RFGraph Ver 1.0 Oct 30 1997 RFGraph is a scientific analysis and graphing program for windows95. Some of the functions it includes are nonlinear curve fitting, smoothing, integration, autocorrelation, logarithmic as well as linear axes etc. For an introduction of how to use RFGraph you should read the gettting started section in the helpfile- this example will take you through the process of taking raw data to finished graph. RFgraph comes as a zip file with the following files: RFGRAPH EXE 468,992 10-30-97 10:14p RFGraph.exe RFGRAPH HLP 60,291 10-30-97 10:35p RFGRAPH.HLP RFGRAPH CNT 277 10-03-97 8:22p RFGraph.cnt README TXT 2,498 10-30-97 10:56p README.TXT SAMPLE TXT 73,578 10-02-97 10:09p sample.txt SAMPLE RFG 32,250 10-03-97 8:12p sample.RFG CUSTOMEQ TXT 52 07-13-97 11:26p CUSTOMEQ.TXT To install Rfgraph Create a directory for the above files. (ie C:\rfgraph) Copy all of the files to the drive and directory that you want to have rfgraph installed on. Now create a shortcut on the desktop: Right click on an empty area of the desktop, select the new->shortcut. Click on Browse and find the directory copies the files to in part #1 Click on the rfgraph icon and hit Open. Double check that the path is correct then hit next, then hit next again to accept the name of the shortcut to be rfgraph, and then click on finish. That's it it's ready to run! RFGraph is freely distributable shareware, if you like this program please send in the $25 registration fee, to: Rick Francis 2747 Del Medio Ct Mountain View CA 94040 Or you can order via credit card through Setsystem: Online: https://www.setsystems.com/cgi-bin/buy-rfgraph Or Telephone (11:00am - 9:00pm Eastern, Monday-Saturday) USA and Canada (toll-free): 1-888-201-7131 Outside USA: 1-801-943-7848 Why should you register? 1) It encourages me to continue working on the program (especially if you want a particular feature added or a particular bug fixed). 2) If you register I will send you the most up to date registered version. Note that the registered version DOES NOT have the annoying shareware reminder on startup. You can also send comments/suggestions and/or bug reports to me at: rick@fayerlab.stanford.edu. I will also have a web page for rfgraph setup off of my home page (http://www-chem.Stanford.EDU/~rick). -Rick Francis