Font File for AutoCAD 11/12 and AutoShade The SPEA driver for AutoCAD Rel.11 and Rel.12 uses either an existing font file, or the 8 bit international font in the VGA BIOS (8x16) if a font file is not present. Font files may contain any size up to 16x30. The driver searches for font files in the following order: 1. Looks for the file AQUILA.FNT in the current directory. 2. If not found, searches for the file specified in the variable AQUILA_FONT found in the DOS environment. 3. If the font file is readable, it will be used, otherwise Aquila will borrow font data from the VGA BIOS. Example: If you want to change the font size later, you can change the font file which is assigned to the variable AQUILA_FONT in the batch file V7ACAD.BAT. SET AQUILA_FONT=C:\SPEA\GDC\FONTS\6X9.FNT There are seven font files provided with the SPEA driver. They will be copied into the C:\SPEA\GDC\FONTS directory. 6X9.FNT 8X16.FNT 9X15.FNT 12X20.FNT 12X24.FNT 15X25.FNT 16X30.FNT Important! All font files can be used in AutoCAD and AutoShade, while 3D Studio will only use the internal 8x16 VGA font. Note: The international font is only supported with the font 8x16.