Memory Addresses of the V7-MERCURY P-64 It is necessary to make sure that all I/O and memory addresses reserved for the graphics board are not used by other hardware devices. Your board uses the following addresses: I/O addresses: Standard VGA I/O 3B0-3DF Graphics Engine x2E8-x2EA Memory addresses: Video RAM A000-BFFF VL Bus: Video ROM C000-C7FF PCI Bus: Video ROM C000-C7FF* * During the boot procedure the board uses a 64k memory block (C000 - CFFF)! Note: Please note that some fax and modem cards also use the address 2E8 (COM#4). In this case deactivate COM#4 and use another address for the corresponding hardware device. PCI bus version users: In contrast to an ISA or VL bus graphics board, the PCI version of the V7-MERCURY P-64 requires double the amount of memory (64 kB instead of 32 kB Video ROM) during the boot procedure. It may occur that memory areas are occupied which are also addressed by other devices. If you install devices with an own BIOS-ROM (e.g. SCSI-, ESDI controller or network card) please be aware of the fact that the memory area from C000 - CFFF may not be addressed. In this case it is necessary that you change the BIOS address of the other device (depending on the corresponding device via jumper or DIP switch). Example: With VL bus graphics boards it is possible to set the BIOS of an ESDI controller to C800. With the PCI version of the V7-MERCURY P-64 the address of the ESDI controller may only start at D000.