Title :Soccer Field v1.3 Date Revised :21 APR 96 Revising Author :Drew "Nitemare" Kiermaier E-Mail :hog-wild@ix.netcom.com Orig. Author :UNKNOWN Description :Made some minor revisions, found weapons getting stuck between reactor and door and makes for a difficult game when you can't get to your flag. v1.0 --> v1.1 :Changed doors to normal instead of blow away. Could have changed the hitpoints, but why should they be blow away. v1.1 --> v1.2 :Fixed error (savegame.c)....I think it could have been the graphics for the flags or the way the mission manager in Devil put the .hog and .mn2 files together from 1.1. v1.2 --> v1.3 :Added some more afterburners, lengthened reactor cube so items wouldn't get stuck between the reactor and door. HAPPY FLAGGING!!!!!!!!