## version $VER: XX.catalog XX.XX (XX.XX.XX) ## codeset X ## language X MSG_USAGEINFO ; Usage: DoIcon [] []\n (see documentation for supported options)\n\n MSG_NOTOOLTYPENUMBER ; Number of tooltype not specified!\n MSG_SCANNING ; Scanning for \".info\"-files...\n MSG_SCANCOMPLETED ; Scan completed.\n MSG_CANTSAVE ; Icon not saved!\n MSG_CANTDELETE ; Icon not deleted!\n MSG_ICONTYPE ; Icontype: \0 MSG_DISK ; DISK\n MSG_DRAWER ; DRAWER\n MSG_TOOL ; TOOL\n MSG_PROJECT ; PROJECT\n MSG_TRASHCAN ; TRASHCAN\n MSG_DEVICE ; DEVICE\n MSG_KICK ; KICK\n MSG_APPICON ; APPICON\n MSG_UNDEFINED ; \n MSG_ICONPOSITON_LEFTEDGE ; Icon-position: left edge = \0 MSG_ICONTOPEDGE ; and top edge = \0 MSG_FREE ; MSG_ICONDIMENSIONS ; Icon-dimensions: width = %d and height = %d\n MSG_DRAWERPOSITION ; Window-position: left edge = %d and top edge = %d\n MSG_DRAWERDIMENSIONS ; Window-dimensions: width = %d and height = %d\n MSG_HIGHLIGHTMETHOD ; Highlight-method: \0 MSG_COMPLEMENT ; COMPLEMENT\n MSG_BACKFILL ; BACKFILL\n MSG_IMAGE ; IMAGE\n MSG_DEPTH ; Depth: %d bit-planes\n MSG_STACKSIZE ; Stacksize: %d bytes\n MSG_NOSTACKSIZE ; This icontype uses no stacksize!\n MSG_DEFAULTTOOL ; Defaulttool: \0 MSG_NODEFAULTTOOL ; This icontype uses no defaulttool!\n MSG_TOOLTYPES ; Tooltypes: \0 MSG_NONE ; MSG_STACKSIZE_CHANGED ; Stacksize changed to MSG_WRONGICONTYPE ; Wrong icontype for operation!\n MSG_LEFTEDGE_CHANGED ; Left edge changed to MSG_TOPEDGE_CHANGED ; Top edge changed to MSG_XPOSITION_FREED ; Horizontal position freed.\n MSG_YPOSITION_FREED ; Vertical position freed.\n MSG_LEFTWINDOWEDGE_CHANGED ; Left edge of window changed to MSG_TOPWINDOWEDGE_CHANGED ; Top edge of window changed to MSG_DRAWERWIDTH_CHANGED ; Window width changed to MSG_DRAWERHEIGHT_CHANGED ; Window height changed to MSG_MINIMUM ; (minimum).\n MSG_TYPENOTVALID ; New type not valid!\nUse DISK, DRAWER, TOOL, PROJECT, TRASHCAN, DEVICE, KICK or APPICON.\n MSG_ICONTYPE_CHANGED ; Icontype changed to %s.\n MSG_DEFAULTTOOL_CHANGED ; Defaulttool changed to \"%s\".\n MSG_HIGHLIGHT_IS_IMAGE ; Highlight-method of icon is already defined as IMAGE.\n MSG_HIGHLIGHT_NOT_VALID ; New highlight-method not valid!\nUse COMPLEMENT, BACKFILL or IMAGE.\n MSG_HIGHLIGHT_CHANGED ; Highlight-method changed to %s.\n MSG_ICON_CONVERTED ; Icon converted to %d bit-planes.\n MSG_ICON_ALREADY_XBP ; Icon has already %d bit-planes!\n MSG_ICON_ONLY_XBP ; Icon has only %d bit-planes!\n MSG_WRONG_BITPLANES ; Wrong number of bit-planes. Use 1, 2, 3 or 4 bit-planes.\n MSG_ICON_CONVERTEDTO8BP ; Icon converted to 8 bit-planes.\n MSG_ICON_ALREADY8BP ; Icon has already 8 bit-planes!\n MSG_ICON_MUSTHAVE3 ; Icon has less than 3 bitplanes!\n MSG_ERROR_NOTENOUGHMEM ; ERROR: Not enough memory for operation!\n MSG_TOOLTYPE_ADDED ; Tooltype \"%s\" added.\n MSG_TOOLTYPE_NOTFOUND ; Tooltype not found!\n MSG_TOOLTYPE_CHANGED ; Tooltype \"%s\" changed to \"%s\".\n MSG_TOOLTYPE_TURNEDON ; Tooltype \"%s\" turned on.\n MSG_TOOLTYPE_TURNEDOFF ; Tooltype \"%s\" turned off.\n MSG_TOOLTYPES_DELETEDALL ; All Tooltypes deleted.\n MSG_TOOLTYPE_DELETED ; Tooltype \"%s\" deleted.\n MSG_NOLOCK ; Could not lock %s\n MSG_ICON_DELETED ; %s Deleted\n MSG_ICON_CANTDELETE ; Could not delete \"%s\".\n MSG_SCANERROR ; Error while scanning!\n MSG_FILE_NODIR ; This is a file and not a directory!\n MSG_DIR_CANTEXAMINE ; Could not examine the dir/device!\n MSG_ICON_REMAPPED ; Icon colors remapped.\n MSG_ICON_DP ; \nIcon: %s\n MSG_ICON_DELETED2 ; Icon deleted!\n MSG_ERROR_OS3_ONLY ; This function needs at least OS 3.0!\n MSG_CALLING_INFOREQ ; Calling information requester...\n MSG_WRITING_IMAGEDATA ; Writing ImageData-sourcecode to \"RAM:IconImageData.c\"...\n MSG_ICON_MWBREMAPPED ; Icon remapped to 4-color style and stripped to 2 bit-planes.\n MSG_WRONG_METHODNUMBER ; Wrong method-number! Use either 1 or 2 as argument!\n MSG_DEFAULTTOOL_NOMATCH ; Defaulttool did not match.\n MSG_TOOLTYPES_EMPTY ; Icon has no tooltypes.\n MSG_TOOLTYPE_NOMATCH ; No matching tooltype found.\n MSG_TOOLTYPE_DEFINED_AS ; Tooltype \"%s\" is defined as \"%s\".\n MSG_DEST_NOT_FOUND ; Destination icon not found! Nothing changed!\n MSG_NO_MULTIPLE_SOURCE ; Multiple source icons not possible when destination is given!\n MSG_ICON_TYPE_COPIED ; Icon type copied.\n MSG_ICON_POSITION_COPIED ; Icon position copied.\n MSG_WINDOW_POSITION_COPIED ; Drawer window position copied.\n MSG_STACKSIZE_COPIED ; Stacksize copied.\n MSG_DEFAULTTOOL_COPIED ; Defaulttool copied.\n MSG_ICON_IMAGE_COPIED ; Icon image copied.\n MSG_TOOLTYPES_COPIED ; Tooltypes copied.\n MSG_NO_TTS_IN_SOURCE ; No tooltypes in source icon. Nothing changed!\n MSG_TOOLTYPES_UPDATED ; Tooltypes updated.\n MSG_TOOLTYPES_SORTED ; Tooltypes sorted.\n MSG_ONLY_ONE_TOOLTYPE ; Icon has only one tooltype. Nothing changed!\n MSG_ICON_IMAGE_SWAPPED ; Icon images (normal/select) swapped.\n MSG_NO_SELECT_IMAGE ; Icon has no select image. Nothing changed!\n MSG_DRAWER_ALL_FILES ; Drawer window is set to show all files.\n MSG_DRAWER_ONLY_ICONS ; Drawer window is set to show only files with an icon.\n MSG_DRAWER_CONTENTS_AS ; Drawer contents is listed as %s.\n MSG_DRAWER_CONTENTS_BY ; Drawer contents is listed by %s.\n MSG_DRAWER_WRONG_SHOWMODE ; New showmode is not valid! Use %s or %s as argument.\n MSG_DRAWER_WRONG_VIEWMODE ; New viewmode is not valid! Use %s, %s, %s or %s as argument.\n