The Insert Bar Code Wizard

This wizard allows you to adjust parameters for a new bar code object. The Wizard has four steps. All steps contain the Sample preview control, which displays bar code with the currently selected settings. If any settings have not been entered, the default settings will be used.

Step 1. General

Example of the Insert Bar Code Wizard (Step1)

On this step you have to choose the type of Bar Code and enter encoded data. The items of the Insert BarCode wizard have the following meaning:

Bar code type (symbology):

Indicates the type of the bar code to be generated. The chosen symbology depends on your needs and influences the type of data that can be encoded and how the printed result looks like. Not all bar code types are able to represent alphanumeric data; some can only represent digits (or additionally represent limited special characters like “/” or “*”). This combo box allows you to select one of the following available options: Codabar, Code 128, Code 128 A, Code 128 B, Code 128 C, Code 39, Code 93, Data Matrix, EAN/UCC-128 Composite, EAN/UPC Composite, Interleaved 2 of 5, MSI Plessey, PDF 417, QR Code, UCC-128, UPC-A, UPC-E (11 digit), UPS MaxiCode, or Zip+4 POSTNET.

Encoded Data:

Contains the value (letters, digits and special characters) that should be represented as a bar code. The graphic result depends on the selected bar code type. If the encoded data is invalid for the selected symbology, an " X " is displayed together with an error code and a short description instead of the bar code.

Back Style:

Indicates the mode used for drawing the background. The bar code can be painted in a transparent (- > standard, background shines through) or opaque way (background is overwritten with the background color).

Print Text:

If selected indicates whether the content of the barcode is printed as human readable text. This check box is selected by default.

Above Symbol:

It indicates where the human readable text should be printed. Selectable values: below or above the bar code (- > standard: below). For some bar codes, like UPC and EAN, the adjustment "Above symbol" is not permitted.

Text Distance:

Sets the distance of the human readable text to the bar code (in 1/1000 mm). If Default is marked, a default value is used.


When selected the Text Distance is defined by default.

When the Next or Finish button is clicked the application displays an error message if you enter invalid data in the Encoded data pane.

Step 2. Setting Advanced Properties

Example of the Insert Bar Code Wizard (Step 2) 

On this step you can modify the bar code's advanced properties. What follows is an individual explanation of each of the advanced properties:

Module Width:

Indicates the width of a module in 1/1000 mm. The bar code is divided into individual "modules" - the smallest unit of the bar segments. The module width functions as a fundamental unit, i.e. all lines and spaces are based on this adjustment. If "default" is marked, the module width is calculated automatically based on the width of the bounding rectangle (set by changing the size of the ActiveX object) and the number of utilizable data characters to be encoded.

Setting the module width manually to a fixed value is recommended if you have varying quantities of data and the optical data density should be constant. In this case the bar code becomes wider, if more data is encoded. The bounding rectangle must be drawn or programmed at least as wide as necessary for the full and not truncated representation of the largest amount of utilizable data.

When using the default setting: If the module width is computed automatically, the optical data density of the printout increases with higher amounts of encoded data characters. Depending upon the printer resolution, the lower limit for the module width may be exceeded - leading to unreadable bar codes. Ensure that bar code bounding rectangles are as wide as necessary for the largest data content.

Print Ratio:

The Print Ratio is the relationship between the bar- and gap-widths of a bar code. The ratio format (evident in the property RatioHint) depends on the selected type of bar code and shows, how many different bar- and gap-widths are used. The resulting width of a bar (or gap) is calculated using the indicated Print Ratio and the (calculated or specified) module width. This is only used for special applications.

Example: If a bar code element has 4 different bar widths and 4 different space widths, then the print ratio looks like this (Code 128): 1:2:3:4:1:2:3:4. In the first part ("1:2:3:4") the width ratio of the bars is set, in the second section the relation of the spaces are set (in our case, they are the same). The smallest bar is "1" wide, the next larger is "2" (thus twice as wide as the smaller bar) and so on. Modifications within this area are meaningful only for special applications, since some bar codes may become unreadable when manipulating the print ratio.


This is an image for formatting the utilizable data of the bar code. The format string operates with substitute symbols to indicate how the data is structured. It is also possible to insert constant characters mixed with the bar code data according to defined rules. Also certain control characters that make it possible to change the Subsets for Code 128, EAN 128 and UCC 128 (or to define the desired start/stop character of CODABAR) are defined.

Guard Width:

This edit box defines the Guard bar - a horizontal line, which limits the bar code on the upper and lower side. If its value is not set to zero (standard), the Guard bar is printed. Values larger than zero indicate the width of the Guard bar in 1/1000 mm. For some types (like UPC and EAN) the value should be zero. If the Default check box is selected, this field is disabled.

Notch Height:

This edit box allows you to set the protruding of the synchronization bars from the bar code (e.g. the double lines within EAN on the left, at the center and on the right side). If the Default check box is selected, this field is disabled.

Check Digit:

The calculation method of the check digit can be set here. In order to guarantee that the bar code data is read properly, a check digit is intended at the end of the utilizable data. A comparison of the bar code content with the check digit informs the scanning device (scanner) about incorrect scans and forces the device to repeat (or reject) the scan. The check digit calculation method is standardized for certain common bar codes.

With the default-adjustment the check digit is calculated according to the specification of the selected bar code. Modifications within this area are admissible only for special applications or for bar codes with selectable check digit methods. This field is also used to enable check digit calculation, if none is set as standard (a check digit is not standard, but recommended for LOGMARS or Code39).

Translate Escape Sequences:

Indicates whether escape sequences (like \n) are to be translated (Default: no). The use of escape sequences is useful if you need to encode control characters like Carriage Return or FNC1 into the bar code.

Symbol must fit into rectangle:

If this option is marked, an error code will be shown in place of the bar code, if the produced bar code does not fit into the bounding rectangle. This occurs if the module width is preset to a fixed value (by the user) and the total width of the bar code exceeds the bounding rectangle. Truncated bar codes can be avoided this way and incorrect printouts can be detected immediately. This option is recommended in connection with manual adjustments of the module width.

Suppress Error Message:

If the bar code data contains invalid values (characters which can not be encoded with the selected bar code type e.g. letters like "A" when using 2OF5 Interleaved), then an error message is displayed in place of the bar code. This error output can be suppressed by checking this box - leading to blank fields when an error has occurred.

Note: If the Default check box is selected, the corresponding field is disabled and defined by default.

Step 3. Setting Font Properties

Example of the Insert Bar Code Wizard (Step3) 

This step lets users set the bar code's font properties. The items are defined in the following table:


Contains the list of objects including the Font value, you have to define properties for.


From this combo box select the font, which will be used for the bar code.


From this combo box select the font size, which will be used for the bar code.


Select corresponding check boxes to define such font effects as Bold, Italic, Underline, and Strikeout.

Sample Text:

Displays a sample text with the properties you defined.

Step 4. Type Specific settings

Example of the Insert Bar Code Wizard (Step4) 

The page items have the following meaning:


Contains the list of objects including the Back Color, Fore Color, and Text Color value, you have to define properties for.

Color Set:

From this combo box select the color set, which will be used for the bar code.

Color Palette:

From here select the color, which will be used for the bar code.

Edit Custom Color:

When clicked allows you to use the extended Color Palette.