
Michael Stipe wraz z Rain'em Phoenix'em nagrali tytu│owy utw≤r do filmu "Happiness", kt≤ry zdoby│ nagrodΩ podczas festiwalu w Cannes. Film nie jest zbyt popularny ze wzglΩdu na dytrybutora, Universal Pictures zrezygnowa│o ze wsp≤│pracy. Dyrektor naczelny wytw≤rni, Ron Meyer, nie by│ zainteresowany filmem traktuj▒cym o pedofilii. WiΩcej informacji na temat filmu mo┐ecie znale╝µ na stronach:


happiness.mp3 (330kB) - fragment piosenki "Happiness". Wykonanie: Michael Stipe oraz Rain Phoenix, autor: Eytan Mirsky, wydawca: Mirsky Mouse Music.

Tekst utworu:

It seems the things I've wanted in
My life I've never had.
So it's no surprise that living
Only leaves me sad.

Happiness, where are you?
I've searched so long for you.
Happiness, where are you?
I haven't got a clue.
Happiness, why do you have to stay
So far away . . . from me?

When I'm in despair and life has
Turned into a mess,
I know that I don't dare to end my
Search for happiness

Happiness, where are you......etc.

Happiness, sometimes I think
I see you from afar.
When I run to catch you, though,
That's just not where you are.

Happiness, you know I'll get a hold of
You some way.
Until I do you know I'll keep on
Searching every day.
Happiness, where are you . . . etc.

Gonna find it, gonna find it,
Gonna find my happiness.
Gonna find it, gonna find it,
Gonna find my happiness.

When I'm in despair and life has
Turned into a mess - gonna find it -
I know that I don't dare to end my
Search for happiness - gonna find my . . .

Happiness, where are you?
I'm gonna get to you.
Happiness, where are you?
I'll know before I'm through.
Happiness, you know you just can't stay
So far away . . . from me.
Gonna find my - Happiness where are you?
Gonna find it - I'm gonna get to you.
Gonna find my - Happiness what are you?
Gonna find it - I'll know before I'm through.

GALERIA STIPE'uff - czyli kilka przer≤bek zdjΩcia Stipe'a autorstwa PUC'a.

Do Polski na koncert to nie przyjad▒, a tu proszΩ, proszΩ... czym oni je┐dz▒?!! Zreszt▒ sami zobaczcie ;)

Poni┐ej przedstawiam zapis chatu z Michaelem Stipem, kt≤ry odby│ siΩ 1 lutego '99:

=> Zoogerator: We are excited to have as our special guest today...
=> Zoogerator: the one and only Michael Stipe from R.E.M.!
=> Zoogerator: R.E.M.'s new album Up is in stores now....
=> Zoogerator: so feel free to ask him about that or whatever else you may
have on your mind!
=> Zoogerator: So now let's turn the stage over to Michael Stipe. Welcome,
=> Michael_Stipe: Hello.
guest-wgg says: At what point did the members of REM realize that
the other memebrs were actually very talented? Many "college bands" come
together out of a shared
interest, but no necessarily shared talent. In the case of REM, all four
memebrs are so good, there must have been a moment when you realized that
you actually had a chance to be
"good". What was that like?
=> Michael_Stipe: For me the moment when we wrote "Gardening at Night"
=> Michael_Stipe: there were 30 or 40 songs that were super elementary
=> Michael_Stipe: but that song did something for me.
guest-millhouse87|false says: When did you first start singing?
=> Michael_Stipe: When I was sixteen.
=> Michael_Stipe: I bought Patti Smith's record'
=> Michael_Stipe: "Horses" the day it came out.
=> Michael_Stipe: And I decided then and there to become a rock singer.
guest-ezguest7 says: how do you get the ideas for your songs
=> Michael_Stipe: Usually observation.
=> Michael_Stipe: I just take stuff from here and there and it all comes
guest-millhouse87|false says: what is your favorite song
=> Michael_Stipe: I really like "Walk Unafraid".
guest-sophie52|false^ says: Hi Michael. First, I just want to
thank you for all the wonderful music you make. It has meant a lot to me.
Is there any person who you havn't
worked with but would like to?
=> Michael_Stipe: You know who I'd really like to work with --
=> Michael_Stipe: even though she'
=> Michael_Stipe: is not a musician --
=> Michael_Stipe: it would be Holly Hunter.
=> Michael_Stipe: I just drove through her home town between Athens and
Atlanta actually.
guest-laweez says: I heard Shiny Happy People on Musak today. How
do you feel when you hear your songs liek that?
=> Michael_Stipe: I haven't heard that yet. Sound cool though.
guest-stipefan says: Do you still play the accordian? I remember
you saying that accordians were going to take over the world. What
=> Michael_Stipe laughs
=> Michael_Stipe: That was David Thomas from Pere Ubu's idea.
=> Michael_Stipe: No, I am not leading an accordian army.
=> Michael_Stipe laughs
guest-stipefan says: Your group has been together for almost 20
years. What is the secret to staying together and still being friends?
=> Michael_Stipe: We just have a lot of respect for each other.
=> Michael_Stipe: That sounds really cornball,
=> Michael_Stipe: but we just love making music
=> Michael_Stipe: and we really respect each other's abilities.
=> Michael_Stipe: And like any successful relationship we allow each other
=> Michael_Stipe: to be individuals within that relationship.
=> Michael_Stipe: I'm sure Mike was glued to the television last night
=> Michael_Stipe: and I tried to ask three friends who had won...
=> Michael_Stipe: and none of them knew.
=> Michael_Stipe: I flew into a deflated Atlanta.
guest-dorit21 says: Hi Michael! There is a lot of stuff in the
Internet about REM. Do you sometimes check out what people are writing about
you and REM? (I love REM
and the new CD!! Take care of you)
=> Michael_Stipe: Yeah, I do check it out a couple times a week.
=> Michael_Stipe: I have several friends who are really plugged in.
=> Michael_Stipe: And they keep me appraised of the scene.
guest-mehxonk|false^ says: Are you ever going to get another
=> Michael_Stipe: No.
=> Michael_Stipe: We're a trio now.
=> Michael_Stipe: We will be working with different musicians.
guest-bizaleth0 says: Does it ever bother you that people pick
apart your lyrics?
=> Michael_Stipe: No, that's what they're for.
=> Michael_Stipe laughs
guest-walt says: Mr. Stipe, in your opinion, what are the three
most important steps to success?
=> Michael_Stipe: That's really unanswerable,
=> Michael_Stipe: for me success means that you're doing something you
=> Michael_Stipe: An example would be after we wrote "Gardening at Night".
guest-funguy2005|false^ says: What is it like to be in a band? I
am thinking of being in a band someday myself.
=> Michael_Stipe: It's a lot of fun.
=> Michael_Stipe: You should do it.
guest-bizaleth0 says: With every new album that comes out I seem
to hear, "This is REM's best album yet." Do you guys usually agree?
(Personally, I think New
Adventures was one of REM's best, and I Love Up.)
=> Michael_Stipe: I think we're the ones who put it in the critics' minds
that it's our best album.
=> Michael_Stipe: I don't feel like we have to top ourselves with every new
=> Michael_Stipe: But the last couple of records, I loved.
=> Michael_Stipe: Usually at this point after a record's released I can
shoot holes through it.
=> Michael_Stipe: But then I'm my own worst critic.
guest-electrolite0 says: Michael, do you have a favorite Disney
=> Michael_Stipe: "That Darn Cat"
=> Michael_Stipe: With Dean Jones.
guest-remtmbg says: I just want to tell you how much of an
inspiration you are to me, Mr. Stipe. I've heard that you are playing Glasto
this summer. Do you enjoy playing
those big festivals?
=> Michael_Stipe: I haven't heard about that yet. Nothing is confirmed.
=> Michael_Stipe: I think that's internet hearsay.
=> Michael_Stipe: But I like Glasgow at lot.
thanks guest-kfj_, your question has been received
=> Michael_Stipe: The people there are a lot like people from Georgia,
=> Michael_Stipe: but they ride a lot more motorscooters.
=> Zoogerator: While we give Michael a chance to rest his vocal cords...
=> Zoogerator: let me remind everyone that this Thrusday is another big...
=> Zoogerator: BIG...
=> Zoogerator: BBBBIIIIGGGG
=> Zoogerator: chat!
=> Zoogerator: Erik von Detten makes his triumphant return to the
=> Zoogerator: He's starrong in Disney Channel's original series "So Weird"
=> Zoogerator: "starrong"???
=> Zoogerator: Make that "staring."
=> Zoogerator: So join us this Thursday starting at 7pm ET/4pm PT
=> Zoogerator: and chat with Erik von Detten.
=> Zoogerator: And now...
=> Zoogerator: let's get back to more of your questions for R.E.M.'s
Michael Stipe!
guest-kalle_75 says: If you got the chance to play the songs of
the early '80's, like Hey, Hey, Nadine!, to an audience of 300-400 people,
would you do it?
=> Michael_Stipe: No, I wouldn't do it.
=> Michael_Stipe: That's kind of like repeating part of high school journal
=> Michael_Stipe: or your first ever short story.
=> Michael_Stipe: To an audience of your peers.
guest-suzy60 says: What was the hardest song for you to write and
what is the hardest to perform?
=> Michael_Stipe: Pretty much every song is the hardest to write
=> Michael_Stipe: 'cause I'm kind of a crappy singer most of them are hard
to perform.
guest-remfan89 says: Question for Michael - How did you enjoy
going back to the smaller venues like the Bowery Room in NYC for Uplink as
opposed to the 50000 seater
=> Michael_Stipe: It was fun.
=> Michael_Stipe: The energy's a little different from the crowd.
guest-automaticpaige says: Out of the many music videos you have
done, which is your favorite?
=> Michael_Stipe: I really like "Man on the Moon"
=> Michael_Stipe: and "Lotus".
guest-fileunderfan|fals says: Do you have any new film projects in
the works?
=> Michael_Stipe: There a film, "American Movie"
=> Michael_Stipe: I was just at Sundance with it
=> Michael_Stipe: we found a distributor and it won an award there.
=> Michael_Stipe: So it will be in theaters.
=> Michael_Stipe: Beyond that I've got about 57 projects between the two
companies that are going.
guest-dorit21 says: There are some fans in Switzerland waiting for
you to come. Me included. Its here after midnight and I am just awake to
tell you that I love REM!!!
=> Michael_Stipe: Thank you.
=> Michael_Stipe: I love Switzerland
=> Michael_Stipe: I really like the licorice.
=> Michael_Stipe: I like the salt licorice a lot.
guest-shoe20 says: What inspired you to write "Walk unafraid"?
=> Michael_Stipe: Patti Smith.
guest-mainefan says: is the song "The Wrong Child" at all about
Vic Chesnutt? Can you even remember how you wrote it - i know you mentioned
Nolan as a influence in
=> Michael_Stipe: No, because Vic has no influence on the song.
guest-jrtsgurl|false^ says: I am persuing a carrer in sing and
was wondering if you had any addvice for me.
=> Michael_Stipe: Be yourself.
=> Michael_Stipe: Don't take advice from anyone including me.
=> Michael_Stipe: Know your limitations, then ignore them.
guest-michael98 says: Have you alwayz shaved your head?
=> Michael_Stipe: No. I did it first when I was 25
=> Michael_Stipe: then later when my hair started going thin.
=> Michael_Stipe: It's actually kind of long right now.
=> Michael_Stipe: But I'll probably shave it again.
guest-devayana says: What is your ultimate goal for your music?
=> Michael_Stipe: I'm not that "goal" oriented. Honestly.
=> Michael_Stipe: I can't say I've ever asked myself that.
=> Michael_Stipe: Obviously I think every artist wants to be appreciated.
=> Michael_Stipe: Whether you're a musician, actor, photographer.
=> Michael_Stipe: A mime...
=> Michael_Stipe laughs
guest-electrolite0 says: Do you like to meet your fans in person,
or do they frighten you sometimes?
=> Michael_Stipe: They really frighten me!
=> Michael_Stipe: I actually like most of them.
=> Michael_Stipe: The hard part is figuring out if they're really fans or
=> Michael_Stipe: they just recognize you
=> Michael_Stipe: But people by and large are very friendly to me.
guest-fileunderfan|fals says: For a long time now, the rumor has
gone that REM would be splitsville at the end of 1999, ending the band with
one final show. Can we expect
that big bash, or are you reconsidering?
=> Michael_Stipe: That was a little joke that got out of control
=> Michael_Stipe: at the hands of music journalists from Britain.
=> Michael_Stipe: Besides it was Bill Berry who said it.
guest-mollyzoogybaby|fa says: To Michael Stipe, when is your
birthday? Day, year, and month.From, Mollyzoogybaby.
=> Michael_Stipe: January 4, 1960.
=> Michael_Stipe: Capricorn.
=> Michael_Stipe: I am 39.
guest-weaverds says: Are you planning on making any more books
with your photographs?
=> Michael_Stipe: Yeah, I'm working on the second book now.
=> Michael_Stipe: It's to be released in the fall.
=> Michael_Stipe: It's going to be called "Fear of the Empty"
=> Michael_Stipe: and it's going to be different than the Patti Smith book.
=> Michael_Stipe: In that I'm compiling my favorite photographs for the
=> Michael_Stipe: Portraits, landscapes, nudes, still lifes.
guest-remtmbg says: I had heard rumors of a solo album months
ago...but nothing ever came of them. Do you plan on recording one soon?
=> Michael_Stipe: No.
guest-weaverds says: What are you doing with the dozens of left
over songs that couldnt fit on Up?
=> Michael_Stipe: Some of them might go on the next record.
=> Michael_Stipe: Chop up the best pieces...
guest-kingzoog says: what kinbd of pizza do you like?
=> Michael_Stipe: I hate green pepper!
=> Michael_Stipe: I like onions and black olives.
guest-bizaleth0 says: Have you ever considered offering fan club
members first dibs on concert tickets?
=> Michael_Stipe: Yes.
guest-kelly312 says: If you could be on any tv show on disney what
would it be?
=> Michael_Stipe: I would be okay with Christina Ricci in "That Darn Cat".
guest-laweez says: Michael, do you ever read any of your fan mail?
=> Michael_Stipe: Yes.
guest-mander777 says: How does it feel to be a famous music star ?
from, AMANDA [MANDER777]
=> Michael_Stipe: It's great, AMANDA!
=> Michael_Stipe smiles
guest-ilovejmstipe says: My WHOLE room is decorated in R.E.M.!!
=> Michael_Stipe smile.
motorsport1 says: Michael do you find inspiration for your lyrics
living in Athens, it seems like a fairly quiet town? Dave-Sarasota Fla.
=> Michael_Stipe: Yeah, I really like it here because it's small
=> Michael_Stipe: and it's in the South.
=> Michael_Stipe: I divide my time pretty much
=> Michael_Stipe: between Athens, LA, and New York.
guest-bizaleth0 says: Do you collect anything?
=> Michael_Stipe: Not really. I hate the idea of collecting.
=> Michael_Stipe: I do like photographs a lot.
=> Michael_Stipe: If I see one I like I pick it out,
=> Michael_Stipe: but I'd be hesitant to call it a "collection".
guest-lstipey says: This isnt really a question but I just wanted
to say that your birthday is only two days after mine so HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO
=> Michael_Stipe: Happy Birthday, fellow Capricorn!
=> Michael_Stipe smiles
guest-tyron20 says: Michael, why did you decide not to tour with
the new record, and why now have you maybe changed your mind?
=> Michael_Stipe: We're talking about maybe going out this summer.
=> Michael_Stipe: But nothing has been set.
=> Michael_Stipe: We're having a band meeting next week to talk more.
=> Michael_Stipe: If we did so, it would be maybe for a month in the US and
=> Michael_Stipe: a month in Europe.
=> Michael_Stipe: Maybe.
crayman8 says: album "Up" without Bill Berry?>
=> Michael_Stipe: Yeah, it was tough.
=> Michael_Stipe: But I really like the results.
=> Michael_Stipe: Bill is a very happy farmer.
guest-kelly312 says: Do you like to roller blade?
=> Michael_Stipe: Yes. And I have great legs.
guest-weaverds says: Who is your favorite superhero?
=> Michael_Stipe: I saw "Blade" last week.
=> Michael_Stipe: I thought Stephen Dorff was a pretty good superhero.
=> Michael_Stipe: and my brother bought me a "Blade" doll
guest-mehxonk|false^ says: Did you have a good Birthday?
=> Michael_Stipe: Had some cake, spent time with my family -- pretty boring
guest-stipefan says: Michael, if you could be an animal, what
animal would you be and why?
=> Michael_Stipe: I would be pond scum.
=> Michael_Stipe: It's my spirit animal.
guest-dezaroo|false^ says: So what was it like working with the
Muppets? Did you get to meet Kermit?
=> Michael_Stipe: They were very bubbly.
guest-shoe20 says: do you like working on videos?
=> Michael_Stipe: Yeah, I get to be a movie star for a day.
guest-shopper5 says: do you have any relatives that are in music?
=> Michael_Stipe: My sister's a composer AND welder.
guest-suzy60 says: Are you going to release another compilation of
videos anytime soon?
=> Michael_Stipe: We haven't really talked about it,
=> Michael_Stipe: but it's not a bad idea.
=> Michael_Stipe: I'll bring it up at our meeting.
guest-sherkyyy|false^ says: I like to write songs on my guitar,
but sometimes it takes forever to complete a trune. On average, how long
does it take you to make a song?
=> Michael_Stipe: It took a year to finish "At My Most Beautiful"
=> Michael_Stipe: and I was only working on the lyrics.
=> Michael_Stipe: Not too much.
=> Michael_Stipe laughs
guest-remlover1 says: Have you ever thought about putting together
a collection of poetry?
=> Michael_Stipe: There was part of a book that came out recently
=> Michael_Stipe: called "Haiku You"
=> Michael_Stipe: it's available through Amazon.com
guest-lowerwolf says: what's the most common quesion fans ask you?
=> Michael_Stipe: What's it like to be...?
guest-melora72 says: You said in Rolling Stone that that you had a
clear meaning for the phrase "You want to go out Friday and you want to go
forever, but a fan had a
different interpretation. Which was yours.
=> Michael_Stipe: Mine was to go out with your friends and party.
=> Michael_Stipe: Their interpretation was to go out meant to die, leave
the world.
=> Michael_Stipe: Kind of heavy.
=> Michael_Stipe: Huh?
guest-electrolite0 says: Do you think one day your band will be in
the Rock N' Roll Hall of Fame?
=> Michael_Stipe: I'm not even sure where it is.
=> Michael_Stipe smiles
=> Zoogerator1: Michael, I'm afraid we've run out of time for today's chat.
=> Michael_Stipe: Thank you for logging on!
=> Michael_Stipe: Don't forget to live 1999 for what it is! Don't allow
this year
=> Michael_Stipe: to be dimished into a count down.
=> Michael_Stipe: Just advise that Patti Smith gave me.
=> Michael_Stipe: Everyone gets so excited about the end of the year
=> Michael_Stipe: they forget about the rest.
=> Michael_Stipe: Thanks for having me!
=> Zoogerator1: I'd like to thank Michael Stipe for taking the time to chat
with us today.
=> Zoogerator1: Remember to check out R.E.M.'s newest release "Up" in
stores now!
=> Zoogerator1: Wow!

Kilka powod≤w, dla kt≤rych s│uchanie R.E.M. jest lepsze od seksu ("beckloser006" - googoodolls01@hotmail.com):

1) Mo┐esz wci▒┐ byµ czyim╢ przyjacielem po wsp≤lnym przes│uchaniu R.E.M.

2) S│uchanie R.E.M. w kilkuosobowych grupach jest zupe│nie normaln▒ rzecz▒

3) Nie zostaniesz wy╢miany, je╢li poka┐esz komu╢ swoj▒ kolekcjΩ p│yt R.E.M.

4) Mo┐esz s│uchaµ R.E.M. publicznie

5) Twoja mama nie bΩdzie w╢ciek│a, je╢li z│apie ciΩ na s│uchaniu R.E.M.

6) S│uchanie R.E.M. wraz z w│asn▒ siostr▒ jest w porz▒dku

7) Od s│uchania muzyki R.E.M. nie mo┐esz z│apaµ ┐adnej choroby

8) S│uchanie R.E.M. z inn▒ osob▒ zawsze zako±czy siΩ dla was obojga w tym samym momencie

9) Mo┐esz s│uchaµ R.E.M. powy┐ej 15 minut

10) Nie bΩdzie ┐adn▒ wpadk▒, je╢li twoja ┐ona z│apie ciΩ na s│uchaniu R.E.M. z inn▒ kobiet▒

11) Wszystko bΩdzie ok, je╢li bΩdziesz chcia│ sprzedaµ swoje p│yty R.E.M.

12) Nie wsadz▒ ciΩ do wiΩzienia za s│uchanie R.E.M. z nieletnimi

13) Odwiedzanie stron R.E.M. jest legalne

14) S│uchanie R.E.M. ka┐dej nocy z inn▒ osob▒ jest ca│kiem normalne

15) Mo┐esz s│uchaµ R.E.M. nawet je╢li masz 60 lat

16) Nie musisz nak│adaµ gumowego zabezpieczenia na sw≤j odtwarzacz CD

17) Rozmowa o R.E.M. ze swoimi dzieµmi nie powinna byµ dla ciebie niezrΩczn▒ sytuacj▒

Teraz co╢ dla wszystkich mi│o╢nik≤w jΩzyka naszych po│udniowych braci - Czech≤w. Oto kilka tytu│≤w utwor≤w R.E.M. przet│umaczonych na jΩzyk czeski (Martin Potocky):

Airportman - Letistni Muz
Bittersweet Me - Horkosladky Ja
Suspicion - Neduvera
Hope - Nadeje
Losing My Religion - Ztracim Svou Viru
Shiny Happy People - Zarici Stastni Lide
Country feedback - Zpetna Vazba Na Domov
Walk Unafraid - Kracej Bez Obav
ITEOTWAWKI(AIFF) - To Je Konec Sveta Jak Ho Zname (A Mne Je Fajn)
Falls To Climb - Pada Aby Vstal

Na grupie dyskusyjnej pojawi│a siΩ plotka o tym, ┐e w Polsce w pobli┐u port≤w lotniczych grasowa│a niegdy╢ banda przestΩpc≤w, kt≤rzy podczas akcji jako ksywy przyjmowali imiona cz│onk≤w R.E.M.. Byli nazywani "fanatykami R.E.M.", poniewa┐ nazywali siebie: Michael, Mike, Peter oraz Bill. Jednak┐e, jak pisze autor listu, nie byli gro╝nymi przestΩpcami - "jedynie" okradali ludzi przebywaj▒cych w pobli┐u lotnisk.(eel-shape)

A teraz co╢ dla wszystkich interesuj▒cych siΩ biologi▒. Niekt≤re z wodorost≤w posiadaj▒ co╢ o strukturze zbli┐onej do │odygi, co po angielsku jest okre╢lane m.in. rzeczownikiem "stipe".

Wiecie, jak brzmi▒ s│owa piosenek R.E.M. w innych jΩzykach ??? Je╢li nie, oto kilka przet│umaczonych utwor≤w.

Pop Song 89 (Pop Pjesma 89) w wydaniu chorwackim

Zdravo, vidio sam te, poznajem te, poznavao sam te
Mislim da ti se mogu sjetiti imena
Zdravo, zao mi je, izgubio sam se
Mislim da sam te zamjenio s nekim drugim

Da li da pricamo o vremenu?
Da li da pricamo o vladi?

Zdravo, vidio sam te, poznajem te, poznavao sam te
Mislim da ti se mogu sjetiti imena
Zdravo, zao mi je, izgubio sam se
Mislim da sam te zamjenio s nekim drugim

Da li da pricamo o vremenu?
Da li da pricamo o vladi?

Zdravo prijatelju, jesi li vidljiv danas?
Znas, nikad nisam znao da bi moglo biti ovako cudno,... cudno
Zdravo, zao mi je, izgubio sam se
Mislim da sam te zamijenio s nekim drugim

Da li da pricamo o vremenu?
Da li da pricamo o vladi?

The One I Love po fi±sku

tΣstΣ sille jota rakastan
tΣstΣ sille jonka jΣtin taakseni
mua p÷nkitit, mun aikaani sΣ veit
tΣstΣ sille jota rakastan


tΣstΣ sille jota rakastan
tΣstΣ sille jonka jΣtin taakseni
mua p÷nkitit, mun aikaani sΣ veit
tΣstΣ sille jota rakastan

tulta! (hΣn pΣrjΣΣ omillaan, nyt)
tulta! (hΣn pΣrjΣΣ omillaan)

E-bow The Letter w jΩzyku szwedzkim

Titta upp, vad ser du?
Hela du och hela jag
Fluorescerande och stjΣrnklar
Nσgra av dem ÷verraskar

Bussturen, jag skrev det hΣr klockan fyra
Detta brev
ValllmofΣlt, smσ pΣrlor
Alla pojkar och alla flickor Σr gottegrisar
Var och en lite skrΣmmande
Jag sa ditt namn

Jag bar det som en knapp med en filmstjΣrna
Syltor, k÷rsbΣrsmos och folietiaror
Dr÷mmer om Maria Callas
Vem nu det Σr
KΣndisgrejen, jag fattar inte
Jag lindar mina hΣnder i plast och f÷rs÷ker se genom
Maybellin÷gon och pojk-flicker÷relser
Jag kan ta dig lσngt
Det hΣr med stjΣrnor, jag fattar inte

(Jag tar dig ÷ver, dit)
Aluminium, smakar rΣdsla
Adrenalin, drar oss nΣra

Ska du leva och bli 83?
Ska du nσgonsin vΣlkomna mig?
Kommer du att visa mig nσgot ingen annan sett
R÷k, Σt, drick
HΣr kommer floden
Vad som helst f÷r att tunna ut blodet
De frΣtande medlen visar sin magik, lσngsamt och ljuvt
Ring, Σt det, drick
Bara en tugga till
Repor och bucklor fσngar ljuset
Aluminium, den svagaste lΣnken

Jag vill inte g÷ra dig besviken
Jag Σr inte hΣr f÷r att inviga dig
Jag skulle slicka dina f÷tter
Men Σr det det sjukaste?
Jag bΣr min egen krona och vemod och sorg
Och vem kunde ha trott att imorgon skulle vara sσ konstig?
Min f÷rlust, och nu k÷r vi igen

(Jag tar dig ÷ver, dit)
Aluminium, smakar rΣdsla
Adrenalin, drar oss nΣra

Titta upp, vad ser du?
Hela du och hela jag
Fluorescerande och stjΣrnklar
Nσgra av dem ÷verraskar

Jag kan inte se det i ÷gonen
Sekonal, spanska flugan, absint, fotogen
K÷rsbΣrssmakande nacke och krage
Jag kan kΣnna sorg i din andedrΣkt
Svetten, segern, sorgen
Det hΣr med lukt, jag fattar det

(Jag tar dig ÷ver, dit)
Aluminium, smakar rΣdsla
Adrenalin, drar oss nΣra

(wszystkie t│umaczenia pochodz▒ z grupy dyskusyjnej rec.music.rem)

Czcionka u┐yta na ok│adce albumu "Monster" zosta│a "zdemaskowana"! Jest to Helvetica Neuland Black Italic.

- Co │▒czy Pink Floyd'≤w i R.E.M. ?
- Obydwa zespo│y maj▒ na swoim koncie utwory Syda Berret'a oraz wyruszaj▒ w trasΩ koncertow▒ raz na siedem lat :-)