/Pd Asm Source Code And Tips. A86CVT.ZIP How to convert MASM files to A86 format A86_D86.SDN A86 MACRO ASSEMBLER V3.22 The fastest,most powerful assembler available (commercial or shareware). Assembles directly to a COM file without 'red-tape' directives, or to OBJ files compatible with high-level languages. Includes the D86 debugger. AE22A.ZIP Asm Edit 2.2a. Updated release of an all new editor tailored for the assembly language programmer. Smart tabs, auto comments, more. Free pgm. ALPRIMER.ZIP Assembly Language Primer. AMAG0289.ZIP Assm Language Magazine, February 1989 AMAG0389.ZIP Assembly Language Magazine March 1989 AMAG0589.ZIP The Assembly Language Magazine, 5/89 issue AMAG1289.ZIP Assembly Language Magazine for 12/89. ASM32.ZIP ASM32 v1.1 Programmer's Toolkit. All kind of functions for 32 bits assembler programming. ASM32PM.ZIP Renaissance '93 Presents PMODE v2.1232 Coded By: Tran Of Renaissance Finally! A raw, DPMI, VCPI, and XMS Compliant Protected Mode System Designed For The Serious 386 Programmer. Works Flawlessly Under DesqView, QEMM, and even. ASMED3.ZIP ASMED programmers editor frm Chicago Software full-featured; v.3.0; shareware. ASMLIB37.ZIP ASMLIB v3.7: LIBrary for MASM, TASM or Turbo C; fast screen updates, pop-up windows, pulldown menus graphics from Hercules to SVGA at 1024x768, 16 or 256 colors, MORE. ASMLOOK.ZIP Asm code to search memory for string. Includes ASM source code. ASMSHELL.ZIP Assembly Language Programming Shell - make simple and repetitive compiling, editing, and linking tasks simple. ASMWIZ16.ZIP Assembly Wizard's Library v1.6 for assembly language (most assemblers are supported). Text and graphics, buffered file I/O, kbd, mouse, exception handler, string support, hi-res timers & countdowns, lots more. Tiny model (.COM format). By Tom Hanlin. ASM_MSC1.ZIP Misc assembly subroutines I. ASM_MSC2.ZIP Misc assembly subroutines II. BLUEBOOK.ZIP Waite Groups ASM language Bluebook source code. BUBBLEII.ZIP Bubble Chamber disassembler CPUID3WK.ZIP CPU identification routine. Same as CPUID3.ZIP but with changes to seven conditional jumps to eliminate severe errors when assembled with MASM 5.1. Contains MASM source code for detecting 8086,80286,80386,80486,Pentium CPUs. Code also detects presence of FPU. 04/27/93 Original from Intel Corp. DIS86216.ZIP DIS86 Interactive Disassembler version 2.16 A full-screen bi-directional scrolling disassembler, knowing & showing details of all specific Intel 8086, 8087, 8088, 80186,80286, 80386 and NEC V20 & V30 opcodes. With very interesting HEX opcode table information for all these CPU's.Shareware DISATR11.ZIP DISASTER v1.0 - Interactive disassembler. This program reads a COM, SYS or EXE file and tries to find out what is code and what is data. The user can interactively correct it, add comments and meaningful labels. Eventually a source-file is produced which can be re-assembled. System requirements: 128K System recommendations: color screen DMA_VLA.ZIP Text file describing how to program DMA transfers in Tasm. DMPPRG20.ZIP Disassembles MS-DOS & Windows 3 .EXE files. DOS32V12.ZIP A 32 bits DOS-Extender for assembler programmers. v1.2. FATAL205.ZIP DOS INT24 System Handler - Good for BBSes Use for Hands Free System Error Handling Handles those hard disk errors TSR: Can be altered and unloaded EASILY! FULL Source code Assembler included. INT70.ZIP ASM Source for generating periodic interrupts with the real time clock controller via interrupt 70H. MATHASM.ZIP Math subroutines in 8086-ASM source code. OBJ2ASM.ZIP Converts a .obj file into assembly language; generates original labels and symbols in some cases and includes qualified support for OS/2. PASSWRD6.ZIP Install password on hard disk, w/ASM source. QUICKREF.ZIP Quick Reference Chart for assembly programmers. REALASM1.ZIP Assembler floating point math support. RS232DVR.ZIP Serial port driver - enhances com1-4. SBDAC.ZIP Sound Blaster C and ASM routines for .VOC programming. START32.ZIP For Assembler programmers -- code to get you in and out of 32bit protected mode. STUFFK.ZIP Information about how keyboard buffer works. TAVIDEO.ZIP Direct access video routines for TASM v1.0 TMASM.ZIP Norton Guide Database For Turbo Assembler And Microsoft Masm. TOASM11A.ZIP Shareware disassembler for COM and EXE. UCRLIB30.ZIP The UCR standard library for Assembly programmers, v3.0. ZEN.ZIP Sources of M. Abrash's book "Zen of Assembler Programmin" ZTIMER11.ZIP Microsecond accuracy timer for C, C++, ASM.