STOEN Sto│eczny Zak│ad Energetyczny SA
Wybrze┐e Ko╢ciuszkowskie 41
00-347 Warszawa

STOEN Capital Power Distribution Company is a join-stock company with Polish treasury holding 100% share. It exists in present legal shape from 1993. The beginnings of the company date back to 1903 when the Warsaw Power Plant in Powi╢le was set. At present STOEN runs its activity in Warsaw through 5 power regions. The basis of its activity are the following:
  • sale of electric energy of required quality,
  • efficiency improvement thanks to profitability growth,
  • making the market value of the company higher thanks to new investments and modernisation,
  • assurance of the power security in Warsaw,
  • permanent concern with the quality of client service,
  • creation of appropriate conditions for personnel development.
Long-term experience in power industry shows only one direction - modernity. The company Executive is aware of this and even now allocates the considerable amount of the company profit for investment and modernisation of sending and control network. It will, in future bear fruit in better satisfying the customers needs. The client is the center of our company strategy. We are promoting comfort and security related to power using. Recently we began long-term works on the system of quality control ISO 9000 and creation of the company image. We believe the client oriented company image will be our strong point.

[Supervisory] [Executive] [Annual Report 1996]

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