============================================================================== Level Name : Mega-LavaJam (MegaJamia, Level 2) Name through D2 : L2 MegaJamia L2 Date Finished : 4-20-96 Designer : Jx4 Email Address : jx4@usanetlink.net ============================================================================== Level # : 1 Single Player : No. Except to look around and find secrets. Co-Op : No. That mode sucks. Anarchy : Yes, of course. Robo-Anarchy : No. I'll add robo support later. Flag : Yes, but it's a small level. ============================================================================== Build Time : Around 12 hours. Editor(s) used : DEVIL v2.1d and v2.1f Known Bugs : So far, none. ============================================================================== Description : This is level 2 of MegaJamia, entitled Mega-LavaJam, since it's mainly lava corridors. This version has a lot of weapons. ============================================================================== Copyright/Permissions - Authors may NOT use this level as a basis for any additional levels. You MAY distribute this level, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact, and notify the author. ==============================================================================