Going on the whole everything is possible in the Descent environment, I've created a level with a little more solidity in it's objects. Most of the levels out there use the 3D effects of the Descent engine to create corridors that move in all 3 directions. The difference which sets this level apart from those is that the corridors have a nice walkway going through them. There are some secret hiding places inside this walkway as well which contain objects such as a mega missile, smart, etc. This sort of technique usually requires a lot of cubes to accomplish, but I tried my best to reduce that number to a minimum, though the level may still be slow on some machines. There are only three 4D corridors in this level. I'm sorry about this, but I needed them to tie the whole thing together. I'll try my hardest to avoid using any 4D effect in future levels. I did obtain the lower room from the chaos2 level, but I believe that I made significant changes to the area to warrant calling it original. Later, Arlo James Aude... E-mail: gt9605a@prism.gatech.edu