I mainly feel sad and wish I had kept in touch with my friends. I used to listen to the tapes I had but they usually made me cry. Its's been 15 years since I was a foreign exchange student living in Santos for 6 months and Sao Paulo for six months. I can barely read or speak Portuguese any longer. This page is great! I just got connected to the internet yesterday and the first thing I did was to try to find Brazilian information. Do you know if the telephone system in Brasil has directory assistance? I would love to find my best friend Dulcineia Campos de Silva, she got married to a Walmir Rodruques and I never heard from her again. I'd also like to find another friend, Nelson Rogerio Lessa, also from Santos. I don't know if you can answer me, but I feel better trying. I printed some of your recipies, I has some of them, however, they were written in Portuguese and like I said, I'm pretty rusty. I'm definitely going to make the Brazilian Pudim, I loved that. I also loved the street venders who sold churros filled with carmelized creme de leite (if I remember it, actually it was what your recipe for doce de leite may turn out to be).
I loved living in Brazil. I never wanted to leave. I would dearly love to go back someday. I'd like to go back and visit my friends and places I went to.
Hey, do you know how to find chocolate from Gramado?? That was the most excellent chocolate I've ever tasted!
Thanks for creating this page. You made my day!
I drink Guarana and listen to some nice Tom Jobim CDs of course if I really feel inspired I'll make feijoada!
I listen to Martinho da Vila and dance samba until I'm completely exhausted. It's the best remedy.
Try not to cry
Look at the pictures I took when I was last there
I write to my girlfriend who lives in Sao Vicente. She's a flight attendant, and I can see her only very seldom, but I'm gonna be there from July until ???
call home
eu fico muito trite porque ,sinto voltade de visita mais nao posso porque morou longe.
listen to a cd of Roberto Carlos
I talk to my Brazilian friends and have a feijoada at my home. I might also listen to Brazilian music and dance a samba.
tudo! amigos, praias, savassi etc..
My Mom's voice on the other end of the line, always cures it...
My name is Carolina and I am from Montevideo, Uruguay; although my country is next to Brazil, I can only go once a year. I usually go to Salvador at Carnaval time. I love it. So when I miss that fabulous place I listen to music, I try to find some new sites about Brazil in the Internet (I am missing Brazil now). I also do plans to go next February. I am willing to. Bye, See you in Brazil.
Saudade. Eh um desespero danado ! Para mim, eu simplesmente tento visualizar o mais nitidamente possivel minhas melhores memorias de Sao Paulo, vou dirigir por um tempo escutando a um CD do Chico, Vinicio ou Milton e choro. O que me da mais prazer hoje em dia e ver minhas criancas crescer e ter um jeitao todo brasileiro. Primeira vez lendo a sua pagina. Adorei. Muito obrigado. Acabei de achar uma outra forma de matar a saudade da terrinha. Nelson
When I miss Brazil, I listen to its fabulous musics and at the same time I cry, and I cry, and I dream of the day that I would be back to my family, to my friends, to my special food and wonderful music and dances.
Well, I guess I send e-mails all the time to keep in touch with people in BraSil, or also I would take a look at the papers in the Net to see what's happening... although this usually stops me from feeling "saudades", specially the political pages. As I live near London, me and another Brazilian friend who is also studing in the University go to the Lisboa Bar, that as you can see is Portuguese, but anyway they have wonderful sweets (pasteis de Belem) and guarana', the drink to die for. Or I can drink chimarrao~ if it's too cold!
I listen to music and talk to my Brazilian friends
1)Trying to find time to go there again asap. 2)Looking at those worn pictures again while listening to "Danτa do Bumbum" and some other Samba music while trying to make some more money, then continue with no.1 on top.
Ola aqui Jane Nogueira moro na Hollanda.
Eu tambem sinto muitas saudades do Brasil. Quando tenho saudades ouco musicas Brasileiras. Nos (meu amigo tambem) gostariamos de ter som de musicas Baianas. Mas nosso problema e nao temos MP3 files na Internet. Por favor, mande -me uma pagina para download musica. Obrigado um abraco, Hans e Jane.
Nosso E-mail adress e: Sambahns@Worldonline.nl
I miss Brasil right now, so I came to the computer and went straight to Maria Brazil! Besides that, you can make caipirinha or drink Guarana Antarctica listening to Brasilian songs...
I sing Brazilian's songs
My husband and I also listen to brazilian songs and cook some brazilian food. Yesterday, for example, we ate "cuscuz com charque" at the dinner. We talk to our families twice a week and send emails everyday. By the way, congratulations for your home page, Maria. Kemine $ Klaiton Rocha.
I have never been to Brazil, but from the recipes I am reading, I sure would like to get there. I am hoping you can help me though. I need a recipe for Feijoada Moderna, for my son's classroom. I found several for Feijoada but can't locate anything that says "moderna." Can you tell me what that is? Any help is sincerely appreciated. Thank you. robin@magg.net
I listen to my Brazilian Music and call some friends that have been there, so I could be understood and be connected to all my feelings. I also like to drink caipirinha and/or a beer. Or I just call my family and friends in Belo Horizonte. Thanks for your beautiful home page. Lu
I listen to "pagode" :)
I go to the chat of UOl and talk to brazilians. I also listen songs, call family and friends, look for brazilians web sites (how i found yours!), cook brazilian foods and bother everybody else by talk only about Brazil ...
I go to places with Brazilian music, I drink caipirinha and enjoy a delicious brazilian BBQ. In the summertime me and my friend use to play vooleyball and drink a lot of beers
I drink a Chimarrao with some friends and talk about the good times in Brasil. I┤m from Germany and traveled over 30 h to get from Hamburg to Novo Hamburgo, by the way I say "Hallo" to everyone from Dois Irmaos/RS. Ciao, Tarek
First I get tears in my eyes than I cheer up because I have to thank God I was born a Brazillian and realize that the word Saudades is exclusive to our people and no one can take away how we feel about our beautiful country. No matter where we end up living in the world we will always be brazillian in our hearts
Cinara M Cobb Resident of Canton Ohio Native of Porto Alegre RS Brasil
brazilian bikini
Above all, listen to some of my favorite songs of Djavan, Gal Costa, Elis Regina, Ivan Lins, and many others. Then, I try to translate the lyrics to English, eventually to Japanese which is my mother tangue. My wife and I visited Brazil in the end of December 1997, a week in Parati and another week in Rio de Janeiro. I still can recall the heat of the country. Unforgettable experience. Since then, the lyrics touch my heart deep inside. Have you listened Elis Regina's "Aos Nossos Filhos"? You should. And miss Brazil. Thinking of Brazil, I usually end up with playing several chords of Bossa Nova and Samba on my guitar...
I come back.
Well i went to Rio last Feb and i really miss everything of this wonderfull country that is Brazil !! well i'm in contact with friends by phone and keep thinking to go back in the early future !!
escuto boa m·sica brasileira
Today during my lunch break I drove my car to a quite place, turned off the engine, put on a CD by Elis Regina, closed my eyes, listened to the birds outside (I live in Florida) and remembered the afternoon I spent at the Botanical Gardens in Rio — my favorite place there. I am also lucky enough to live close to a Brazilian bar in south Florida which features a samba show three or four nights a week.
I call to may family and friends in Belo Horizonte and read the Brazilian newspaper. — Maria Tereza de Florida.
I speak Portuguese to myself then sing to some of my Sertaneja tapes then call a good friend to remember Brasil - o pais que eu amo...
Eu coloco um pagode para tocar a todo o volume e danco ate as 6h da manha com meus amigos brasileiros aqui na Pennsylvania!!!!
I grew up in Brasil (lived there for 12 years). It seems that I go my saudades come in monthly cycles. Usually, I too drink a caipirinha or guarana and make some arroz e feijao. I will throw on some music and surf for pictures on the web! Curtis Romey romeyc@enc.edu
watch videos of family in Brasil!
I put on a CD -- something like Caetano or Elba or Alceu --, I sit back, I close my eyes and I pretend that I am back there, that I can feel my country around me again, that once more I am a part of the spirit that makes Brazil the most special place in the planet!
Grab a guarana and listen to Daniela Mercury
Everything!!! TUDO!!!
Durante anos e anos passei minhas ferias no Brasil, mas como eu percebi que nΓo posso viver no Brasil, resolvi trazer o Brasil pra ca e casei com uma Brasileira.
I just call my Mommy or browse any brazilian home page or source anything about Brazil in the internet.
I close my eyes... Think about the beach of bombinhas, in Santa Catarina... And I start to feel the smell of the sea, the sun on my skin, the taste of churrasco... Even the smell of the bathroom when I washed my hair there... I then fall back in the harsh reality of the european winter. All lasts two seconds.
i listen to brazilian music i eat some churrasco i call my family in Brazil
Listen to my Cartola, Dona Ivone Lara and Chico Buarque CDs.
I Look web pages about Brazil in the internet
What about a feijoada? Singing some bossa nova songs does also help a lot!
I used to go out with my brasilian friends, when I was living in Berkeley, California. Now I can understand how much we love this country..when you're far from Brasil! Fabio, from Bahia
I do not miss it, I am it, I live in here and was born in here and I am made out of it....
I get my Portuguese, vocabulary cards & start to read them. I go to the local video shop & rent a couple of brazilian videos. i listen to brazilian music. I start making plans for my next trip to Brazil.i write e-mails to people living in Brazil.i read books about Brazil. When it is warm, I would take out my Brazilian fashion wear,like my miniskirts & wear them. I try to get a tan.
Throw a Party & surround myself with Latino friends, who are not shy with bodylanguages. Put on E'O Tchan CD & dance "A Danca Do Bumbum", do the Samba. Cook up a Brazilian feast. Play BeachSoccer. Better still if it is a warm summer day rent a beach house a 3 day weekend party & do all the above for 3 days.
bom, eu nao conheco o brasil, mas tenho um montao de amigos brasileiros que conheci na Net..e tou morrendo de vontade de ir la um dia. Ja li e sei muita coisa do Brasil, e isso aumenta mais o meu desejo de conhecer esse pais lindo que e o Brasil. Sandra...London, ON, Canada.
your mom
Lay out on My Brazilian Hammock , with my Brazilian Bikini & get a tan. & have a pitcher of Brahma cerveja in my Hand & sounds of Brazil coming out of my stereo system.
I have never been to Brazil. I miss it all the time. Why is this? The thing to do, I guess, when you miss Brazil, is to go back there. Otherwise.. Otherwise you can play the music and share it, and call home, and sing lowd, and dance the samba. And you can speak, speak the way Brazilians speak. A sweet, sweet way. You can also cry.
InΩs <ineslima@hotmail.com>
I usually go to a bar called Sammba Bar and just dance the night away, I listen to Samba music all the time and batucada
I call up my cousin in Montes Claros
Start by writing letters or essays about why I love Brasil in Portuguese & speak Portuguese & go to my travel agent to plan a trip to Brasil.
I visited Brasil for the first time in 1992 as a high school student and promised myself that I would return one day (soon!). I did. I made it back in Sept of 1997, and stayed through until December. I fell in love all over again, and plan one day to make a life there for myself. What do I do when I miss brazil?I listen to TIMBALADA and ILE AIYE. muito amor pra meu povo brasileiro
Marinieves Alba zoltec7@hotmail.com
I am an American with a Brazilian soul. I have traveled to Brazil four times as a tourist during the past two years. I plan on returning to Brazil to live permanently within a few months. Until I go back, I listen to Brazilian radio via the internet. http://www.web-radio.com/in_a.html
I visit the Maria-Brazil Website of course.
Porque eh o melhor lugar do mundo. Um povo doce, quente e que eu faτo parte!
I've only been to Brazil once, and the two weeks I spent there were almost the best two weeks of my life. When I miss Brazil, I usually go searching the net for anything Brazilian, and this is the best thing I've found so far!!!! THANK YOU!!!!
Eu telefone para minha familia.Logico.
I go dancing some brazilian music, drink some caipirinha, lay in the sun, cook some brigadeiro.... .
I read "Cancao do Exilio" do Goncalves Dias...ai, que saudade...
I daydream about when I lived there as a little girl, remembering every detail of my school life and little friends that meant so much to me. Then I always find myself talking portuguese to myself, and finally I start singing any song I know in the language.
Focalizo minhas energias e peτo do fundo coraτπo que as coisas melhorem; a situaτπo financeira,o governo,a consciΩncia nacional e a esperanτa, para quando eu voltar, poder viver com mais dignidade e respeito no paφs que tanto amo e estar novamente perto da minha famφlia que tanto me faz falta.
Venho nesta Home page e leio os recados, assim vejo quantos cidadπos brasileiros e brasileiros de coraτπo sentem tanta falta do Brasil quanto eu .Desta forma me sinto menos "peixe fora d'ßgua" e mato a saudade. Beijπo pra todos Aline / USA-GA / BR-RJ
Simpatia Amizades
Natal RN
I listen to Caetano's Gil's and Marisa Monte's CDs and I try to have some news from my wonderful country on internet...Brasil EU TE AMO!!!
I log on the Internet and I try to find a place where I can find the Guarana Antarctica. I also listen to radio stations live on the internet from Sao Paulo (where I come from).
Eu vou a uma aula de portugues para aprender a lingua. Morou em Nova Iorque y quando tenho saudades, vou a um restaurante y pede farofa.
Escuto CDs e mp3 pirateados pela Net Banda Eva, Chico Science, Charlie Brown Jr, Carlinhos Brown... Meto uma Feijoada da Swift no microwav (╔ U╙TIMA!!! Descobri na ·ltima chegada lß em Jan (98). Com farinha de mandioca, 51, s≤ me falta a Pilsen Extra.... Vou pra net e meto mais uns links do Brasiuuuuu na minha page :-) Marco a proxima passagem pra dai 10 meses.... E fico s≤ ansiando pela hora de entrar no VARIG├O ali em Hong Kong e escutar aquela mensagem nos falantes: Senhores passageiros boa tarrrde!!! E a chinesada tudo ali boiando. Aeromoτa, me dß uma Lindoya gelada esse jornal do Brasil de ontem e... me leva pra casa... Na cabeτa a Banda BEL... novaiorque, meu amor...
Ciao que inda me fazem chorar :-)
Moro na Franτa ha 12 anos mas eu nasci e morei em Salvador durante 12 anos...Hoje eu so penso em uma coisa...voltar pra la...Enquanto esse dia nao chega eu tento matar a saudade ouvindo os meus cantores preferidos e telefonando p/minha familia la na minha Bahia... jjackbrazil@hotmail.com
Enquanto eu esquento a agua pro chimarrao, olho fotos e postais de Porto Alegre (cidade mais bonita do planeta). Tambem escuto meus CDs. Mas certas coisas nao ajudam...so fazem que a saudade aumente. Musicas como "Guri" (e de lambuja permita que eu nunca saia daqui...) e "Galpao" (galpao que e' patria-mirim, que eu levo dentro de mim no mundo por onde eu ande...) so' fazem que a saudade aumente mais. Um abraco do tamanho do Rio Grande pra gauchada e todos os brasileiros que choram as pitangas nessa pagina!
I can't believe it! Every time I visit this site there is something new. I love it!
When I miss Brazil I listen to my Brazilian CD's.
Rosangela Lawrence from Michigan.
I hear brazilian Music and enjoy brazilian Parties in Zurich Switzerland
get out the atlas and look at maps of brazil or find someone to speak portuguese with!
I meet brazilian friends at Coffee Break! Sonia and Osvaldo, the owners, are from Alagoas and Rio Grande do Sul. The people that go there are from all over Brazil. It's the "ponto de encontro" on Saturdays. We have feijoada, gnochi, rabada, galinha, comida baiana, docinhos, brigadeiro, beijinhos... Sonia is a great cook and we are great eaters, dai que juntou a fome com a vontade de comer. We also watch the world cup games together, dressed up in green/blue/yellow .... GOOOLLL BRAZIL!!!!!!!!
escutar musica, fechar olhas para sonhar do Brasil Jo
I usually go to a place here in LA called Cafe Brasil and have a guarana, a pao de queijo and a coxinha
Since I came back from a 4-week stay in Brasil last summer I wonder how I can manage to work in Brasil. I am so fascinated by the Amazon and the whole country. Often I cry when I realize that for me there is merely only a chance to go to brazil for a short holiday for 3-4 weeks. Anyway, crying doesn't help. What I do: Lie into my hamock, listen to brazil music, drink caipirinha, again and again look at my pictures.
fiquei contete quando recebi uma mens. di ricardo zerenner. e me falou do suo site. so em ler as primeiras linhas"saudades" me enquadrei diretamente. tambΘm meu irmao que quando veio aqui para Italia(Reggio Calabrai)tinha sete anos, os sabores do Brasil lhe esta' em memoria ainda nao visitei dos os sites di Maria mais estou certo que sarα curioso saber como se vende a imagem do Brasil para o exterior.
Get my body in shape, & start wearing all my Brazilian clothes & listen to Brazilian music.
I've missed Brasil for so long I can't remember what I do except keep playing old Betania records and new Ney Matagrosso ones. Oxente! Beijos da parte da Ellis
I was blessed to stay in Brasil for two years. I returned for two weeks a few years back. The people in Sao Joao da Boa Vista, Pocos de Caldas, Cosmopolis, Pirassununga, Porto Ferreira, Vargim Grande do Sol are the most wonderful on the face of the earth. The beauty of the land is matched by the beauty in their hearts. I Love them.--Jacozinho
I miss everything!!! I have a question, I am getting married in the U.S. next year, and am originally from Rio de Janeiro, I was wondering if anyone knows any Brasilian wedding traditions I could incorporate in my wedding?? if so please e-mail them to me at tionner@hotmail.com
muito obrigada!!!
Normally I get on the net and look around for a new site or visit one of my favorite brasilan sites. But when the worse cases of "Brasil Sickness" srike the best thing to do is to read a letter or journal entry from Brasil.
Dear Maria
I am living in Australia for 3 years now and does not matter how I describe my feelings of "saudades", I could never be fair. I forgot the number of times I day-dream eating a delicious acaraje at Itapoa or dancing all night long and listening to the contagious Olodum music. The only way I feel closer to my Bahia is when I listen to my Axe music and, all alone, dance all the new steps I have recently learned from the video tapes. Of course, after all that I just get more nostalgic... Then, what do I do? I switch on the computer, access the Internet and try to get in contact with anyone or anything that relates to my beloved country. It really works!!
First of all, magnificent HP.Even here we don't have such a nice place. When I miss Brazil , from now on I'll visit your HP. Sincerely Marcio Santos marcioas@ccard.com.br
Quando penso no Brasil, e isto e frequente, sinto como se estivesse dirigindo sob temporal. O parabrisa, meus olhos, tem de ser constatemente "enxugados. Eu ouco "Aquarela do Brasil" e a Gal Costa com aquela voz e como caminhao na contra mao e me mata de vez. O pior e que eu sempre ressucito pra morrer uma vez mais. Fernando DeCastro. Washington,D.C.
Call my parents
I have only visited Brazil once so far, but I do miss it! So, when I miss Brazil, I either listen to, or PLAY some Brazilian music. I have also asked the barmaid at K2U in Columbus, to make me a caipirinha, and she gave it a good try even though there was no cacasa.
the hot summer and the beaches and the delicious fishes
the beautiful and hot summer with the delicious fish and pastel and guarana
Look at my pictures, call my Brazilian friends that live in town, look at my beautiful Brazilian daughter, drink a caipirinha and cry a lot !!! I really have saudades for the country I lived in for 35 years. Cynthia Fern Renfrow Santos Mercado cintiamercado@juno.com
I usually listen to Roberto Carlos,while kicking a soccer ball. I now live in Toronto,Canada and would like to know where i can buy some GUARANA and also PINGA Is there anyone outhere who could kindly tell me where I could purchase these products in Toronto. My E-mail adress is iclaudios11@yahoo.com
I get in the internet and try to get some pictures of places.
Maria I was wondering if you could send me a recipe for (canjica) Branca e de Amendoim.
My Address is cva0u@allstate.com
Obrigado/ Thank you
Recordo-me da ausencia de saneamento basico,da falta de seguranca,das criancas mendigando nas ruas,da corrupcao institucional do samba subindo o morro no colo de uma mulata,do Axe azul e branco escorrendo pelas ruas de Salvador nos turbantes dos filhos de Ghandi,do cheiro de dende dourando o acaraje,do sabor indecente de favo de jaca...Quando chego a jaca a saudade passa e eu prometo marcar uma consulta urgente com um especialista na area de masoquismo.
I miss my daughter Nicole who is living there with her husband right now. I miss the beautiful people I met there at the wedding. I miss the beautiful country too. I am all Portuguese and all American and I feel Saudade when I think of Brazil.....Dona
I watch Silvio Santos Live!! via the internet!!!!
Gal Costa, Vinφcius de Morais, Gilberto Gil, Caetano Veloso... Ipanema- quantas saudades!
SOU DE PARATY, E TAMBEM AMO ESSA CIDADE. Email-santos@provale.com.br
HELP!!! I'm stuck in Manaus and can't get out! If anyone who actually misses Brazil would like to trade places?!!
When I miss Brasil, I put a brazilian Cd. Drink guarana, I write to my friends, and I cook feijoada or bacalhau!
Call my girlfriend that lives there... I love her... :-)sigh
look at my pictures &CALL BRASILIAN FRIENDS
I listen to Roberto Carlos,Leandro e Leonardo. Such a sad day for me when I read about Leandro's death. Like a member of the family had died, another reason for more saudades.
Listen to brazilian music
When I feel homesick for Brasil, I often watch TV in portuguese, available on the internet! My favorites are available at: http://www.redeglobo.com.br/ (News in Portuguese from the leading Brazil TV Station by Rede Globo, in RealVideo), at:http://www2.uol.com.br/espnbrasil/, http://www.mnnet.com.br/ (TVMN from Teresina, Brazil, in RealVideo), http://www2.opopular.com.br/ (Canal 2 from Goiania, Brazil, in RealVideo). There's tons and tons of good, LIVE radio from Brasil, too, of course. Too many to list here, but if anyone's interested, they can e-mail me at roven@earthlink.net and I will be more than happy to inform. Um beijo! --Grayzinho
This is not about missing Brazil, but about a mistake I found on one of your comments on a Brazilian book.
I was browsing your site when I found the following sentence:
" In 1992, 39% of women worked outside the home and 57% had college degrees."
I believe there must be some mistake, since most of Brazilians are illiterate. Maybe you meant that among those holding a college degree, 57% are women, right?
I wish you success with your web site.
Kind regards, Luis Henrique Kubota lhkrmp@sol.com.br
Oi pessoal, quando sinto muitas saudades do Brasil, pego os meus CDs brasileiros e ouco todos eles. Abracos
I cry... and then, I visit some brazilian homepages, look at my pictures taken in Brazil, listen to some Musical FM (SP) through Universo on-line and, finally, try to find some brazilian to chat.When my american husband is at home, I can hold him to make me feel better... and it works :)) Visit our homepage: http://www.geocities.com/southbeach/marina/4831 Abracos, Cintia - Rock Falls, IL - USA
I like to listen brasilian music like "Garota de Ipanema" e "O Barquinho"
Bom, ficamos um pouquinho tristes, lembramos dos amigos, escutamos muita m·sica, vemos fotos escrevemos cartas e imeius e agora detonamos a nossa conta telef⌠nica descobrindo sem querer este site (quando procurßvamos o imeiu da Catupiry...e nπo achamos: achamos vocΩs.
mesmo morando aqui eu tenho idΘia d cmomo deve ser duro sair dessa maravilhada tπo mal-tratada por todos. espero q este pais cresτa e ganhe o mΘrito q merece e nunca recebeu.... conto com a ajuda do mundo p/ isso.... muito legal essa HP, gostei. Kisses for u and for Brazil. Felipe
Hi, I recently returned to Texas from Central-America, and I am really anxious to return to the tropics.Though,I have been throughout C.A.,I haven't yet been to South America- YOU MAKE IT SOUND TERRIFIC !!! I hope to make the trip to RIO and SAO PAULO within the next few months. I'm sure you have heard of "shoestring travelers?" Well,do you recommend such tourist?
my EMAIL IS : ddcain@hotmail.com
I look at pictures taken back home, I e-mail my sister in Rio constantly, and I am going home for christmas!
I cry and call some of my friends in Brazil!!!
Escuto o jogo do Bugrao na radio pela net, mando e-mails, e procuro pensar na proxima vez que irei visitar o BR. USA-SC, BR-Campinas,SP.
When cold in Nederland and I miss Brasil I call my friend in Belem. Talk to here. She likes to talk about bying an airco. I try to persuade her to change places. She can live in Nederland and I take her place in Brasil. Of course she's not crazy, she stays in Brasil.
listen to samba music.
Tomo uma cerveja e ouco alguma coisa brasileira
Eu nao sou brasileira,sou japones. mas muint gosto do brasil .
when I miss Brazil, I visit this web page,or go to the Brazilian food shop in Japan, and cook brazilian food by myself. by the way ,why don't you have the page for "Goiabada" in the cook book.I love "goiabada e queijo"
I tune my realplayer to musical fm
I"m cry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 and make Farofa de ovo e como com cafe bem docinho!!!!! buaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! cade os ovos e a farinha?
I listn to Brazilian music, cook Brazilian food and if I have Cachaca, of course I always have it, I make caipirinha.
I just go down to my friends' place, play some pagode and drink a caipirinha. I'm lucky as I run a Samba School in Melbourne so I can keep the repinique beat going as my mind goes back in time and recalls the trams in Rio, Maracana, Flamengo, Mangueira, Lido, Vila Isabel and the Pedro II of the early sixties. Hey, you've got a really nice site and I'll be linking it to mine (SAMBA IN AUSTRALIA , http://www.ozemail.com.au/~melsamba)... Keep up the good work....Cheers !!! Carlos Ferreira (Carioca - born in Vila Isabel, Rubro-Negro e Mangueirense)
I have never been to Brazil, but dying to go soon. Unfortunately, I have found the ticket to be quite expensive. Do you know of any websites where I could find an affordable ticket for a college student? Muito obrigada! Beijπo! e-mail: juliamunoz@hotmail.com
Eu coloco um Cd do Gil no meu som, makes me happy!! Sylvie Moyen MFA Indiana University
The same as you -- listen to Brasilian music, think about my Brasilian husband who is in Porto Alegre and who will be home on November 24 and think about my wonderful Brasilian family.
Imediatamente ligo p/ alguem no Brasil, ponho p/ ouvir musica brasileira bem alto e preparo alguma comida brasileira, normalmente feijao com arroz e doce de leite.
Me too: listening to Brazilian music, enjoying a caipirinha, reading a Brazilian book, grasshopping in my guidebooks, visiting sites on Brazil on the internet...
I spent a year in Brasil when I was in high school, through the Rotary Club. It has been almost 16 years, but there are still days when something simple like a smell or something someone said will bring back a flood of memories. Every once in a while I get a letter from one of my host families or a classmate. As we all get older and our lives more complicated, they are fewer and further between (besides, my portugese is alittle rusty). When I am really homesick I pull out my scrapbooks and photo albums, and play the tape that my friends made at my good-bye party. If there is anyone out there who would be interested in helping me brush up on my portugese through e-mail, please e-mail me. Thanks!
I love Brazil because I'm Braziliam. I live in Mococa, a litle city in the stste of Sao Paulo where I have many friends. Now I'm in Arkansas studying for one year..Man, I miss Brazil so much; the food, the music, the swing, the parties.. and I almost cry when I remember all of this!
Puxa! Que coisa genial este website! Fui morar por um ano em Belo Horizonte em 1968 pelo programa intercambio do Rotary. Ate hoje, sou mineira de coracao. Mato saudade ouvindo musica de Elis Regina e Tom Jobim, e comendo goiabada que acho nos mercados latinos. (Moro em Minneapolis, Minnesota, onde nao tem muita influencia brasileira). Sonho do dia que eu possa voltar ao Brasil--a ultima vez foi em 1978. Que saudade!
sunsets in Ipanema
Despair.Cry. Yearn. Start saving for a trip to Brasil
I go there.
No soy brasile±a, pero mi coraz≤n lo ha sido desde hace ya 11 a±os (un chico brasile±o de Goiania se lo adue±≤). Desde entonces Brasil ha capturado mi atenci≤n y mi cari±o y no pierdo las esperanzas de visitarlo alg·n dφa. Cuando extra±o a Brasil escucho m·sica de Caetano Veloso y Elis Regina entre otros, voy a un restaurante brasile±o, veo antiguas fotos de meu namorado y por las noches observo el cielo, tratando de imaginar como lucirßn las estrellas en Brasil.
I put on my Brasilian CDs. When truly desperate, go to Churrascaria Plataforma here in Manhattan.
Try to earn an honest buck working in Rio or elsewhere in Brazil for that sake!
That should cure any saudades! mas algum dia...... Quem sabe.
Like you I put on some Brasilian music and cook and cook and cook and cook. Then I send a few emails to old friends. I even light and candle and say a prayers. Brasilians are some of the most spirually open and aware people on the planet. When I am in my meditative states, cooking and longing to be far south of the border....somwhere in the universe I know my thoughts and longings are treveling and reaching the hearts and spirits of those who are dear to me in Brasil!
write a letter to my friend in brazil, listen to the brazilian music
Olß Maria.....desculpe por enviar uma mensagem por aqui , mas nπo consegui achar seu mail! VΩ que vc deve ser uma otima cozinheira ....e por isso gostaria que vc " se possivel" mandar pra mim a receita de um doce baiano......Chamado cucuz!
Meu nome Θ junior sou carioca , mas moro em sampa......
ah..meu mail Θ Stoll@frontier.com.br
I first of all cry.After that I listen to Samba and dig out all of my Brasilian things in acquired in 1991. ju-ju
I fix a churrasco (not an easy thing in China) with only meat, bread and vinagrete and listen to Marisa Monte, Daniela or Sandra de Sa. Or I connect to BAND FM in Sao Jose dos Campos (my Brasilian "home" town) to hear the commercials and find out what's happening in Vale do Paraiba. Tenho muito saudades do Brasil. Eu vou voltar, breve. Fica com Deus.
I close my eyes and think of my family,I think of my mothers house and how fun it was to be a kid in Brazil.
eu vejo as fotos da minha familia e choro um pouco
Vou para o computador, ligo a Internet e vou para o site do Bondinho que e lindissimo ou entao para o site do Emilio Campi em Ubatuba. Gosto de ver as praias do nosso litoral brasileiro. Sao imbativeis.
I miss people laughing and smiling . I miss the warmth of people , being able to hug and kiss everyone and not needing to be formal all the time . I miss Brazilian's open heart !
Eu nao sou brasilero. Sou americano e tambem sou japonese (Meu pai eh americano, minha mae eh japonesa). Eu nunca fui pro Brasil, mas tenho paixao do pais mais apaixonado. Eu morei no ES e japao tambem. Nunca estudei portugese, mas estudei espanhol por so um ano, depois encontrei ums brasileros, e ficei amigo deles. Agora posso falar mais portugese que posso falar espanhol...eh incredivel pra aprender uma linga so de conversar com possoas dum pais. Tou morrendo de vontage ir pro brasil um dia. Ouco muita coisas boas do Brasil de meus amigos brasileros, e tambem amo a musica dali. Talvez eu vou no verano que vem (verano aqui no Canada) quando eu acabarei das minhas estudas daqui por o verano. Tambem, eu quero practicar portugese com qualquer pessoa que pode falar tambem, se eh possivel. Se quiser conversar comigo em portugese, me manda um mensagem pra mim por favor.
(m_knittel@bigoot.com) Masahiro
I am not Brazilian, but once I was there and I loved it. Sometimes I feel saudade de Brazil and I listed to my records of Martinho da Vila, Raca Negra or S≤ pra contrariar, prepare some caipirinha or watch some brazilian soap operas with my wife (she likes them a lot!). My wife also likes Brazil very much since whe was a young girl and I promised I┤ll take her there someday. BRAZILIANS, SAUDOS DE SEUS AMIGOS MEXICANOS!!!!
I am not Brazilian, but once I was there and I loved it. Sometimes I feel saudade de Brazil and I listed to my records of Martinho da Vila, Raca Negra or S≤ pra contrariar, prepare some caipirinha or watch some brazilian soap operas with my wife (she likes them a lot!). My wife also likes Brazil very much since whe was a young girl and I promised I┤ll take her there someday. BRAZILIANS, SAUDOS DE SEUS AMIGOS MEXICANOS!!!!
Morro de chorar, ligo pra minha familia, pro meu namorado ou paras minhas amigas. Apesar de eu estar gostando daqui, o Brasil e muito muito melhor!
Rio, 21.11.98
Prezada Maria,
Tenho uma pequena firma no Rio especializada na exportaτπo de livros e CD's brasileiros.
DΩ uma olhadinha por favor no site da EDITORA LUMIAR e encontrarß livros de m·sica que talvez seja interessante colocar no seu site.
Agradeceria se vocΩ me indicasse a quem - importadores, livreiros ou distribuidores - n≤s poderφamos oferecer nossos produtos (livros e CD's).
Desde jß sou agradecido pelas tuas informaτ⌡es.
Com um abraτo, Sergio Pechman liserbr@pontocom.com.br
Appreciative Humor
Listen to Bethania!
cook somthing with dende
Eu tento comprar alguma coisa do brasil como comida,revistas,fotos,ouvir musica.Sou cearense e moro em Recife-Brasil.encontrei seu site agora e adorei.O que fazer quando lembrar o brasil?Visitar sua pagina super interessante.Tenho alguns primos e um irmao nos Estados Unidos.Vounindicar seu site para eles visitarem ja que estao sempre com saudade do Brasil.ok?Um abraco e parabens.Esacrevi emportugues para ser mais rapido.Meu email<paula.maia@usa.net>Aguardo solicitacoes ou informacoes para sua pagina.Paula Maia.Recife.PE Brasil
Eu tenho uma gattinha bonita em Belem. Eu escreve pra ela sempre, quando estou com muitas saudades.
Que otimo que eu encontrei esse pagina. Meu Deus....e' muita coincidencia. Eu nao ecredito nisso.....Eu te faco a mesma pergunta. a que e' que voce faz quando sente falta do Brasil??????EU CHORO.....E' isso que acontece comigo. Eu nao sei porque, mas eu penso exatamente da mesma forma que voce. Ate parece que essa pagina foi feita por mim. E' exatamente o que eu penso o tempo todo(estou nos estados unidos mas gostaria de estar no BRASIL, como voce botou no mapinha acima). Sera que esse nosso pais e' o unico nesse planeta. Eu passo o tempo todo pensando nas diferencas e na maneira do povo ser e de agir aqui no EUA. Tudo e' muito diferente. Eles dizem que os Estados Unidos e' o pais da liberdade( The land of freedom), mas e' porque eles nao conhecem o Brasil ainda....Eu moro em Feira de Santana, na Bahia - fica a 1 hora de Salvador, o que provalvemente voce conhece. Sinto muita saudades da musica baiana. Trouxe comigo apenas dois CD's brasileiros: Flavio Jose(cantor de forro) e Timbalada, que com certeza eu sei que voce conhece. Sinto falta dos shows e das festas brasileira, que e' ''a whole bunch different'' das festas daqui. Aqui por Tenessee as festas so' sao com drogas e aqueles Rock paulera. Infelizmente eu nao sei como responder essa tua pergunta acima. I wish I knew. hehe :) Espero resposta. Atenciosamente, Marcel Lima. cemch@centerville.net
I was born in Brazil (Rio de Janeiro to be exact) and when I was almost seven years old, my dad got offered a better job here in Canada. I really really really (etc.) miss Brazil and my family who all live there. Now I'm 13 years old and I wish I could go back living there because before, I didn't exactly understand, I was pretty young! When I miss Brazil, I listen to Brazilian music, I talk on this Brazil chat with family and friends from Brazil, I search up Brazil webpages just to look at the familiar pictures and I write my family letters. Sometimes, my grandparents send me "Revistinhas da Monica, Cascπo, Magali, Cebolinha, etc.". I go every summer, except once I didn't go. I went this last summer, and it was great!! Too bad it was only for three weeks :( but it was better than nothing! I LUUV the beach and everythign in Brazil! I miss Brazil and I'm anxious to go back. I haven't visited all your page yet I already like it. O Brasil Θ o melhor!!... hehe :) de/from ~*!Aninha:) (Ana)
(Aninha de novo) Oh, also,my parents have a whole bucnh of Brazilian friends that speak portguese (duh ;) ) and we see each other often. My mo always makes Brasilian foods! Comida Brasileira eh muita boa cara! :) I listen to Pagode...eh muito manero! I look up Brasilian pages and pics and I pretend I'm in Brasil sometimes...when I think of the beach I already feel hot! I'm soooo anxious to go back...but it's still a pretty long time until I get to go unfortunately. We always talk portuguese at home (hey, we ARE carioca... :) ). Eu adoro procurar coisas na internet que falam do Brasil pq me lembra de tudo que eu fiz aφ! Eu mando emails pra minha famφlia tb! Alguem tem mIRC aqui? Se tiver vai pro #rio+21 tah? Mata saudade pra caramba cara flando com todo mundo do Brasil que sπo sortudos de ainda morar la! Beijos...Aninha (Meu nick la Θ Piu-Piuzinha) :)
Po eu sou um aluno de intercambio e estou morando agora nos EUA tb! Quando eu miss Brazil eu vou na HP da maria - Brazil pra me sentir + perto da minha terra! E a conta do te;efone tb ja estourou a muito tempo!!!!!
I slip my "Escolas de Enredo de Samba 95" CD in the stereo and drink the new imported Rio Crystal beer from Antartica while sitting by the pool and remember all the great moments while growing up in Brazil.
Eu boto a minha camisa verde e amarela e vou para jogos de futebol do meu filho de 10 anos. Eu sou o tecnico do time e ensino ous gorotos americanos como jogar futebol como os Brazileiros. Isso me lenbra dos jogos de futebol que jogava quando menino.
Eu fico pensando que estou na praia, fecho os olhos e fico lembrando das coisas boas do Brasil. Estou morando no Canada, onde tudo e' ''perfeito'' e ''organizado'' .... mas sabe de uma coisa? ... muita ''organizacao'' faz mal ao ser humano. As vezes e' bom relaxar, sair pra farra, aproveitar a vida... e nao ha pais melhor que o Brasil pra isso ! Quando eu morava ai eu sempre reclamava do pai's, eu nao via as coisas boas , como quase todo mundo ai ... Mas agora eu sou mais patriota do que nunca!!! Eu defendo o Brasil em tudo ! As mulheres brasileiras sao como joias, comparadas com as canadenses... sao muito mais delicadas e sensuais (como uma mulher deve ser...) bom... e' isso ai... um dia espero voltar a minha terrinha tao amada de onde nao irei sair mais. ... e prometo aproveitar mais as coisas lindas desse lindo pai's !
Sinto falta dos amigos que estao la', mas tem muita, mas MUITA coisa mesmo que eu nao sinto a menor falta. A vida fora do Brasil tem sido bem melhor para mim. Ate' nas coisinhas simples, como poder andar de bicicleta sozinha, sem ouvir comentarios xulos/palavroes, mas que no final das contas fazem diferenca na qualidade de vida. Rita (rschmitt68@hotmail.com)
Quando eu digo aos meus amigos franceses que a minha saudade Θ tao grande, e que eu tenho muita vontade de voltar ao meu brasil, eles nao entendem como eu posso viver num pais "desenvolvido" e ter vontade de voltar ao "terceiro mundo".Mas quando eu leio as mensagens do pessoal aqui, eu percebo que o que eu sinto Θ normal!!eles Θ que nao tΩm a sorte de conhecer o nosso Brasil... um abraτo!!
I close my eyes and let my soul travel around BRASIL, all of the sudden, I'm there nadando nos mares brasileiros, tomeando uma agua de coco e aquele camaranzinho na beira do mar, o sol ta forte e vou pegando meu bronzeadinho.............
listen to the music
Well, to tell you the truth, my immediate family all live here with me, it's my husband, paulista, that is missing his family, and "so called" friends who never write or call or email him as friends who are friends should, don't you agree. He seems to enjoy living here but constantly remembers his mother (deceased since 94) cooking, which was terrific! I had the honor of not only meeting her, but eating her wonderful cooking. She was the best and wish I could cook half as good as she did, just to bring a little bit of her back into his daily life!
well, that's it...by the way, i am originally from Curitiba, Parana, email my best friend daily, we chat and express our feelings and saudades to and of each other, and only wished my hubby could have some as close...to ease his pain and "saudades"..Maybe the coming year will bring better moments and happier ones too to all.
FELIZ NATAL E UM FELIZ ANO NOVO a todos que aqui chegam para parabenizar a Maria por este incrivel wedsite que ela criou.
beijos e ate qualquer hora,
dora : )
Eu nπo sinto falta do brasil. eu moro no brasil. um paφs cheio de idiotas com merda na cabeτa. essa Θ a pura verdade.
I read Brazilian poetry and call my sister in Sao Paulo. I sometimes tell a friend who hasn't been in Brazil stories about my country.
I walk around the streets of London wondering what's happening in Brazil. I often buy Brazilian newspapers and magazines ( it's great to help you cope with "Brasilsickness"). I sometimes stop by British Airways and get a ticket home and spend as much time as I can in Sao Paulo, if possible. If not, I spend one hour on the phone with my mom, or have imaginary conversations with her. But I never spend Christmas away from Sao Paulo. That would be too crazy.
Estou no Canada faz quatro dias, e sinto uma saudade imensa do Brasil. Aqui faz muito frio pois estamos a 5 graus negativos. Lembro do calor ai do Brasil e da cervejinha gelada. Ai que delicia. Obrigada por esta home page que me fezmatar um pouco a minha saudadem do Brasil. Maria Ivani Morais - Hamilton - Canada. Moro em S~ao Paulo - SP meu telefone e 011-2886169
Procuro algo sobre ele na Internet...
Debora Vilante Florida
Eu vou na loja brasileira aqui na Florida, tomo guarana, como salgadinho e as vezes como feijoada. Isso me faz sentir mai perto da minha terra.
Eu vou na loja brasileira aqui na Florida, tomo guarana, como salgadinho e as vezes como feijoada. Isso me faz sentir mais perto da minha terra.
I'm looking at my beautiful adopted daughter from Brazil... What a great web !
My name is Kelvin Guedes . My father is Brazilian and my mother is half Canadian and half Brazilian. I was born in Curitiba in 1977 and moved to Canada in 1989.When I miss Brazil I like to watch old Brazilian soccer tapes,drink guarana and look at pictures of family and friends we left behind so long ago .
When I miss Brasil I look at pictures and sing the music!
when i miss Brazil i cry
when i miss Brazil i cry
when i miss brazil i call my sister in their or i put some brasilian music.
when i miss brazil i listen to music,call my sister,or go to the internet.
Sou brasileira com muita honra, quando sinto muita saudades do Brasil feicho meus olhos e penso nos momentos mais especiais que vivi no Brasil.Como agora estou escutando um pagodinho bem gostoso e escrevendo para voce. espero voltar logo ao meu pais de origem. Um grande beijo a todos brasileiros que estao longe do pais que amamos.tchau!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oi meu nome e patricia tenho 15 anos morei no Brasil 12 anos e agora eu morou no USA por 3 anos eu sinto muita saudade do brasil porque eu nao tenho amigas aqui, e tambem porque eu nao sei dirigir entao eu so dependo no meu pai e minha irmao mais eles nao querem me levar em men um lugar. quando eu tenho saudade do brazil i cry, i listen to pagode, ou telephono para a minha irma ou meus amigos. in maio eu e minha irma famos a Brasil voltamos in agusto e nos arranjamos muitos amigos mais noss tivemos que voltar para os estados unidos e nos numca gostamos daqui, porque e totalmente differente,adorei a sua internet e espero que voce bote mais musicas,um grande beijo para todo mundo de BRAZIL,e para todo mundo que nao esta perto de brazil.
I listen to Maria Bethania sing the songs of Noel Rosa, and I cry.
We hosted an exchange student from Brasil!!!! Hiii Loco!! Of course the saudades are even worse now that he has gone home. :-( I think it is something you never get over... MococaSP@aol.com AFS Summer 86
Hi voces ja me conhecem so patricia e claro eu voltei porque aqui e o unico lugar que eu posso escrever em portuques porque aqui no estados unidos eu nao tenhoo niquem para falar em portuques eu ja tive um amigo que veu para ca o nome dele e lucas mais ele ja foi embora porque ele tao poco gostou daqui mais falando outra coisa se voces quiserem convercar com migo escreva e mande pelo saudade do brasil ai eu vou ler e depois eu escrevo devolta e nos conversamos um pouquinho e depois eu te do o meu e-mail para que voce mande carta para mim. tchau tchau.
de patricia espero que voces escrevao para mim.
I listen to some good brazilian recordos I have, but have to carefully choose them otherwise the saudade worsens.
I go to www.barralink.com.br/hbell/rioradio.html to listen to various radio stations ao vivo from Brasil!!
Oi gatinhos sou thalita eu queria que voces me escrevem uma carta para mim como eu estou fazendo agora se voces ensam que sou gorda voces se engamam porque tenho um corpo de sereia entao escrevao para mim.
bye bye
Sou Americano mas sinto saudades do meu Brasil adorado ainda depois mais de 20 anos. Passei 2 anos no Para e Amapa como Voluntario da Paz.Quando saudades atacam, como tudos, toco violao e Chico Buarque de Hollanda. Depois tanto tempo, meu Portugues e esculhambado. Alguem sabe como apanhar cachaca ou aguardente?? Gostei muito ler seus archivos. Muito obrigado. E bom saber que tanta gente sente como eu. Roberto. rorrjr@usit.net
When I start to miss Brasil..which is oftern...I put on some musica and start to drink some guarana!! Then if I really miss Brasil....I call my host family and all of my friends to tell them I miss them. As you can imagine, my phone bill is very large at the end of every month. Thank god for e-mail, internet, and ICQ. Then if I really, really miss Brasil..I go to my travel agent and buy a ticket and fly to Rio de Janeiro and stay with my friends..then drive to Juiz de Fora, MG, and stay with my host family, then I drive to Cataguases, MG. and stay with all of my friends and especially the beautiful Women they have to offer!!! Eu gostaria mandar um abraco para todos meus amigos brasileiros de juiz de fora e cataguases e as outras lugares!! Este mensagem eh para meu melhor amigo..Julio Peixoto, e tambem para a galera Caetano Peixoto, Marcelinho Carrara, Marcelao(o pai do marcelinho), Rita, Rafaela, Marcelinha, Cintia, Lavinia, Alejandra, Mamae e Papi Paschoalin, Ingrid, Adriana, Christina, Vilao, Monica, E Juiz de Fora e KTA' !!!! Daqui um ano...to indo pra la de novo!!!! um abracao e beijao....Jason....da California...USA!!!
eu acho que voces tem medo de mim porque todo dia eu olho para ver se alquem escreveeu para mim voces penso que eu vou fazer alguma coisa de ruinho com voces mais eu nao vou eu prometo olha eu tenho que ir um super beijo para todos voces tchau.
p.s.nao esqueca de me escrever
eu queria que voce tirasse essa coisa que colocaram na sua iternet porque e muito mojento obrigada
eu queria que voce tirasse essa coisa que colocaram na sua iternet porque e muito mojento obrigada
I miss Brazil all the time because I live ther...but I'm doing exchange program in United States, and I willl come back in May. I live in Rio de Jnaeiro...a WONDERFUL CITY....I have a lot of friends. The brazilians are so friendly...if you never went there...reserve a flight there and have a good trip!! Bye!!Tchau!!! Luisa Bellia
Para a pessoa que escreveu essa mensagem nojenta acima, que nao escreva mais porque e uma falta de respeito a nos brasileiros. Agora se voce e um piranha isso e da sua conta e nos nao queremos saber. Nos brasileiros ja nao temos muita fama aqui nos USA e voce escrevendo essas nojentas mensagem acaba com a reputacao. Entao por favor na proxima vez que escrever outra mensagem pense em nos brasileiros sua vadia!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Para a pessoa que escreveu essa mensagem nojenta acima, que nao escreva mais porque e uma falta de respeito a nos brasileiros. Agora se voce e um piranha isso e da sua conta e nos nao queremos saber. Nos brasileiros ja nao temos muita fama aqui nos USA e voce escrevendo essas nojentas mensagem acaba com a reputacao. Entao por favor na proxima vez que escrever outra mensagem pense em nos brasileiros sua vadia!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Normally I put in one of my old records (I have more records then Cds)such as Antonio Carlos e Jocafi, Chico Boarque, ate Tiao Carreiro e Pardinho. Turn uop the volume and just sit there listening to it. It doesn't resolve my problem but it sure helps a great deal.
I hope I can go back there one day it ws soo sad when I left!!!
I hope I can go back there one day it ws soo sad when I left!!!
I hope I can go back there one day it ws soo sad when I left!!!
I hope I can go back there one day it ws soo sad when I left!!!
I hope I can go back there one day it ws soo sad when I left!!!
I hope I can go back there one day it ws soo sad when I left!!!
I take my guitar and i play some Bossanovasongs.I' like to get news fron my country.I live in France and i don't get the "nouvelles" so often as i'd like. You can send one e-mail .i'm studing to be WEB-master.Obrigado pelas informaτoes e pelo gostinho de brasil nas suas paginas. Josivan Paulino Bonfim 42,rue S.Sebastien 59800 LILLE-FRANCE. Tchau!
Call my mom in Itu, and listen to CDs of my favorite singers (Fagner, Lulu Santos, Marisa Monte, and Milton Nascimento)
Gostei muito de sua pagina. Trabalho num banco em New York e acho que a informacao que tem e muito bom para alguem que vai visitat brasil. Acho que o vou utilizar muito no futuro.
If you have any other suggestions on internet sites for someone who is transferring to Brazil to work please let me know. rlt8077@is2.nyu.edu
i am usually listen to brazilian music and going to the brazilian club i want to drink guarana too but we dont have this in Israel
I listen to Chico Buarque de Holanda e Milton Nascimento! I also look at some of the pictures I had from some places and from some of my beloved ones over there! Ana Carolina Zeri
Escuto um sambao, faco uma feijoada e recordo dos momentos alegres que passei la! E logico tomo uma guarana - Ser brasileira ja me satisfas - onde quer que esteja estarei feliz! Pois a felicidade vem de dentro da gente!
Play capoeira, listen to music, meet-up with other Brazilians, play samba music, futebol, arroz & feijao, guarana, farofa...anything to ease the saudade.
well i have never been there before,but i wish i could go for just three days that all
I listen to Ana Caram's beautiful compilation CD, "Postcards from Rio," and begin planning my next trip.
Get together with my friends here in Manchester (England) and play Samba, Maracat· or Coco rhythms into the night whilst some of us dance or play Brass instruments. This is a wonderful in formative site! Tony W Director Manchester School of Samba
i just imagine how were my great times there and think that tomorrow i'm coming back, also i see my pictures and of course,get in the Internet to check the news down there.Izabela,New Hampshire,USA
When I miss Brazil I call my friends And we drink cachaca when we listen to axe Bahia.
Eu vou para disney World durante verao. Sabe, mais de 20,000 Brasileiros estao em DW cada verao.
I hear brasilian music like from the following groups: Banda Eva, Terra Samba, Magnificos, Nativus, Daniela Mercury, Netinho.....
I come back from Brazil, where I have spent 3 months (from september to december 1998) and I have a lot of saudades from Brazil. When I miss Brazil, I hear music from the following groups: Banda Eva, Terra Samba, Magnificos, Nativus, Daniela Mercury, Netinho.....
Elodie 23 years old French nationality e-mail: elodie_sowa@hotmail.com
Quando eu sinto saudades do Brasil escuto Samba, tomo um guaranß Antßrtica, vejo sites do Brasil na web e, se sinto saudades de mais, vou pra lß!!!!
Quando eu sinto saudades do Brasil escuto Samba, tomo um guaranß Antßrtica, vejo sites do Brasil na web e, se eu sentir saudades de mais, vou pra lß!!!!
rio de janeiro
Well, I don't really miss Brazil, but I miss some really good friends I have there. There were an important part of my life and have taught me a lot about myself. I just wanted to dedicate this message to them. Eu te amo! Eu espero que eles nunca me esquecam!
Well, I don't really miss Brazil, but I miss some really good friends I have there. They were an important part of my life and have taught me a lot about myself. I just wanted to dedicate this message to them. Eu te amo! Eu espero que eles nunca me esquecam!
When my mom and I are "morrendo de saudade do Brasil we eat tapioca com cafe com leite, assistimos uma fita de 1994 que gravei quando estive por la (Sitio do pica-pau amarelo, Faustao, novela Tropicaliente e escolinha do professor Raimundo), escutamos forro. Well, none of this really works, we just go to the mall sit in a bench w/ our cappuchinos and make fun of the shopping victims! We also remember of the unbearable weather of Fortaleza, the crazy traffic, HUGE lines in the grocery store and the salario minimo!!!!!!!!!!
When my mom and I are "morrendo de saudade do Brasil we eat tapioca com cafe com leite, assistimos uma fita de 1994 que gravei quando estive por la (Sitio do pica-pau amarelo, Faustao, novela Tropicaliente e escolinha do professor Raimundo), escutamos forro. Well, none of this really works,so we just go to the mall sit in a bench w/ our cappuchinos and make fun of the shopping victims! We also remember of the unbearable weather of Fortaleza, the crazy traffic, HUGE lines in the grocery store and the salario minimo!!!!!!!!!!
When my mom and I are "morrendo de saudade do Brasil we eat tapioca com cafe com leite, assistimos uma fita de 1994 que gravei quando estive por la (Sitio do pica-pau amarelo, Faustao, novela Tropicaliente e escolinha do professor Raimundo), escutamos forro. Well, none of this really works,so we just go to the mall sit in a bench w/ our cappuchinos and make fun of the shopping victims! We also remember of the unbearable weather of Fortaleza, the crazy traffic, HUGE lines in the grocery store and the salario minimo!!!!!!!!!!
I bust out my very small brazilian music collection and make some brigederra ( I don't know that I spelled that right.) Or I look through my millions of photos, call on of my pals from there or get on the email. : )
I close my eyes and try to smell Rio!
I put on one of my old carnival tapes and dance away in my bedroom !
I make a Bath, place calgon salts; turns the water blue:) I will lay, within the water for at least 2 hrs..:) Once the water becmes semi-cold, I turn the showerhead on blasting hot water, like a waterfall.....
18 fev. 1999
I miss Brasil now and am bringing Brazil to me via a plane ticket for my beautiful Brazilian mom, Quinita, (my spiritual mother who I met when I was an exchange student in Campinas in 19??). But faz favor don't tell her since it's going to be a surprise and I've got to get the $$$ situation sorted out. When I miss Brasil, I think of her and can hardly wait for her arrival for my August wedding. We are actually postponing our lua de mel so that we can spend time with her here in the U.S.A. Ate ja!
I miss Brazil because I've never been there . But your page makes me miss it! I hope to go there one day thanks for all of the iinteresting facts and nik-naks. ~Jill0910
I plan my next trip to Bahia
When I miss Brasil...I go to the web pages and spend all night long just seeing my city...Recife....and also listening a radio from recife....but sometimes that drives me crazy....
Meu nome Θ Karla e sou de Recife-PE, estou morando na california com meu namorado que Θ Americano...Mas a SAUDADE Θ muito grande...Quando sinto saudade, entro na Net e procuro saber novidades da minha "terrinha"...e tb fico ouvindo minhas rßdios de recife...para saber o que estß acontecendo por lß...dß uma SAUDADE que chega atΘ a doer...choro, lembro da minha infancia, das festas, dos carnavais...respiro fundo e continuo minha vida numa esperaτa de que esse sacrificio seja bom para mim e para minha familia... Por favor quem estiver na mesma situaτπo, mande noticias e dicas de como posso encontrar produtos Brasileiros por aqui...estou a 45 ao sul de LA... meu e-mail Θ karlali@hotmail.com Muito Agradecida... Beijos Karla
Telma F/Manaus: "I call my family."
I was shocked tonight, for a cruel site talking about Brazil I bumped into. I am Brazilian and I am concern about that, cause 11,000 people went to this website already. And they will assume by it, that Brazil, is the worst place on earth. (brazilbook.com?topics.html) I tell you I am crying now, it is dissapointing and bad news. I send this lost person an e-mail expressing how sorry I was for his pain, and therefore blaming the people and the country, for bad experiences of his own while he lived there ( suposingly for more than 20 years). The only good part is that there is you guys, whoever you are that love, admire and see the good things even trough the bad ones. I congratulate you all that make this site so beautifull and I wish you love, peace, happiness, hope and faith for whatever in life you pursue, have and had within your hearts, mind and soul. Thank you for the site. It's a bless.
I listen to Brazillian music,look at my families foto that is in Brazil.Sometimes call them without leting my mother know.
I go to China
Eu fico escutando m·sica da Banda Eva ou entπo eu ligo p/ meus amigos brasileiros daqui. Alißs, se vc morar na suφτa, como eu, me escreva:
danso samba