Two MIBs are implemented in the MGE UPS SYSTEMS agents:
These two MIBs can be read using a standard GET request transmitted from any manager using the SNMP protocol. A SET request is used to modify the values of these objects, which can be accessed in read and write.
The object identifiers (OID) of the UPS MIBs are described in files UPSMIB16.TXT (MGE UPS SYSTEMS MIB), RFC1628.MIB (IETF MIB). These files are in the MANUAL/MIB directory of the Solution-Pac CD-ROM. They contain the object identifiers in language ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One) for possible use by a network manager.
An explanation of the various objects in these MIBs is also given in the files of the directory MANUAL/MIB/FRA/Mibagent.doc and MANUAL/MIB/ENG/agentMIB.doc of the Solution-Pac CD-ROM.