Converting Objects

You are allowed to apply the Convert to command to those types of objects, which are described below. Before applying this command you have to select one or more objects you are going to convert.


To convert to circle:

* Select the Format-->Convert to-->Circle command. The currently selected ellipse becomes a circle (i.e. its width and height become equal). Filling, shadow and outline parameters remain unchanged.

To convert to rectangle:

* Select the Format-->Convert to-->Rectangle command. The currently selected ellipse becomes a rectangle with the width and height, which are equal to that of the original ellipse. Filling, shadow and outline parameters remain unchanged.


To convert to square:

* Select the Format-->Convert to-->Square command. The currently selected rectangle becomes a square (i.e. its width and height become equal). Filling, shadow and outline parameters remain unchanged.

To convert to ellipse:

* Select the Format-->Convert to-->Ellipse command. The currently selected rectangle becomes ellipse with the width and height, which are equal to that of the original rectangle. Filling, shadow and outline parameters remain unchanged.

To convert to polygon:

* Select the Format-->Convert to-->Polygon command. The currently selected rectangle becomes a closed polygon including four vertexes on the previous corners of the rectangle. The filling, shadow and outline parameters remain unchanged.