========================================================= LEARN JAVA NOW BY STEPHAN R. DAVIS COMPANION CD COPYRIGHT (C) 1996 BY STEPHAN R. DAVIS ========================================================= The JavaNow directory contains the sample source code and class files of the examples presented in Learn Java Now by Stephan R. Davis. The \JDK Examples directory contains example programs from the Java Development Kit (JDK) that were written by Sun Microsystems, Inc. and are in the public domain. Run the Setup program in the JavaNow directory to install the "Learn Java Now" files. You can copy the files directly off the CD-ROM if you prefer but you'll need to manually remove the read-only attribute from each file. CONTENTS -------- KNOWN PROBLEMS REPLACEMENT CD FEEDBACK KNOWN PROBLEMS -------------- TILDE (~) SHORT FILENAMES INSTALLED OR FILES NOT FOUND: You might experience problems running the Setup program on computers running Microsoft Windows NT 3.51 and some configurations of Microsoft Windows 95. This includes the following error: Setup cannot access the source file 'D:\MSDEV\VJUPDATES.HTML'. Furthermore, various files and directories on this CD-ROM will contain short filenames ending with a tilde character followed by a number (for example, ~1). CAUSE: The CD-ROM for the Microsoft Press book titled "Learn Java Now" was duplicated using long filenames and filenames containing spaces and lowercase letters. The ISO 9660 specification, which is a long-standing CD-ROM file system (CDFS) specification, does not allow spaces or lowercase letters in filenames. Microsoft Windows NT 3.51 and MS-DOS (with or without Windows 3.1) cannot read CD-ROM filenames that contain spaces or lowercase letters. However, Microsoft Windows 95 extends the CDFS to allow spaces, lowercase letters, and long filenames by using CD-ROM drivers designed for this capability. Because Windows 95 permits extended CD-ROM filenames, it does not have problems reading the CD-ROM for this book. However, Windows 95 configurations that use MS-DOS (or real mode) CD-ROM drivers will not be able to access the extended CD-ROM filenames on this CD-ROM. The setup program specifically references the long filenames, so it fails to see the short filename version of the file. WORKAROUNDS: For Windows 95, the best method of correcting this problem is to obtain a Windows 95 CD-ROM driver. Please contact your CD-ROM manufacturer for the latest drivers for your model CD-ROM. There is no correction or update available for Windows NT 3.51. Windows NT 3.51 users should upgrade to Windows NT 4.0 in order to solve this problem. To work around the short filename issue without upgrading any operating system components, you can look up the proper long filename in the text file DIRLIST.TXT on this CD-ROM. This file contains a list of the short filenames and their long filename equivalent. Further information regarding this issue can be found by connecting to the Microsoft Press Support Web site at: http://www.microsoft.com/mspress/support/ Once at this site, click the Knowledge Base hyperlink, and then enter the keyword "ISO 9660" (without quotes) and press the GO button. For a list of all known comments and corrections specific to "Learn Java Now," please connect to the same Web site and enter the keywords "Learn Java Now" (without quotes) and press the GO button. If no articles are found, then there are no new comments or corrections for this title. REPLACEMENT CD -------------- If you require a replacement CD, please call the Microsoft Order Desk at 1-800-360-7561. However, please note that a replacement disk will not resolve the issue noted in the Known Problems section of this file. FEEDBACK -------- Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this book and the contents of the companion disc. If you have comments, questions, or ideas regarding this book or the companion disc, please write to Microsoft Press at the following address: Attn.: Learn Java Now Editor Microsoft Press One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 You can also send feedback to Microsoft Press via electronic mail at mspinput@microsoft.com. Please note that product support for Visual J++ is not offered through this e-mail address. =================================