
Tre╢µ stron WWW jest kodowana w jednym z wielu internetowych "standard≤w". Dla stron w jΩzyku polskim najbardziej rozpowszechnionym i zalecanym standardem jest ISO-8859-2. Zdecydowanie odradzane sposoby kodowania to: Windows 1250, brak polskich znak≤w oraz polskie znaki w postaci grafiki.
Decyduj▒c siΩ na kodowanie w ISO-8859-2, w nag│≤wku ka┐dego stworzonego przez Ciebie dokumentu HTML powiniene╢ umie╢ciµ wpis:
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Aby u│atwiµ sobie pisanie znak≤w ISO, ╢ci▒gnij program Izy Kibord z sekcji Programy.

Poza tym trzeba pamiΩtaµ, ┐e r≤┐ne przegl▒darki r≤┐nie interpretuj▒ identycznie zapisane znaki. Mo┐esz sprawdziµ interpretacjΩ w swojej przegl▒darce za pomoc▒ poni┐szej tabeli:

Opis Reprezentacja
(z. cyfr.)
(z. lit.)
&#33;   Exclamation mark !  
&#34; &quot; Quotation mark " "
&#35;   Number sign #  
&#36;   Dollar sign $  
&#37;   Per cent %  
&#38; &amp; Ampersand & &
&#60; &lt; Less than < <
&#62; &gt; Greater than > >
&#160; &nbsp; Non-breaking space    
&#161; &iexcl; Inverted exclamation ¡ ¡
&#162; &cent; Cent sign ¢ ¢
&#163; &pound; Pound sterling sign £ £
&#164; &curren; General currency sign ¤ ¤
&#165; &yen; Yen sign ¥ ¥
&#166; &brvbar; Broken vertical bar ¦ ¦
&#167; &sect; Section sign § §
&#168; &uml; Umlaut (dierisis) ¨ ¨
&#169; &copy; Copyright © ©
&#170; &ordf; Feminine ordinal ª ª
&#171; &laquo; Left angle quote, guillemot left « «
&#172; &not; Not sign ¬ ¬
&#173; &shy; Soft hyphen ­ ­
&#174; &reg; Registered trademark ® ®
&#175; &macr; Macron accent ¯ ¯
&#176; &deg; Degree sign ° °
&#177; &plusmn; Plus or minus ± ±
&#178; &sup2; Superscript two ² ²
&#179; &sup3; Superscript three ³ ³
&#180; &acute; Acute accent ´ ´
&#181; &micro; Micro sign µ µ
&#182; &para; Paragraph sign
&#183; &middot; Middle dot · ·
&#184; &cedil; Cedilla ¸ ¸
&#185; &sup1; Superscript one ¹ ¹
&#186; &ordm; Masculine ordinal º º
&#187; &raquo; Right angle quote, guillemot right » »
&#188; &frac14; Fraction (one quarter) ¼ ¼
&#189; &frac12; Fraction (one half) ½ ½
&#190; &frac34; Fraction (three quarters) ¾ ¾
&#191; &iquest; Inverted question mark ¿ ¿
&#192; &Agrave; Capital A, grave accent À À
&#193; &Aacute; Capital A, acute accent Á Á
&#194; &Acirc; Capital A, circumflex accent  Â
&#195; &Atilde; Capital A, tilde à Ã
&#196; &Auml; Capital A, umlaut (dierisis) Ä Ä
&#197; &Aring; Capital A, ring Å Å
&#198; &AElig; Capital AE dipthong (ligature) Æ Æ
&#199; &Ccedil; Capital C, cedilla Ç Ç
&#200; &Egrave; Capital E, grave accent È È
&#201; &Eacute; Capita E, acute accent É É
&#202; &Ecirc; Capital E, circumflex accent Ê Ê
&#203; &Euml; Capital E, umlaut (dierisis) Ë Ë
&#204; &Igrave; Capital I, grave accent Ì Ì
&#205; &Iacute; Capital I, acute accent Í Í
&#206; &Icirc; Capital I, circumflex accent Î Î
&#207; &Iuml; Capital I, umlaut (dierisis) Ï Ï
&#208; &ETH; Capital Eth, Icelandic Ð Ð
&#209; &Ntilde; Capital N, tilde Ñ Ñ
&#210; &Ograve; Capital O, grave accent Ò Ò
&#211; &Oacute; Capital O, acute accent Ó Ó
&#212; &Ocirc; Capital O, circumflex accent Ô Ô
&#213; &Otilde; Capital O, tilde Õ Õ
&#214; &Ouml; Capital O, umlaut (dierisis) Ö Ö
&#215; &times; Multiply sign × ×
&#216; &Oslash; Capital O, slash Ø Ø
&#217; &Ugrave; Capital U, grave accent Ù Ù
&#218; &Uacute; Capital U, acute accent Ú Ú
&#219; &Ucirc; Capital U, circumflex accent Û Û
&#220; &Uuml; Capital U, umlaut (dierisis) Ü Ü
&#221; &Yacute; Capital Y, acute accent Ý Ý
&#222; &THORN; Capital Thorn, Icelandic Þ Þ
&#223; &szlig; Small sharp s, German (sz ligature) ß ß
&#224; &agrave; Small a, grave accent à à
&#225; &aacute; Small a, acute accent á á
&#226; &acirc; Small a, circumflex accent â â
&#227; &atilde; Small a, tilde ã ã
&#228; &auml; Small a, umlaut (dierisis) ä ä
&#229; &aring; Small a, ring å å
&#230; &aelig; Small ae dipthong (ligature) æ æ
&#231; &ccedil; Small c, cedilla ç ç
&#232; &egrave; Small e, grave accent è è
&#233; &eacute; Small e, acute accent é é
&#234; &ecirc; Small e, circumflex accent ê ê
&#235; &euml; Small e, umlaut (dierisis) ë ë
&#236; &igrave; Small i, grave accent ì ì
&#237; &iacute; Small i, acute accent í í
&#238; &icirc; Small i, circumflex accent î î
&#239; &iuml; Small i, umlaut (dierisis) ï ï
&#240; &eth; Small eth, Icelandic ð ð
&#241; &ntilde; Small n, tilde ñ ñ
&#242; &ograve; Small o, grave accent ò ò
&#243; &oacute; Small o, acute accent ó ó
&#244; &ocirc; Small o, circumflex accent ô ô
&#245; &otilde; Small o, tilde õ õ
&#246; &ouml; Small o, umlaut (dierisis) ö ö
&#247; &divide; Division sign ÷ ÷
&#248; &oslash; Small o, slash ø ø
&#249; &ugrave; Small u, grave accent ù ù
&#250; &uacute; Small u, acute accent ú ú
&#251; &ucirc; Small u, circumflex accent û û
&#252; &uuml; Small u, umlaut (dierisis) ü ü
&#253; &yacute; Small y, acute accent ý ý
&#254; &thorn; Small thorn, Icelandic þ þ
&#255; &yuml; Small y, umlaut (dierisis) ÿ ÿ
&#338; &OElig; Latin Capital OE (ligature) Œ Œ
&#339; &oelig; Latin Small OE (ligature) œ œ
&#352; &Scaron; Capital S with caron Š Š
&#353; &scaron; Small s with caron š š
&#376; &Yuml; Capital Y with dierisis Ÿ Ÿ
&#710; &circ; Circumflex accent ˆ ˆ
&#732; &tilde; Small tilde ˜ ˜
&#8211; &ndash; En dash
&#8212; &mdash; Em dash
&#8216; &lsquo; Left single quotation mark
&#8217; &rsquo; Right single quotation mark
&#8218; &sbquo; Single low-9 quotation mark
&#8220; &ldquo; Left double quotation mark
&#8221; &rdquo; Right double quotation mark
&#8222; &bdquo; Double low-9 quotation mark
&#8224; &dagger; Dagger
&#8225; &Dagger; Double Dagger
&#8240; &permil; Per mille (thousand) sign
&#8249; &lsaquo; Single left-pointing angle quotation mark
&#8250; &rsaquo; Single right-pointing angle quotation mark
&#8364; &euro; Euro sign
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