ACTLIB17.ZIP Another C Tools Library v1.7. General purpose libraries for C/C w/C src. Handy date/time, string, calc, and other functions w/BCC source. AGREP.ZIP Grep with several matching methods, including approximate matches. w/C source, UNIX andDOS. BC31P1.ZIP Borland C++ version 3.1 patch for problem with NEW operator causing program aborts. BC4L10.ZIP BC40Lib v1.0 library for Borland C/C++ 4.0 Device independant DOS graphics. GUI parts include ascii editor, ascii viewer with search and print, and file selection dialog box. Mouse, joystick, interrupt driven keyboard, easy file i/o, advanced math, precision timimg, dos, strings, plus MORE! Shareware ($45) Rockland Software Productions BC4P06.ZIP Borland C 4.0 Patch #6, Fixes problems in Run time library. BCTI_94.ZIP Borland C Technical Information Files from 1994. BIN2H.ZIP Bin2h - This Program Converts Any File To A C Header File. BLTC18.ZIP BULLET is a super-fast, super-small B-tree/dBASE .DBF, transaction-based, multi-user database toolkit for DOS C/C++ compilers. Also availble for BASIC. BULLET DOS C version 1.08, 04-Feb-94. CEPHES22.ZIP Math/scientific/trig functions for C; w/C src. Includes probability functions and recent additions as of November, '92. Contains sub-dirs, use PKUNZIP -D to preserve same. CFAQ1093.ZIP Internet comp.lang.c FAQ. CFQA1093.ZIP Internet comp.lang.c FAQ. Abridged. CKIT258.ZIP CKIT2.58; Door Developer kit for Microsoft C, Quick C, Turbo C and BC++. Supports PCBoard 12.0, 14.0 -> 14.5, WILDCAT!, DOOR.SYS, DORINFOx.DEF and ANY BBS known. CLEARC11.ZIP ClearC V1.1 is intended for C programmers to help make C program files more legible by spacing operators, function calls, control guards, and by reformatting the code to a specified style and indentation preference. ClearC is a great tool for those who have to maintain or understand C programs developed by others. Shareware ($30) from Invariant Software. CLT165.ZIP CLint v1.65: tool which reads the source files of your C programs, & generates reports about possible problems; R&D Associates. CPPFAQ.ZIP FREQUENTLY-ASKED-QUESTIONS for C++ (7-9-93) This is a text document categorized by topics by Marshall P. Cline, Ph.D. of Paradigm Shift Inc. CRUNCH22.ZIP The CRUNCHER v2.2 is a series of signal processing routines for the C programmer. The libraries will run under both Borland C and Microsoft C applications. The routines include FFTs, wavelets, coherence analysis, auto and cross covariance, digital filters, linear regression, moments, Wigner-Ville, spectral analysis and many more.... CTASK22C.ZIP CTask v2.2c - a Multitasking Kernel for C - complete with docs, etc. Released to the Public Domain by the German author. CTOOLS10.ZIP Generic C source code: hash tables, stacks, queues, etc. (3-92). DDJCOMPR.ZIP Source/exe from Dr.Dobbs data compressors (contest?). Various algorithms DFPP30.ZIP Yet-another-iteration of Stevens' D-FLAT, SAA/CUA interface, this one with no docs to speak of, for BC 3.1 only, includes TED, an editor (doesn't he know there's a famous TED?). DDJ. EMSCLA.ZIP C++ class for EMS access. Shareware version limited to 1 MB. Easy to use. EMSIF24.ZIP EMSIF - Version independent C Interface to LIM EMS v3.0+ functions v2.4. ENCOM100.ZIP EnCom v1.0 - Comm lib for Borland C. GUILIB20.ZIP GUI Library v2.0, David S. Reinhart Associates. One of the finest graphics libraries available for use with Borland C++ and Borland's Turbo C++ compilers. Using the GUI library will enable you to create graphic based applications to run in DOS just as easily as creating text based applications. Pushbuttons, icons, text entry fields, bitmaps, radio buttons, checkboxes, mouse control, sound queues,... MUCH MORE! Some of the features in this library are found nowhere else! Now you can harness the power and intuitiveness of the Graphic User Interface for use in your applications. From paint programs to databases, all of your programs can benefit from the use of graphics. GZIP107S.ZIP Gzip 1.0.7 C source code (GNU zip) is a compression utility designed to be a replacement for 'compress'. Its main advantages over compress are much better compression and freedom from patented algorithms. The GNU Project uses it as the standard compression program for its system. HH_STR13.ZIP An extensive, well documented, C-language library for dealing with strings and characters. Has a NIFTY on-line function finder plus a Key Word In Context (KWIC) index to find what you need. IPXSTUFF.ZIP Novell Ipx Send/Receive File/Buffer Library With Source In C Allows Peer-To-Peer Communications On A Netware Lan. ISAM101A.ZIP ISAM Manager v 1.01. Database Programming System for C++. Full B+Tree/ISAM database system which is really easy to use. Very fast single-user system! Multiple indexes per file, multiple fields per index. Up to 2 billion records per file! Requires Zortech C++ v 3.0 or later, Borland C++ v 3.1 or later, or Microsoft Visual C++. DOS and Windows libraries provided. IXREF11B.ZIP Interactive Cross Reference (IXREF) v1.1B: simple programming tool that helps you quickly understand C or C++ source code by turning C or C++ code into a crossreferencing database, w/interactive features. KAFSORT.ZIP KAFS 2.0 is a complete file system and sort package for C programmers. Includes source code, instructions, specifications, and associated utilities-- everything needed to write utility and application software using this unique system. The code is compact, fast, and easily implemented. The file system has been run on 8088 systems and shown to be at least as fast as anything else available. Shareware ($39.95) from Dimestore Software. LCOMM7.ZIP LITECOMM v7.00 - LiteComm is a toolkit for async communications. Its supports up to 4 ports simultaneously. Interrupt driven. Features full support of 16550 FIFO, automatic flow control, Hayes modem support and much, much more. The standard in shareware communications. Used by programmers worldwide. Low registration fee, no royalties. LZWLIB.ZIP LZW Lib is a library of functions that will allow you to do, in your C pgms, some of the things you can do from the DOS cmdline w/such pgms as PKZIP/PKUNZIP, ARC, LHARC, etc. MBLIB10.ZIP Hudson Message Interface Library For C. MC310PC1.ZIP Micro-C 3.10 - Small C compiler that creates SMALL com/exes. MCOMM558.ZIP The LIB(s) and 'C' source files in thisZIP file are libraries of serial communications functions designed specifically for use with Microsoft C, Turbo C / C++, and Zortech C/C++. Libraries used to create TXZM230.ZIP MOUSPP30.ZIP Mouse C++ v3.0 general mouse class for TC++ and BC++. Mouse interface with numerous cursors, and display modes. Includes demo program. MTL100JE.ZIP Class DOSThread provides a framework for writing DOS applications which consist of multiple (pseudo-)parallel "threads" of execution; DOS was not designed as a multi-threading operating system but this class allows you to create multithreaded DOS applications without worrying about such problems. NATLOG.ZIP MS C v6 source, makefile, and .EXE for program to compute 'e' to 5000 places. OBJEAS30.ZIP ObjectEase 3.0 - The ULTIMATE interface library for Borland C . Complete support for both text and graphics modes. Includes every interface object that you could think of. Buttons, list boxes, icons, PCX support, mouse support, scroll bars, the list goes on and on. This library package will save you more time and money than any other product of its kind. Don't delay, you nEED ObjectEase today! PCL4C40.ZIP Personal Communications Library for C v4.0: asynch comm. lib supporting COM1-COM10 to 115200 baud, 4 ports concurrently, all memory models, DigiBoard PC/8, INS16550, interrupt driven, RTS/CTS flow control; supports Turbo & Borland C, MIX Power C, MS C,& Quick C; includes terminal pgm with ASCII, XMODEM, YMODEM, YMODEM-G; and much more. PROMODEM.ZIP ProModem v1.5! Async Interrupt Driven Serial Communication Library. Supports CTS/RTS, up to 115k Baud, Up to 64k receive queue. Works with all Microsoft and Borland C/C++ Compilers. Comes with sample BBS and TERMINAL programs with source. Shareware. REGEXP3.ZIP Regular Expression pattern matching routines for C programmers. Very nice, well behaved portable C sourcecode. Compile and link or build an add-on library using LIB. Like wildcards, but much much more powerful. Distributable C sourcecode to regexp(3) from BSD Unix 5.2 (This code donated to UC Berkeley by the University of Toronto.) RZSZ0693.ZIP Unix Zmodem 'C' Source Files; Rz V3.25 Sz Version 25 From Telegodzilla. SBPROG10.ZIP This is a set of C++ source code to allow PC programmers to make use of the Sound Blaster card, in particular the digitised sample recording and playback modes; it uses classes so that your code can be independent of the particular sound driver being used; the only driver included is for the SB card but it is easy to add others. SNIP0493.ZIP C_Echo Snippets courtesy of Bob Stout. A must for serious C program developers, this contains invaluable tips, hints, and misc. C functions to be added to your bag of tricks April, '93 edition. STRPP300.ZIP String++, String Classes For Borland And Turbo C. STRX221.ZIP StrX C++ (Borland or Turbo C) Source code. This string class is designed to maximize usability and efficiency. This is done in part through composition, efficiency through reference counting, and efficiency through user-definable memory allocation. TGE129C.ZIP The Graphics Engine 1.29áC (PUBLIC BETA) - TGE is a VGA/SVGA graphics library for C/C++ programmers, with complete source code. TGE has such features as a powerful library of graphical and mouse interface functions, device-independence, support for loadable drivers and fonts, virtual screens, viewports and advanced clipping, output modes, virtual coordinates, bitmap scaling, definable mouse pointers, and more. TI_BC1.ZIP Collection of Borland Tecnical Information files relating to their C/C++ products. A 4DOS descript.ion file is included with descriptions for each file. TI_BC2.ZIP Collection of Borland Tecnical Information files relating to their C/C++ products. A 4DOS descript.ion file is included with descriptions for each file. TVTOOL17.ZIP TurboVision Tools Library. A library dedicated to TV which contain many general purpose functions. Source is included. UFEXPAND.ZIP Msdos, 'C' Utility Library For Wildcarding A Powerful Command Line Expansion Library. VC1501.ZIP Visual C v1.5 Patch #1 Fixes problems with IDE debugger. VC1DXF.ZIP Microsoft Application Note for C/C containing increased file libraries for Visual C (DOS). VLIB107.ZIP ViewLib 1.07 file viewer library for C programmers. Allows reports and files to be viewed from within your program. The view window is movable and resizable. Outstanding! VSA25611.ZIP VSA256 v1.1 Graphics library for C programmers. 256 color VESA library for modes 100,101,103,105, and 107. Includes demo program. WGT_TC1.ZIP Wordup 256 color VGA graphics toolkit for Turbo C. WRITEJAM.ZIP The write-to-jam C function, Dec 1993 An example of a function to write to the JAM(mbp) (the message base format by Joaquim Homrighausen, Andrew Milner, Mats Birch, and Mats Wallin). This message base is in use with many BBS's and this sample code is meant primarily for door authors needing a hand in writing JAM messages. Includes JAM library for MSC & Borland C compilers. By Michael Lecuyer Fidonet 1:2600/140, Internet XLLIST.ZIP 'C' Virtual Memory list manager. XMSIF15.ZIP Xms interface for Borland/Turbo/Ms C/C++. XREF31.ZIP XREF v3.1 - (formally C xref) cross-references any number of C modules and outputs: 1) A list of their global variables and constants. 2) A summary listing of the functions. 3) A verbose list of the functions. 4) A tree of the function's calls and callers. From DA Software. Shareware. XSHARP21.ZIP C++ source for Xtra Sharp 21 3D graphics program. YAMP15.ZIP Yet Another Matrix Program v1.5 C++ matrix algebra package with virtual option for large matrix operations. C++ source code for TC++ and MSC++, and documentation.