SMONITOR SMONITOR is a program used to inform your graphics board of the maximum refresh rate and boot mode of your monitor. The syntax for the command is as follows:: SMONITOR Parameter The parameters: Group Identification number for your monitor type (see table below). The default is group 4. Warning You can damage your monitor if you select a refresh rate that is too high for it! Read your monitor manual refresh rate information. Group Resolution / Frequency 640 x 480 800 x 600 1024 x 768 1280 x 1024 0 60 Hz 1 60 Hz 87i Hz 2 60 Hz 56 Hz 87i Hz 3 72 Hz 56 Hz 87i Hz 4* 72 Hz 72 Hz 60 Hz 87i Hz 5 72 Hz 72 Hz 70 Hz 87i Hz 6 75 Hz * Default i = interlaced Color mode: C Set Color Monitor M Set Monochrome Monitor. By using one of the parameters you can force the board to boot in color or monochrome. Some monitors (most notably Samsung monitors manufactured before 2/8/91) do not adhere to the standard IBM pinout definitions, which causes the VGA card to boot up in monochrome instead of color. This utility may be used to correct the problem. Example: SMONITOR 3 SMONITOR C Selects a monitor in group 3 and boots in color.