500	Out of memory.  Unable to continue with application removal.
550	Times New Roman
600	|1 Removal
601	Application Removal
602	Removing all |1 components from your computer....  Please wait.
603	Are you sure you want to completely remove |1 and all of its components?
604	Program installation removed
605	Could not open logfile '|1'
606	An unexpected error has occurred trying to parse the following logfile line:
607	An error occurred while parsing the following line of the logfile:
608	An error occurred while trying to parse the logfile:  No project name was found.
609	The logfile '|1' may be corrupt.  Unable to continue.
610	Warning!  Are you sure you want to abort?  If you abort now, it will not be possible to restart the application removal process.
611	Invalid command-line arguments.  Unable to continue.
613	The application removal program may only be run from either from the Program Manager icon (Windows NT) or from the control panel Add/Remove Programs applet (Windows 95)
650	A serious setup error has occurred.
651	Removing current installation files.
652	Do you want to delete the installation logfile '|1'?  This file can be useful in diagnosing your installation problem.
700	Unable to remove the file '|1'
701	Some components could not be removed from your computer
702	Application removal has been aborted
703	Unable to remove the directory '|1'
704	Incorrect logfile format:  File '|1' was registered but not copied.  The logfile may be corrupt.  Press OK to continue or Cancel to abort.
705	Warning!  If you continue, some components may not be fully removed.
706	Remove Automation Server '|1'
707	Shared File
801	Unable to unregister file '|1'
802	Error initializing OLE
803	Error loading DLL
804	Error unregistering DLL
805	Error removing Program Manager groups
806	Error removing Program Manager icons
807	Error removing program groups
808	Error removing program links
809	The file '|1' cannot be deleted because it no longer exists
810	Unable to unregister the file '|1' because it no longer exists
811	You are about to remove all shared files that are no longer in use
812	Error removing one or more entries from the system registration database
813	An error occurred trying to update the system registration database
900	Program Manager Groups
901	Program Manager Icons
902	Program Links
903	Program Folders
904	Registry Entries
905	Startup