BLAZE TECHNOLOGIES ORDER FORM OK, I like this Barking Cards product and I would like to order a copy of it. I understand that by using any Blaze Technologies product, I agree to all terms of the Blaze licensing agreement. I also understand that this product is protected by Federal Copyright Laws and International Treaty Provisions. YOUR NAME:_________________________________________________________ (PLEASE PRINT) First Name, Initial, Last name Addr:_________________________________ Phone: (______) ______-________ _________________________________ Email: ________________________ _________________________________ City:_____________________________ State/Prov:_________ Zip:__________ How did you first hear about our products?____________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------QTY---PRICE-----------------TOTAL- Barking Cards 96 Lite Registration ___ $7.95 $_______ Barking Cards 96 (CD-ROM) ___ $29.95 (til 3/31/97) $_______ (this version has 25 cards) ___ $39.95 (after 3/31) $_______ Shipping and Handling ___ $4.95 $_______ (only for the CD-ROM version) Sales Tax: (7.75% for CA Residents only) $_______ __VISA __MasterCard __Check Enclosed TOTAL $_______ __ American Express __ Discover Credit Card Number: ________/________/________/________ Exp:____/____ Sign:X____________________________________ FOR LITE REGISTRATIONS**SEND ME THE LITE VERSION HELP FILE VIA: ___ CompuServe TO:__________________________________ ____ AOL TO:__________________________________ ____ Internet TO:________________________ SEND THE BARKING CARDS 96 CD-ROM TO: ___ Address listed above. ___ Another address: ____________________________________________ (for a gift) ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ORDERS VIA MAIL CREDIT CARD ORDERS VIA FAX Enclose check and mail to: OR PHONE Blaze Technologies (415) 691-9450 Phone 181-19 Centre Street (415) 938-1230 Fax Mountain View, CA 94041