A project is a structural set of labels. When creating a new project you first of all create a new label and its first version.
To create a new project:
1. Do one of the following:
-- Select New from the File menu,
-- Click the
icon on the Standard Toolbar.
The application displays the New Project wizard (step 1).
2. Select a label/project template in the New Project wizard (step 1) and click Next. The application displays the New Project wizard (step 2). On this step you are allowed to select an image as a background for the label.
3. Select a background on Step 2 of the New Project wizard as described above and click Next. The application displays the New Project wizard (step 3). On this step you are allowed to select an additional image for the label.
4. Add an image in the New Project wizard (step 3) as described above and click Next. The application displays the New Project wizard (step 4). On this step you are allowed to add text and layouts on the label.
5. Click Finish. A new project is created and the default label window is opened. The new project is added to Workspace Navigator and is named as "New Project <number>". After the project is saved, the Workspace Navigator will store it under the saved name.