Title :Soccer Field v1.1 Date Revised :21 APR 96 Revising Author :Drew "Nitemare" Kiermaier E-Mail :hog-wild@ix.netcom.com Orig. Author :UNKNOWN Description :This is a revision from Soccer Field 1.0. The originating author didn't include a readme file, so I don't know who it belongs to. It was revised due to bugs I found. I haven't found any others, but if you do, feel free to let me know. If the original author wishes to contact me, by all means. If I have offended you by fixing it, well........TOUGH! You shouldn't publish a level with silly bugs as the ones I fixed. ============================================================================ Level # : 1 Single Player : Only if you are truly bored....no bots! Co-op : same as single player Anarchy : Yeah, you could, but the goals are there for a reason, might as well use them, though, if you like to battle in a box.....knock yourself out! Robo-Anarchy : Ha, yeah right. Flag : This is what it is designed for. Definitely no more than 4 players though. ! CONSTRUCTION ! Build Time : 0 (Didn't design it) Revision Time : Not much at all, maybe an hour if that. Editor used : Devil 2.1f (It's getting better) Known Bugs : None anymore.....or there shouldn't be! ! BUGS FIXED ! BUG RATING 1. 4 doors on playing field no worky! Kinda silly, but if you are new to devil....understandable. 2. Couldn't score in red goal Almost same as above, but definitely should have been checked. (Silly!) 3. Adjusted lighting in and around goals. When all lights are shot out the field will go black except for the inside of the goals. There will still be a little light around the outside of the goal, but that's just the way Devil calculated the lighting. This wasn't a 'have to fix' but it adds to the game. ! COPYRIGHTS/PERMISSIONS ! Well, I didn't design it, so I can't say whether you can or can't use it to build additional levels. You may distribute THIS LEVEL, provided you include THIS FILE with no modifications. May be distributed by any electronic means you feel is necessary, just include this file. @ REMARKS @ I haven't yet designed and published my own level. The earlier versions of Devil that I used always manipulated my levels in devious ways(hence the name?????...or coincidence??) and I finally just didn't bother. But the recent version that I used to revise this one looks kind of promising. * CREDITS * *Interplay and Paralax for designing one hell of an addicting game. *Achim Stremplate for constantly trying to provide the best interface for editing levels. *Jay Cotton for getting better and better at designing Kali.