Ticket Agents
Last modified: 10 February, 1996
Half Price Ticket Booth
This booth is on the south side of Leicester Square and has no
phone! Sells official half price tickets for a wide variety of
West End shows on the day of performance only. There's a £1
to £2 charge per ticket. Sales are cash only. The booth is
open Tuesday to Sunday from 12:00 for matinees and Monday to Saturday
from 13:00 to 18:30 for evening performances.
Ticket Agents
- Abbey Theatre Tickets for UK and European comedy, drama,
musicals, opera, ballet etc. Server information not updated regularly.
- Applause Groups 0171 312 1970
- Fenchurch Booking Agency Ltd, 0171 928 8585. E-mail
- First Call, 0171 420 0000. First Call Groups,
0171 420 0200
- Keith Prowse have a North American web server (not
always up to date) that covers London tickets
- Lashmars Theatre Tickets, 0171 493 4731
- OIT offer fax and email notification of ticket offers
- Stoll Moss Theatres central box office for Theatre
Royal Drury Lane, Lyric, London Palladium, Gielgud, Her Majesty's,
Cambridge, Apollo and Duchess. 0171 494 5550 (cc, 24hr)
- London TheatreLand Ltd is a Canadian information and
ticket agency
- Ticketmaster, 0171 344 4444. Groups, 0171 413
3321. A North American web server is available
- Tickets London, 0171 416 6052/6023
- West End Cares, tickets sold on the day at twice face
value with the extra going to AIDS charities. 0171 976 8100.
- Westend Theatre Booking Ltd, 0181 427 6566
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