At the Feira or Street Market
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Brazilian pineapples are called "abacaxi." They are white inside and several degrees sweeter than anything that comes out of Hawai. I suspect it's a different variety entirely. Brazil is one of the largest producers of apples in the world, but I don't find them particularly interesting. (Oops, just found some apples I loved...They're called Fuji).
There are a couple of different papayas: a very large one, which is delicious, but not as much as the little ones. These are used in a fabulous Brazilian dessert called "creme de papaya." Yes, we have the recipe!
Papayas at a street market in Riol Avocados are huge and used for desserts and milk drinks called "vitaminas" and NOT (well, in foreign recipes, yes) for salads.
Cashews and passionfruit Mangoes come in several delicious varieties, from little green ones, known as "Carlotinhas" to enormous red ones. And if you're a big fan of fresh figs like I am, you're in for a treat in Brazil!
Coconuts are sold green, ready to drink, or grated on the spot. Fantastic!
Brazilian tomatoes are red and juicy - guess what, they're FRESH! - and you'll find all manners of greens, carrots, potatoes (they taste great) and so on.
Potatoes are delish!