Stores and Mail-order



Books in the US:

Luso-Brazilian Books, Box 170286, Brooklyn, NY 11217, toll-free:1-800-727-LUSO, fax: 718-858-0690. You can also get in touch with them via e-mail: or better yet, check out their web site at:

Books, dictionaries, Brazilian videos, etc.These guys are friendly and fast, and their prices are good too!

Music in Brazil:

We recommend any of the Gabriella and Gramophone stores in Rio de Janeiro. Great selection and special sales. If you know what you're looking for, then Lojas Americanas in Rio have fabulously low prices...

In the US:

Tower Records in Boston and other cities.

Their store at the corner of Newbury Street and Mass. Ave has the best selection of Brazilian CDs we have ever seen in the US. Other stores also have a good selection. In the midwest, Borders on Kenny Rd, in Columbus, Ohio, has an excellent selection. Musicrama is the best source on-line.

Foods and Such:

Via Brasil
6620 Collins Ave
Miami Beach, Florida

In Miami, these guys are my favorite. Brazilian foods, magazines and newspapers, candy, soaps, etc. They also sell freshly-made salgadinhos and sweets like brigadeiros.

New Brazilian Store
110 Meridian St.
E. Boston, MA 02128
(617) 569-1164

Selected food products, including marmelada, leite de coco, guaranß. Will ship via UPS or US Mail.

New Frontier Market
190 South Hamilton Road
Whitehall, OH 43213
(614) 868-8709

This store in Columbus is a lifesaver for Brazilians living in central Ohio. Good selection of Brazilian foods, including carne seca, guaranß, and farinha de mandioca.


See Luso-Brazilian Books above.