The Ellipse Tool allows you to draw the ellipses on the labels.
To use the ellipse tool:
1. Select the label you are going to use the ellipse tool for.
2. Choose the Ellipse Tool
by clicking the
icon on the Object's Toolbar. The mouse cursor appears as a crosshair
with the ellipse icon.
3. Hold the mouse button down in the place where you wish to begin the left edge of your ellipse. During the dragging a rubber ellipse is shown. The width of rubber ellipse is 1 px; the color contrasts with the background.
4. If you press the right mouse button or hit the Esc key, the current drawing process is cancelled. The tool remains selected.
5. Release the left mouse button. A new ellipse is created with edge points that correspond to the locations at which the left mouse button was pressed and released. The line color, line style, line thickness, fill properties and shadow of the new ellipse are defined by the current state of the environment.
6. You can draw a new ellipse until another tool is chosen.