Title :Shake U.S.A. Mission built :Drew "Nitemare" Kiermaier E-Mail :hog-wild@ix.netcom.com Editors used :Devil 2.1g, Descent Studio Pre-Release 3 Single Player :yes (levels 1 and 3 only) Co-Op :yes (levels 1 and 3 only) Robo-Anarchy :yes (as above) Anarchy :Of Course!!!! Flag :yes (implemented into levels 1 and 3) Bugs :None that I know of.....email me! Why? :Got tired of seeing the reactor blown by accident and the game ending prematurely. Tough luck for me eh? Besides, look at how often these levels are played anyway, might as well as combine them. Level order :1)!!D2 MEGADETH!! 2)SHAKE CITY 3)ESHAKER Changes :Incorporated flag bases into levels 1 and 3, saw too many ppl trying to play flag on them. Changed reactor on level 1......does it really matter! Editor's Note :Permission was not saught in doing this from the authors of either level 1 or 3. Reason:Level 1 has been around a long time and don't know who the original author is. As for level 3, that author only gave a Compuserve address and was unsure how to contact him otherwise. If I have offended you, feel free to e-mail me and vent your frustrations, otherwise.........GAME ON!!!!!!!!!!!