Unpiloted Space Exploration - Highlights

Country Year(s)
# missions Main achievement(s) or goal
Sputnik USSR 1957 - 1958 9
  • Sputnik 1 - First artificial satellite in space (1957)
  • Sputnik 2 - First animal in space (a dog named Laika, 1957)
  • Explorer US 1958 4
  • First US artificial satellite in space (1958)
  • Discovered Van Allen radiation belts around Earth
  • Pioneer US 1958 - 1978 12
  • Studied/photographed Earth, moon, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus
  • Pioneer 10 - First to travel through the asteroid belt (late 1972)
  • Pioneer 10 - First to reach Jupiter (1973);
  • Pioneer 10 - First to leave the solar system
  • Pioneer 11 - First direct observations of Saturn (1979)
  • Able-Baker US 1959 1
  • First animals recovered safely from space
    (a rhesus monkey named Able and a squirrel monkey named Baker)
  • Luna USSR 1959 - 1976 24
  • Flew past, struck, orbited, and landed on the moon
  • Luna 1 - First probe to orbit the sun (1959)
  • Luna 2 - First probe to strike the moon (1959)
  • Luna 3 - Sent home first photographs of the dark side of the moon (1959)
  • Luna 9 - First successful (soft) landing on the moon (1966)
  • Explored moon's surface with vehicles (1970)
  • Returned samples of moon's surface to Earth (1970)
  • Venera USSR 1961 - 1983 16
  • Venera 4 - Studied composition of Venus's atmosphere (1967)
  • Venera 7 - First successful landing on another planet (Venus, 1970)
  • Venera 9 - Sent back first photographs of Venus's surface (1975)
  • Mapped some of the planet's surface
  • Ranger US 1961 - 1965 9
  • Ranger 4 - Flew toward and struck the moon (1962)
  • Ranger 7 - Sent home close-up photographs of the moon before hitting the surface (1964)
  • Mariner US 1962 - 1973 10
  • Flew past Venus, Mars, and Mercury
  • Mariner 2 - First probe to reach Venus (1962)
  • Mariner 4 - Sent home first close-up pictures of the surface of Mars (1965)
  • Mariner 9 - First to orbit another planet (Mars, 1971)
  • Mariner 10 - First probe to reach Mercury (1974)
  • Studied Venus's atmosphere and high surface temperature
  • Zond USSR 1964 - 1970 15
  • Zond 3 - Sent home photographs of the dark side of the moon (1965)
  • Zond 5 - Flew around the moon and back to Earth (1968)
  • Flew past Venus (Zond 1, 1964) and Mars (Zond 2, 1965), but contact lost prior to flybys
  • Surveyor US 1966 - 1968 7
  • Surveyor 1 - Successfully landed on the moon (1966)
  • Determined that moon's surface could support piloted spacecraft
  • Lunar Orbiter US 1966 - 1967 5
  • Photographed and mapped the moon's surface while orbiting (1966)
  • Determined that moon's surface could support piloted spacecraft
  • Mars USSR 1960 - 1973 11
  • Mars 2 - First lander to strike the surface of Mars (1971)
  • Mars 3 - First successful (soft) landing on Mars (1971)
  • Viking US 1975 2
  • Landed (1976) and searched for life on Mars (found none)
  • Discovered ice on Mars
  • Monitored Martian weather; mapped and photographed surface
  • Voyager US 1977 2
  • Sent home close-up pictures of Jupiter (1979), Saturn (1980), Uranus (1986), and Neptune (1989)
  • Discovered a total of 22 new moons around these planets
  • Discovered that Jupiter's Great Red Spot is a giant storm
  • Discovered active volcanoes on Io, a moon orbiting Jupiter
  • Determined the composition of Saturn's rings (particles of ice and rock)
  • Discovered an atmosphere on Triton, one of Neptune's moons
  • Vega USSR 1984 2
  • Examined soil on Venus; found rare rocks
  • Flew past and took close-up photographs of Halley's comet (1986)
  • Sakigake & Suisei Japan 1985 2
  • Flew past and photographed Halley's comet
  • Giotto US & Europe 1985 1
  • Flew past and photographed comets Halley (1986) and Grigg-Skjellerup (1992)
  • Magellan US 1989 1
  • Mapped the surface of Venus while orbiting (1990-1994)
  • Galileo US & Europe 1989 1
  • First close-up pictures of an asteroid (Gaspra)
  • Explored Jupiter's hostile atmosphere (1995)
  • Took close-up pictures of Jupiter's moons Io, Ganymede, Europa, and Callisto
  • Hubble Space Telescope US & Europe 1990 1
  • Largest optical observatory to orbit the Earth
  • Took the most-detailed pictures of Mars ever taken from Earth
  • Found proof of black holes and improved our understanding of quasars
  • Found evidence that suggests the universe is expanding at an increasing rate
  • Took the first close-up pictures of Pluto and its moon Charon
  • Ulysses US & Europe 1990 1
  • Explored the regions of space high above the sun's poles (1994-2001)
  • Studied the sun's magnetic field, solar wind plasma, and galactic cosmic rays
  • Yohkoh Japan, US, & Britain 1991 1
  • Studies solar flares and other events on the sun
  • Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) Shoemaker US 1996 1
  • First long-term, close-up study of an asteroid (Eros)
  • First to orbit an asteroid (2000)
  • First to land on an asteroid (2001)
  • Mars Global Surveyor US 1996 1
  • Photographed and mapped the surface of Mars (1999-2001)
  • Found evidence that there may be current sources of liquid water on Mars
  • Studied the gravitational and magnetic fields and atmosphere of Mars
  • Mars Pathfinder US 1996 1
  • Delivered a lander and a rover (Sojourner) to the surface of Mars (1997)
  • Photographed and analysed surface features, rocks, and atmosphere
  • Cassini & Huygens Probe US & Europe 1997 1
  • Study various characteristics of Saturn and its moons, particularly Titan
  • Projected arrival at Saturn: July 2004
  • Nozomi Japan 1998 1
  • Orbiter to study Martian upper atmosphere and how it interacts with solar wind (2004)
  • Deep Space 1 US 1998 1
  • Flew past a near-Earth asteroid called Braille (1999)
  • Took the best-ever images of a comet (Borrelly, 2001)
  • Tested new technologies such as fuel-efficient xenon gas engines
  • 2001 Mars Odyssey US 2001 1
  • Map chemical elements and minerals on the surface of Mars
  • Search for water and assess risks to human visitors (e.g. from radiation)
  • CONTOUR (Comet Nucleus Tour) US 2002 1
  • Study and photograph 3 comets during its 6-year mission
  • Increase our understanding of comets and their nuclei
  • Mars Exploration Rovers US 2003 2
  • Two rovers will study rocks and soil to learn about ancient water and climate on Mars
  • Mars Express Europe, Italy, US 2003 1
  • Explore the atmosphere and surface of Mars through use of orbiter (around the planet's poles) and a lander
  • Search for water below the planet's surface
  • Deep Impact US 2004 1
  • Study the interior of a comet after firing a projectile into it (2005)
  • MESSENGER US 2004 1
  • Study Mercury's atmosphere, surface, crust, and polar caps
  • Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter US 2005 1
  • Analyze the surface of Mars to further explore evidence of water
  • Mars Scout US 2007 1
  • Series of missions that could involve airplanes, balloons, or small landers
  • Mars NetLander French-led, international 2007 1
  • Search for water beneath surface of Mars (2008)
  • Study Martian weather and surface geology
  • Mars Smart Lander US 2009 1
  • Roving lander that would help pave the way for a sample-return mission
  • Mars Sample Return Lander US 2014 1
  • Return samples of Martian rock and soil to Earth

  • Sources:

    Chronology of Lunar and Planetary Exploration
    National Space Science Data Center, NASA

    Chronological list of missions,

    Windows to the Universe,
    University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR)