The Presidental Palace, used by Cuba's former rulers, has now become the Musuem of the Revolution – with many artefacts telling the tale of Cuba's pre-revolutionary development, and developments after the revolution. Aside from revolutionary artefacts, exhibits also include Cuba's first computer and the space suit worn by Cuba's first cosmonaut (who went into space on a joint mission with the Russians).
This photo shows an exhibit outside the museum. In the backgound is the Granma, the ship which delivered the revolutionaries back into Cuba following exile in Mexico; on the ground is some silver wreckage which is the engine of an American U2 spy plane shot down at around the time of the Cuban Missile crisis; and just above it is a ground-to-air missile system (used for shooting down aircraft) of the type that shot the plan down. Finally, there is a tank at the right of the photo, which carried Fidel Castro into the fighting at the Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961.