Three files with extension cfg are available in the default directory of the UM-Agent installation directory, which define three different types of use:
These three files force the UM-Agent configuration parameters corresponding to the type of use required.
UM-Agent downloads the configuration when it detects a file with extension cfg in the directory where it is installed.
By default, during installation, a file default.cfg (identical to protmax.cfg) is used by UM-Agent to provide maximum system protection.
Three files are available in the default directory of the UM-Agent installation directory for standard configurations of UM-Agent.
The syntax of these ASCII files is as follows:
You can create your own configuration file with a text editor. It is essential to carry out this operation in the default directory. Then copy the file into the installation directory of the UM-Agent component which initiates the download.
The TFTP file transfer service based on TCP/IP can copy a file of this type from a remote station at any time.