PDFO6TT1 - VISCII Vietnamese Truetype Font PD Package #6 Release 1.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jan 21, 1994 This font package contains 7 new VISCII TrueType typefaces (14 fonts): The fonts are contribute by Mr. Tra^`n Sy~ Hu+ng (Vn-Font, Switzerland) Anh DDa`o anhdao1t.ttf thu+o+`ng Anh DDa`o Hoa anhdao1h.ttf hoa Lu.c Bi`nh lucbin1t.ttf thu+o+`ng Lu.c Bi`nh Hoa lucbin1h.ttf hoa Mo^.c Lan moclan1t.ttf thu+o+`ng Mo^.c Lan Hoa moclan1h.ttf hoa Quy`nh Mai quymai1t.ttf thu+o+`ng Quy`nh Mai Hoa quymai1h.ttf hoa Qua^n Tu+? quantu1t.ttf thu+o+`ng Qua^n Tu+? Hoa quantu1h.ttf hoa Thie^n Ly' thiely1t.ttf thu+o+`ng Thie^n Ly' Hoa thiely1h.ttf hoa Ti-Go^n tigon_1t.ttf thu+o+`ng Ti-Go^n Hoa tigon_1h.ttf hoa The number "1" in the filename and the VI in the fontname specify VISCII 1.1 The fonts use VISCII 1.1 encoding by Viet-Std, and can be used with any application that uses VISCII fonts. Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0) Erase the old version of these fonts if you have them installed previously. First, click on the "Control" icon, then "ABC" , then when a panel listing the available fonts appears, select the old font, then select delete. If you don't delete the old font , there is a chance that because of the fonts having the same name, the old font will always get selected. 2) Make a directory , for ex. VNFONTS: C: MKDIR C:\VNFONTS then change to that directory: CD C:\VNFONTS 3) Copy the file from the floppy: COPY B:pdfo6tt1.EXE C: or copy b:pdfo6tt1.zip c: if you have the zip file. and run it to extract the fonts: C:pdfo6tt1 or pkunzip pdfo6tt1.zip 4) Run Windows. Then double click on the Control icon. It will pop up a panel. Look for the icon "ABC" (for fonts), then double click on this icon. This in turn will pop up another window, with panes showing what fonts are currently installed. Click on the "Add" button, then select the directory containing the Vietnamese fonts. The fonts' names will be displayed on a panel. Click on a font name and "OK" to install it. Repeat this procedure for the other font names. Then close the Control window. 5) To use Vietnamese fonts in a Windows application, select the font and use it. 6) To type in Vietnamese for any Windows application, you need the programs WinVNKey or VietVU by TriChlor. Or you can generate a VISCII file under DOS using VietDos/vnelvis, VPS, butviet, etc., and read in that file from the Windows application. Commercial VN software such as T-Script by TIEN can also read and write in VISCII. Or if you have no access to 8-bit tools, you can write in Viet-Net/SCV/VIQR style, and use the program viet7to8 to convert it to VISCII. For "Write", make sure you select "No conversion". For Microsoft Word, choose the "Text only" filter. Then select the whole text, and change to Vietnamese fonts. Also see the note about Hoa font below. 7) To print is easy. Just click on print. Any printer supported by Windows will print Vietnamese. 8) To print on a Unix network PostScript printer: in Windows, select a PostScript printer, then select "Print to File". Return to the program, start printing. A window will pop up and ask you for a file name. Enter a file name. Transfer this file to Unix (using ftp or whatever), then just print it (lpr filename). The HOA (uppercase) fonts ========================= Each typeface comes with 2 fonts, a normal font and a HOA font, with the HOA font name ended in H. For example: UHoai : normal font, both lowercase and uppercase chars. UHoaiH : HOA font, all uppercase characters. In order to produce some of the uppercase chars, particularly the ones coded in C0 ( A(? A(~ A^~ Y? Y~ Y. ), you may need to switch to the corresponding HOA font for each of the typeface, for some applications. Basically, in the HOA font, all the chars are capital (uppercase), so if you type "a?" you will get "A?", or select "a?" in the text, and switch to HOA font to get "A?". The reason is Vietnamese has 134 chars, and usable slots are less than 128 :-( . VISCII 1.1 has been designed so that all lowercase chars and most uppercase chars are usable by most existing software. Some software uses certain Vietnamese chars for their internal purpose, most of the time in the uppercase area. Therefore, when one wants to produce certain uppercase using these software, just switch to HOA font. Each font comes with a normal font, and a HOA font to alleviate this problem. Normally, the normal font should take care of most of your needs. Have fun writing ! .............................................................................. For more information, you can contact the individual font authors, or the vn-fonts electronic mailing list: vn-fonts@cccogp.com VISCII is the 8-bit Vietnamese coding scheme by Viet-Std. For more information on the VISCII standard, contact: via email : viet-std@haydn.stanford.edu via postal mail: Viet-Std 1212 Somerset Dr. San Jose, CA 95132, USA Contributions of new fonts or comments regarding the fonts should be directed to the vn-fonts@cccogp.com mailing list. COPYRIGHTS ~~~~~~~~~~ The fonts are copyrighted by the appropriate artists of the VN-Fonts Team. All rights reserved. The fonts are released to general public domain, but all rights are reserved. You may use, copy, distribute these fonts in any form, as long as you do not charge a fee for doing so, and included this copyright notice. No modification allowed, unless permission has been explicitly given by the copyright owners. The fonts are provided as is, without any express or implied warranty.