Lotus 1-2-3 / Symphony 2.0 1. Start the Lotus 1-2-3/Symphony installation program: CD \123 INSTALL or CD SYM INSTALL 2. A menu is displayed. Follow the instructions on the screen in the following sequence:. 3. Start with ENTER. 4. Select Advanced Options. 5. Select Add New Drivers to the Library. 6. Confirm with ENTER. 7. Select Modify Current Driver Set. 8. You will be shown a list of the current configuration. To change an item mark it with the highlight bar. Make your selections from the list. Several new SPEA drivers have been added to the list; 4 for graphics and 3 for text. 9. Select Graphics Driver and select a single or dual screen configuration. Select a resolution for the SPEA board. Note: If dual screen is selected text (not the S3 driver) then the text output must be on the text monitor. 10. Select Text Driver and pick a SPEA text driver. If your configuration is correct, press ESC to return to the menu. 11. Terminate the installation program: Select Save Changes. Press ENTER twice Select Yes, in order to exit the installation program.