ROUGH RIDEIN for D2 first off if i have upset the creator of this level i am sorey this is a d2 vershion of a d1 level most of the weps are in thare all the cool one al lest # of levels = 1 REVISION time = 3 HOURS I HIT A BUG BUT IT IS FIXED 1 player = if you are relly bord anrchey = yes yes yes yes and yes coop = if you are relly bord flag = ya ti shood work (not tested) robo = NO!!!! thanks : to the person that made the level, interplay for making a gerat game, paralax same as interplay, the maker of devil i can't rember his name , the maker of edit so i can make this txt file. did i forget someone?? copyright's : i dont know i did not make the level just made it work with D2