Send me your comments! Tell me what you wish for! ;) I think I know DEVIL fairly well now, I just need ideas. (and lots more patience) ============================================================================== Level Name : Tragic Euphoria (v1.03, 4/26/96) Name through D2 : -Euphoria 4/26 1.03- Date Finished : 4-26-96 Designer : Jx4 Email Address : ============================================================================== Level # : 1 Single Player : Yes. There are some bots. Co-Op : Sure. I think. Anarchy : Yes, of course. Robo-Anarchy : Yes. Nothing better than bots in a game. Flag : Yes, but I don't know how well it'll work. ============================================================================== Build Time : Around 5 hours. Editor(s) used : DEVIL v2.1f Known Bugs : So far, none. ============================================================================== Planned expansion : Well, v1 is level one. v2 will have levels one and two. Level two will probably be out tomorrow, 4/27. If a v1.04 comes out, it means it has either a bug fix or user-requested addition. ============================================================================== Description : Corridor action. Corridor action only. Weapons are in there, just spread around and the level is pretty hard to get around in. Lights and stuff were added to try and make marks to remember where you've been. A lot of stuff is switch-controller, too. If you play multiplayer, and you can't find the other player, well, you shouldn't be playing one-on-one, but it's probably because there's a switch to be found. The switch to open the reactor room is hidden, others are out in the open. (only 4 switches, though) Only one real hidden area. But it's a nice one to find for anarchy play. ;) I was going to have a lava maze in this level, but I ditched that idea, because I didn't want it too hard to navigate through my level. ============================================================================== Next level : An arena level. Hopefully will finish it tomorrow. ============================================================================== Extra Stuff : This will be the level I'll stick with. I like this one. I dumped MegaJamia in favor of these levels. I think these are better. (you'll notice some similarities between level 1 and the level in MegaJamia, because I based it on that - but I started from scratch) ============================================================================== Copyright/Permissions - Authors may NOT use any level in Tragic Euphoria as a basis for any additional levels and/or macros. You MAY distribute this level, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact, and notify the author. ==============================================================================