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Cock of the Rock

The Cock of the Rock is a memeber of the cotinga family, and is one of the most prized birds for birdwatchers. The best place to see them are in the Peruvian rainforests – particularly the "cloud forests" on the eastern slopes of the Andes.

The Peruvian cock of the rock has a bright red plume of feathers which gives it a very odd shaped head. A related species lives in Brazil and the Guianas, but is coloured orange. When the weather isn't too hot, the birds gather on rocks along the riverbank and perform one of nature's most impressive mating dances. The dance is intended to help the male attract a mate. With the rest of the flock gathered around, the male throws itself around erratically, spreading its wings, raising its head, and opening its tail like a peacock.

Once the cock has found a mate, the male and female build a nest on the rocks, just above the water. The nests are built using straw, grass and twigs held together with resin taken from the surrounding trees.
(Photo courtesy of Barry Walker, Manu Expeditions)

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