The Text Tool allows you to insert the text on labels.
To insert the text:
1. Select the label you are going to insert the text into.
2. Choose the Text Tool by clicking the
icon on the Object Toolbar. The mouse cursor appears as a crosshair
in relation to the text icon.
3. Drag your mouse to define the reference frame of the new text. While the mouse is being dragged a rubber rectangle is drawn. It will include a reference frame when you release the left mouse button. The width of the rubber rectangle is 1 px, the color contrasts with the background.
4. If you click the right mouse button or press the Esc key while dragging the mouse, the current drawing process is cancelled. The tool remains selected.
5. After you release the left mouse button it becomes possible to input text into the defined frame using the Text Style palette. The Enter key can be used in order to input multiple lines of text.
6. To finish the text input and thereby complete the text creation process, you can press the Esc key or click the mouse outside the reference frame.The font, shadow, blend, shade, outline, border and other effects are defined by the current state of the environment.
7. You can insert new text until another tool is chosen.
Note: You can change the Outline, Filling and Shadow properties in the corresponding palettes.