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Novos Baianos, Som
Livre 403.0042. All right, these guys are not technically frevo, etc. But they were the
first to mix frevo and other styles, including rock, in the late 1960s and early 1970s.
After the group broke up, Armandinho, a tremendous cavaquinho player; Morais Moreira, Baby
Consuelo and her husband - the super-talented guitarist Pepeu Gomes - all went on to
successful solo careers. The Novos Baianos were great favorites of mine in my youth, and
remain so. Listen to these guys, start dancing around the room, and see if I wasn't right
in having a place in my heart for them!
O Galo da Madrugada, Seleto
500.060. Whether you're planning a carnaval trip to Recife or would like to give a party
with a Brazilian carnaval theme, try to get a good frevo CD. This is one of the best. The
songs are all about the Galo da Madrugada,
the traditional Dawn Rooster, which opens up the carnaval celebrations in Recife early
Saturday morning. Some of the greatest frevo interpreters are in this CD: Alceu Valenτa,
Claudionor Germano and the fabulous orchestra of Maestro Duda. For years I tried to get
one of his recordings and they finally came out with this CD!