Fast order Form Help 
To maintain absolute security only order codes and quantities will be sent to the Maplin web-site.You will not asked for credit card or personal details until you are connected, via the secure link, to the site.

Other Details
Prices, descriptions and availability details will be supplied once contact has been made with the web-site.

Internet Connection
Depending on how your connection to the Internet is set up you may have to manually connect to the Internet before clicking on the order button.

Once connected to the Internet and after clicking on the order button there will be a delay while the order form makes contact with the site. Once connected to the site a message will be seen on the screen advising you that :

"Your order is being transmitted to the Maplin on-line web site"

The order is processed on-line and any errors or problems will be displayed with the following screen:
In this instant the problem is with Item TX28F which has been discontinued.
You may continue to place your order, if the discontinued item is not a problem, by clicking on the Proceed to Shopping Basket button.

The above screen will only display if there is a problem such as a discontinued item or if you have entered an invalid code. Otherwise you will directed immediately to the following screen.

Ensure that all is correct before proceeding to the Checkout.
You may cancel the order at any point by leaving the site. From this point on follow the on-line instructions.
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