Last modified: 14 February 1996
This is the UK Theatre Web (UKTW) the definitive WWW guide to professional and amateur performing arts (mainly theatre, or possibly theater if you're American or theatr if you're Welsh) in the UK.
This service was started originally as a part-time hobby on 14th February 1995. It moved from its original address to its current server during October 1995.
The main goals of this server are;
This server is listed in the PCW Best of British Web Sites, the .net Directory Best of British and is in The Point top 5% (see logo at top of page). Selected as one of the world's top 25 Arts and Entertainment sites by IWAY … more details later this month! The pages are Netscape 2.0beta enhanced but Mosaic and Internet Assistant friendly. UKTW first appeared in the listing in Internet magazine in the September 1995 issue. Our initial press release was picked up in a number of place including The Stage (26Oct), the Guardian (26Oct) and BBC Radio Oxford (interview, 18:30, 30Oct).
The UKTW company was formed on 16th September 1995 to manage the UK Theatre Web site and to allow for the development of more comprehensive services supported through advertising and sponsorship income.
UKTW is contactable:
Telephone: 01993 704 268 (International: +44 1993 704 268) Fax: 01993 704 268 (International: +44 1993 704 268) E-mail: Address: PO Box 124, Witney, OX8 6WX. UK.
The fax does work, even if you get the voicemail welcome message coming back to you!
The UK Theatre Web is a partnership (Partners: Frances Iles and Robert Iles) operating currently as a small business in our spare time. Frances and Robert have experience in the following areas;
If you want to know how your organisation can benefit from promoting itself through the UKTW click here.
Using a database built in Access running under Windows 95 and generating HTML pages directly as output. Non-listings pages are created by hand using either text editors or HTML editors.
All pages are checked with both Mosaic and Netscape. Java enhancements have been tried on some pages, but we'll wait for more people to be able to view them!
Whilst every effort is made to provide accurate and timely information on this server UKTW can accept no responsibility for errors in the information nor for any loss or damage arising from its use.
UK:-) [ Email
: UKTW Home ]
)-:TW [ Tel/Fax: +44 (0)1993 704 268 Address:
P.O.Box 124, Witney, OX8 6WX, UK ]