TTuurrbbooRRSS ----------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1993 Neat and Nifty Software PPuubblliicc DDoommaaiinn DDooccuummeennttaattiioonn TTuurrbbooRRSS ----------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.00 CCooppyyrriigghhtt NNoottiiccee TurboRS is Copyright 1993 by Neat and Nifty Software This document is Copyright 1993 by Neat and Nifty Neither this document or associated software may be copied in whole or in part without the expressed permission of Neat and Nifty, unless distributed in its entire form along with all associated files. Release 1.00 of TurboRS is released as Public Domain and may be distributed on diskette or in archival form provided that the following files are included: TURBORS.TXT This document NOTICE.TXT Public Domain Notice TURBORS.PRG The software driver TURBOCNF.TTP Software Utility EXAMPLES.S Assembly Programming Examples ORDER.FRM Order Form for TurboRS DDiissccllaaiimmeerr Neat and Nifty makes no warranty of any kind, either stated or implied to the appropriateness of this product for any particular purpose. Continued use of this product is done entirely at the users own risk. Under no circumstances shall Neat and Nifty be liable for any damages (including loss of data, business time or information, or any other form of loss) incurred through use of this product, even if Neat and Nifty has been advised in advance of the possibility of such damages. NNoottiiccee This public domain release is not the complete TurboRS package. TurboRS itself is a hardware upgrade for the Atari ST line of computers which boosts the maximum baud rate of the ST serial port (TT Modem1) to 115200 baud. This release is meant to demonstrate TurboRS functionality, and also to provide a reference for programmers who wish to support it. The TurboRS hardware is required to use the extended baud rates supported by this package. i TTuurrbbooRRSS Hardware design: Daryl Richards Hardware testing: Daryl Richards Kevin Tessner Driver design: Daryl Richards Driver coding: Daryl Richards Kevin Tessner TurboCNF design and coding: Kevin Tessner Documentation: Kevin Tessner Edited By: Tass Chapman Atari TT Supplied by: George Kirkaldie Beta Testing: Daryl Richards Kevin Tessner George Kirkaldie ii CCoonntteennttss 1 T_u_r_b_o_R_S_ 1 How it Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 T_h_e_ T_u_r_b_o_R_S_ D_r_i_v_e_r_ 2 3 U_s_i_n_g_ T_u_r_b_o_C_N_F_ 3 Setting the Current Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Remapping Baud Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Locking a Baud Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Locking Flow Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Viewing and Clearing the Settings . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Saving and Reloading the Settings . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Disabling / Enabling TurboRS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 P_r_o_g_r_a_m_m_i_n_g_ f_o_r_ T_u_r_b_o_R_S_ 5 Through Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Through Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 38400 Without TurboRS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 5 N_e_a_t_ a_n_d_ N_i_f_t_y_ 7 I_n_d_e_x_ 8 iii TurboRS (C) 1993 Neat and Nifty Page 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 11 TT_uu_rr_bb_oo_RR_SS_ In association with a small software driver, TurboRS allows your ST's serial port to operate at extended rates up to 115200 baud. The serial port remains fully software compatible, and is usually hardware compatible as well. The TurboRS software will work with any version of Tos running on any processor. HHooww iitt WWoorrkkss The baud rates in the ST are generated by System Timer D. The TurboRS board merely intercepts Timer D's output and replaces it with an externally generated signal for rates higher than 19200 baud. This interception is controlled by the unused RTS outputs of the MIDI and Keyboard control chips, or ACIAs. By using the software driver other programs can access the extended rates through standard system calls. TurboRS also allows you to remap any baud rate onto another. For example 300 baud can become 38400 proginstant compatibility with older software. In addition, new communications products are being developed that directly support the extended rates without any remapping at all. Although TurboRS can beginstalled in the Atari TT, please note that it works only on the Modem1 porting onwill have no effect, hardware or software, on the other available serial ports. There may be a future release which will work with Modem1 and Modem2. Some software on the Atari ST is marginally too slow to handle rates above 19200 baud g onwill lose characters during full speed bursts. TAZ, a high perpromance terminal package from Neat and Nifty Software,nwill operate reliably at higher speeds. Machines running with accelerators as low as 12Mhz have few problems, while 16Mhz Mega STEs and Atari TTs handle the higher baud rates with ease. TurboRS (C) 1993 Neat and Nifty Page 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 22 TT_hh_ee_ TT_uu_rr_bb_oo_RR_SS_ DD_rr_ii_vv_ee_rr_ Te _bb_eatware,nwill oper,9ftwarbd ng plURBORSulopo4 . .urstsmfe com ion im P Mp dcows your p ter. . ue R, while 16M brce,nd ratdcowve noup tog yu ratAI1Ty e tDl mr_ sog yu r9f eplam gnc mr_ yu r9f neatware,nwill oper,9ftwarbd ng plURB3opc Ouim bs up to Trogramd with ease. TurboRmayAtar mes 9ng on any processor. C4,m gas 12M gnc mcompatied ratA a_uu_rrga ST cS or pNnmay bD_rri,RS also th older softwgr example 300 baud can rdrBu teat and allowTy e WSTEs ichD mvR oropc sr _SSeNnmae993 Neat and Nifty Pag re,t to opo s aewTyso SSuCsnmcmcompatied ratA a_uu_rrgat c le 300 twarn any proosmftwarn any proosmftwarn any proosmftwo software will won any p TinmcmPeh eSSuTtheaSPr. N with 7tZo TinmcmPeh eSSuTtheaSPr. N with . .p 300 twaFill won any p rrrr_per,9l oial2witth(Dnruu awewn any p rrrrR,agr eRS (C) 1993 NeaSTEaog  _bb thd N with . .p 300 twaFill won any p rrrr_Ria,9eh eSSuTtoc m  rr_pe,u won any p rrrr_Ria,9eh eSarn au au proos_SradlcmPeh eSSuTthver, TurboR worinti8,tyrmesa.A h_ee_ TT_uu_rr_bb_oo_RR_SS_ DD_rr_iilsorts. There iycaa DD_rr_iil slward m bny Ar_iil slslC,9b thd pobb any ppesa.inl other prograotZo TinmcmPeh eSdeh en aierbd n thr pe,u wo kW00 twaly sorts. There iycaa DD_rr_iil mayisCmning ons ai Nifty Software,nwGhthe extel pkW00 twaly sore no effecroorZ, Sl slslC,9b thd pobb any ppesa.inl other prograotZo r, Pk. iFp olm h_eer rmesa.A _e f work wk wkm thdobbr_Ria,9eh_eer rmesa.Aaptts. ,ty yrmRf work wk wkmion of Tos running on any processo_cm Pk. iFp olm h_eer rmesa.A _e f work wk wkmtl_ehaslfrb9200 CaINeed s---. prA_bcesso_cm Pk. yS(s Pk. o0(aeSrLfr_iSutll wsMs 9_ DD_rr_iilsortsXDiw 9b .inl other prograotZo r, Pk. iFppw,2ulfehc sDl eHe frito TivaDDr_vamo ehpeathonposmftwarn any proosmftwo software wRge e,nwa.inl o93 NeSSrdware or software, on the other available serial ports. TherialeaotZo srdware or softwarcn) 1993 Neat aoem h_eer rharg p aaotZrekmion_D_.iei iwil_ie running with acix9s ag_SwRgL twlsyR,arg p aoaddition, ne rh,rinl otheel c wny p rrcn a, wkmtports. TherialeairvadvailaBb rh,rio_cm Pk. yS(s Pk. o0(aeSrLail mayisCmning ons ai Nifty Software,ilsoended rate,9E r_ba_uu_rrgat c le 300 twarn any proosmftwarn any proosmft aiyoy iion im ts. rn TRia,9eh_eey bw sDl eHe frito TivaDDavis r prry bw RmcPG iFp (aeSng mao Tthe, P r: r\y iare diiw oss rr, Tanch acceleratorsRmiou sDl eHended rat C anadda o the other available serial ports. Therogravailable whicsg frsmfoft eHended s 9_ BrialeaotZo srdware or softwarcDi_ DD_rr_iilsorts. There iycaa DD_rr_iil s E ft iau Fp hddINawb iFp irI,pw,2ulfehc sa br_RiR~ ac S(s Pk. seriaaiFp irI,pw,2 sa ) brguaCulsI plURBFp irIs TurboRmayAtar mes 9ng on any procp irI,pw,2u. rr, TanPo m ts. rn TRia,9ote,9E ----T mes 9ng on e_eea,9s 9ng ynlsc any pny proo:oePle amesb tianaddwcanFilTyAtar mvlplURBFp irIs TurboRd n aor softiig mo,ft sfn ) !:oerSg9i Fp hddINawb iFof ThomRawb oerSg9i Fp hddINawb iFof ThomR/p h,Pti TurbTrCrguaa.AeeA Turmoo wnp ,ftcan3lsoended raINawb iFsacix9s TRia,9ote,9uarTFsacix9s TRndedFog9ie 2u. rr, TanPo m ts. rn TRia,9ote,9E ----T mes ,aiada1osguaa.AeeA Tan---T mesiE ----T mes ,aiasp,Dlelo hSu_ie serp p vwD_rr_iil s E ft iau Fp hd:iay SoftasCmning ons ai Nifty Software,ilsoendedn.inl otraidg_RiR~ ac ppgomionGIs GTtar mes 9ng on any procp irI,pw,2u. rr, TanPo m ts. rn TR s2ie f Fp l Turboe_Fp l ns---irIn mayleaotZo nT mrPp(vrPslE_ba_uu_rrgat c slE_bsppgomionGIs GTtar yu r9f2u.emiFp (a.A _e f worPded rapw,ay Softasorts. Therenlppgomitp iefpnPo m Sapafripttud nku aniled r dvUu Fp hddINawb S(ssorts. Therenlppgomitp iefpnPo m Sapafripttud nku anilee_r, Tanch_.iei h`Fp l cesso_cm Pk. yS(s Pk. o0(aeSr ac agatc le 300 twa9E ----T mes ,a_ee_ TT_uuuue aafr_uuuueT_uuuue aafr_uu b thd N 9ng onI _00 rR noyN,9oteGfthd N 9ngdGl,eh_ N TurA Pk. ,u wo kW00 twal DD_rr_iil s E ft iau Fp hddlbTurnPo mhaCulsI plURB mestr rts. Therogravailable whdedSat wiornPo m Smilwsacix9s m Pkp rrrr_per,9ucmPe rts. Therogravailable whdedSat wiornPo mrk,9ucmPe rts.Bddlb_iil s E gud nku aniae uaoftwa,lwrio_cm Pk. yS(-pGmps TRia,9ote,9ph srtar mes 9ng on any procp irI,4u_ TT_uuuue nnileSdeable whdedSat wiornPo mrk,9ucmPe rts.Bwprl1 brgufflt bro ngdng mao_r_,ebv,omionGIs GTtar mes 9ng on any pr4 Oaa,9 2ullsoen,Uo[ r:aniled r dvU_ph srtar mes 9ng on rP\pts. tm Pk. lwrio_cm Pk. ywsacix9s m Pkp r_ f Fp l Turboe_Fp l ns---irIn T fthd N 9ngdGl,eh_ N TurA Pk.sleSdeI1p peIs Gd9 2uy r_ : ms s. _ishdedTurmiI,4u_ TT wkm thdobbr_Ri_ DD_rArLp iorif[ eHiycaa aFp or softwarcDi_ DD_rr_iil' nD_r,4u5 iFsacix9s TRiaetTurboRtware,ilsoended rate,9E Seae soilt T fthd Turboe_Fp l ns---irIn T fthd ory aiaetBg mao_rrgat c slE_bsppgomionGIs re,ilsoenGd9 2uy r_ : ms s. _ishdedTurmiI,4u_Seae soillisF_rrgkys TTe(nshdedTurmiI,4u_Seae soillisF_rrgkedph srtovtS sso_c E availaiAot8RXwogdng mao_r_,ebv,omionGIs n,pt_r : ms s. _ishdedTurmim. s sfnme: mWny proodrk. . _ishdedTurmiI,4u_Seae soillisF_rrgkys TTe(nsF srtr_s(iefi8 gSoftasrgSoftasrgSoftasrgSoftasrgSoftasrgSooyng ftwCpd Dup ft iau Fp hddlbTurnPo mhaCulsI e2_00 /orts. TherialeaotZspapr dviAot8RXwogdng iorif[ eHTheri Vs rnPo mrk,9ucmPe rts.Bwprl1 brgufflt TTNvr ons ai Nifty Software,ilsoendeuuhHtbthen,Uo[ r:aniled r dvU_ph srtar mes 9ng on rt(nsg_aniledpduu b tned rapw,ay Softasorts. Therenlppgomitphle whdedSat : mm dvU_ph srtonIPT : P th 4 O0uuuRe or Ts E ms s.ffSl 4 O0uf : ms s.imedSGfthd N 9ngdGl,eltvoen,Uo[ r:aniled r dvU_ph sPfp(lwrr thdneh_emsydvU_ph srtonIPT : P th 4 O0uuuh anaT m9re aafr_uuU_ph G Uylppgomitphle whdedSat : mm dvU_ph srtonIPT : FnulOhe rts. Theo,sppghn1 so. ap,D4tywsacBNaDD ph G Uylppgrrgat c slE_bdGl,eltvoen,Uo[ r:aniled r dvU_ph dedTurmim. s sfnme:2ay Sooin:2ay S dedTurmimnts. Therogravailable whdedSat wiornPo mrPr herograv_ 1ilable whdedSooi r2dSograiD_uuU_ph GPO0uuhHtbthen,Uo[ r:aniled r dvU_nU_iT4 O0uu ft iau Fp hddlb seeredft iau FPcrediyD_rr_iieI,4u_ T,4u_Seae scp heraa Neim. s sfnmems s.imedSGfthd N 9nycaa aFp hd srtonIPTsfnmim Crguaa.AeeA Turmoo wnp ,ftcan3lsoended raINawb 4 O0ukup ft iau Fp hddlbT8dedSat1lydTurdR uhdedTurwsuim.onIPTsfnmimGcBNam O0uuuRe or Ts2cix9sRrtontm.onIsEleSBrgat cofta O0uuuRe oddlbT8dedSat1lydTurdR uhdedTurwsuim.onIPTsflbT8dedSat1lydTurdR uhdedTurwsuim.onIPTsflbT8dedSat1lydTIn r8dedSatdeuuhHtbthen,Uo[ r:aniled r dvU_ph rboe_Fp l ns---irIn T fthd N 9Fg ons ai Nuffl1m.omoph k. ,u cmoIret brgufflt TTat1es 9ngnIsEleSBrgaNdLWh:C 9ngnIsEle.onISdeableeim. s sfFR Pyaph m Crga4csns-lg,MIasaa,9 2ullsoen,Uo[ r:aniled r dvU_y,Uotm. yS(-pGmps TRiaw,2hdedTu bgomiodr:aniled r dvU_ph dedTurile.esR.Tce y h mr.ithd N ftthd Gd raINawb 4 O0ukup ft iau tFB tei,rEosk1RiawiLiiysun yhmiSFB tei,rErAp lkedph srto N nIPTsflbT8dedSat1lydTurdR uhdedyurdR uhd dSat1lydTurdR uhdedTurwsuim.onIPTsflbT8dedSat1lydTurdR uNfie.. Tc1piei,rEosk1Rwi dopI1p peIs rtyapeI1pwio4eR uhdle a raSi:C 9iuhd wiora raSielhdobbElenisuim.onIPTsflbT8dedSat1lydTurdR uhdedTur dopI1p peIs rtyaCl peIfrwsuim,4u_nIPTssthd le.onISdeablet8dedSat1lyd_g_anilh:C 9ngnIsFmIfrwsuiOarurihdlPsU_y,imnt4PTskaty acix9s m PPpwi als niawih-6 Gd SedTurmim. s sfnme: mWny proodrk. .ah-6 Gd SedTurmim. s sfnme: mWny proodrk. .ah-6 Gd SdlbT8dedSat1lydT peIfrwsuim,4u_nIPTssthd le.onISdeablet8dedSats.inm Pk. lwriWeS(-pGmepI1p Nys pm. rrtrEosk1Rwi oopmrfi cm Nys pl.rtrasrgSoftasrgSoftasrgSoftasrgSooyng ftwCpd Dup ft iau4 O0uu ft iau s slE_bsppgiays i iorif[ eHTheri Vs rnPo mrk,9onIKc bT8rN uhd tcrmntripsEleSBrgatNrihdlk1Rwi rasr1Pyakd  eongurilpmrfi cm Nnp AL eonydTIndR M iayawsuwih-6 Gd , TuelPs dbpniatO sofIa+Vmm dvU_ph tcKcpIIIInIsEleSBrhdlPsU_t1lydTurdR uhdedTei,rEpniatO sofim.onI 2ullsoen,UleSoiled r dvU_ph_ur metaonyde soe,ilsoendys hfflt }tn,UeI,4u_ T,4u_Seae scp heraa Ne.. Tsscp heTssc8loSat1:dR uhah-6 Gd d dr edTuib, slsk1_eie, irmnetaonyi4uCueirtonH7uh,i sfthd acixsfPng erav_ 1ilab3etaru acaru so ia_otaonydesiTursmo1 ia_otaonydesiTursmo1 ia_ota scp he, dpr dval  eonguripmr0oi4uCoh-6 Gd d b,1risaa,4u_ T,4tE,rEosk1GonIS fRF e eos p4uChnerfNbT8dauru w,A Tual TurrpfPtdlbTurnP fgM iayfahdCNR trEoiorn n Tsskguri1AlmfilabedyurdR uhdlethah-Kceaeo_Seaeu erauoh-6 Gd d b,1risaa,4u_ T,4tE,rEoskoendrn lyd_g_anilh:C 9nTlr:aniled pmim. s sfnme:2ay Sooin:2ay S dedTusmrk,9onIKc bT8rsa-6 GdydTurdR uhdedoy SE,rEosk1GonneE,rEoskGPotEcN3toI3fRF 4 OfilrruhdletnGciorprmnetx9sRrtontm.onIDb,1ritths bt[1ri s sfnme: vtulkeerav_ :tanilmetaonyde soe,ilsoendys hfflt Db,1rfNbT8dauru w,A Tual TurrpfPtdlbTurnP rIn T flsoended raINmGd d dr edftr 7uh,i sfthd acixsfhetaonyi4uCueirtonH7uh,i sfthd d acaeo_e.oaru w,A Tual Tuc bT8rsa-ruc bT8rsa-rua scp he, dpr dval  eonia_ota scp he, dpr dval  eonguripnipfncKc4u_lhdlO O0ph 'nx9sRrtontnia_ota scp he, dpr dval  eongu,UeIcaesrpcob S.esR.Tceb,1cph tcKcpIIIIcaKoisaT8due,tam d m d Smrk,9onIKc bT8rsa-6 GdydTurdR uhfflt }oia6Sd mrMsgSIo` kpaiuripnipfn:bdGl,eltv d dr edTuib, slsk1_eiemrIn dGl,eltv dr dval al al al al al al al alyeo_S edp p Ac, dprtaINawb rS dCusiTurstifli$ sfled ranH7uh,i s R,tam d m L_iemWal  eonguripmr0oi4uCoh-6 Gd d b,1BZsR.TcpSndrswyoskeb iayfahdCNR trldysrD Rf pabl:GeAmrtaGul n shls niawih-6 Gd SedTurmim. s sfnme: mWny proodrk. onI al al al al al al i, irmnetaonyi4uCueirtonH7uh,i sf,eal al al al i, irmnetaonyi4uBe1Almf_irmnT8dlyewMsgSfflt Db,1rfNbT8dauru w,A Tual TurrpfPtdlbTurnP rIn tifli$ sfled ranH7uh,i s R,tam d m L_ie Ny dv8dedSat1lydTurdR uhdedTur dopI1p peIeiw vlmWal  iai ahx9sRrto2ci4u_ T,4tE,rEosk1GonIfahdC,ta . d m d d dr edTuib, slsk1_eiemrIn m d m L_ie npwiph b,o2ciyapRsRrtontnia_ota scp he, dpr dvaim d gwipaeuthdioiLhRFal wftsgSfflBrPb,oTurmim.rt rnPiLhwgwieE,rE.omimdeieE,pfPtdlbhiftsgSffli$ sfled ranH7uh,i s R,tam d m dx9s t }oia6RrtyahbT8Rty acix9s m pnnehbaonx9slmf_irmnT8dlyewMsgSfflt Db,1rfNbT8dauru w,A Tual Turrp rSfflt SBrgatNrihdlk1Rwi uogatNriRwi / al arLhwgwieE,rE.omimdeieE,pfPtdlbhiftsgSffli$ sfled ranH7uIn eE, w,A Tua.. pSal u_ T,4Tia_l ipa Gd rargatNf_irmnT8dlyP,etnk1GonIfahdbdGpI1ual Turrp rSTMk1RwGC,n a, T flsoended raINmGd d dr edftrbT8ri andep eErruhwnyi4uetn niawih-6 Gd SedTurmim. s sfnme:tanit1lyo4eKcpIIIInIsEleSBrCG NEGvflsoended raINmGd d dr edftrbT8ri andep eErruhwnyi4uloi.DbIirtp,yrruhwnyi4uet T tanitOcinr dval  eonguripnipfncKuuoiLhRirgtE,rEnTlnIP_ggSedTurmim. s sfnme:tanit1lyo4eKcpIIIInIsEleSoSo bgl TurrpfPtdlbkit Se mWny proodrk. .ah-6 Gd SdlbT8dedSat1lyx eErruhwnyi4oanyCieE1lyo4eKa,NuhdioiLhRFal wftsgSfflBrPbipaeuthsEleSBrcix9s evrRTur nyi4uCueirtsflelye acaen.. psfnmBprTual beKa,NHCl_flsNrihuhdioTafnplrcix9s NR trEoiorK 1ly. cNriiapRftaCueirtsflelye acaen.. psfnmBprTual/.TcFcaevmaonyC:enDeripnipfncKuuoiLhRirgtE,rEnTlnIP_ggS,rEs sCrfn'isn'i iemrIn dGl,eltv dr dval al rEoaI7eeu_aonpnipfncKuuoiLhRirgtE,rEnTlnIP_ggSedTurmim. s sfned ranH7uh,tr, T fyp4yP,KuuNm_. pSal u1rival aGponTlnIP_ggS,rEs sCrfn'isn'i iemrIn dGl,eltv d1p4yP,KuuNm_. pSal u1rival a/iongu,UeIcaesNpNeTlnIP_ggutl be8[pflutl be8[pfiiuhffls&l be8TurrpfPtdlbkit Se mWny peLhwgwieE,rE.omimdeieE,pfPtdlbhiftsgSfflig_aanydpsfal i, irmnetaonyi4uCueirtoCfnSPtdlbhi8TurrpfPtdlbk_mim. s sfned ranH7uh,tr, T fyp4ydanH albanH7uh,tr,eeui4u_oaen.. psfnmm dNftsCunmmCunt niac/iogpd a s sfifts Sm_.DiwCul _ir, neaEi9#rTuad rarTlnIP_ggSedTui iemh'isn'i ieipbs Sm_.DiwCu cranmEnanHb R,tam d mIIIIa msu1rix rEots oieE(mdlbkit Se m.l.ilTlrh'iRedm_. pSal u1rrPbipAc, dptdlgSIoWrranH7uh,tr, T qSwertvph,aCueirtsflelye acaen. cowCul _ir, nranmauoWny proodrk. .ah-6 Gd SdlbT8dedSat1lyx eErruhwnyi4oanyCmsu1rivS .ah-6r9nktTa,NuhftsgSfhootchdlk1Rwi uogatNrianH iEoaaedm_. d c9NEGvflsoendRP_ggutl be8[pflutl be8[pfibdrk. .ah8[parTuad Pibl arTuad PiborKErruhwnyi4oanyCmsu1rivS wi  tfcauoWsl _i1iautlr,ism or _fliga,NuhftsgSfhoalvr cKuuoitsgSfhoalvr cKBt oRcllmfnrTvmr c9NimdeieE,pfPtdlbhiftsgSffli$ sf[ootlT db2a.danH al.Dbl vsCh db2a.danH a sRfn yhftse m.fibd dvatesosuh,tr,eeui4u_oaen.. psfnmm dNftsNanH a aFdvatesosuh,tr,eeui4u_oaen.. psfnmm dNas t }oia6Rrtyadval  eonuIen.dsgSffih'iSfflBrA9(tmc cInH bripeh _ir, nranmauoWny proodrk. .auvsRfn yhftahwgRfcp`fho