The most popular alcoholic beverages in Japan are:
Mirin is a sweet liquor that is used for cooking only, except on New Year's day when it is drunken with an added special flavour (Otoso). Alcoholic beverages can be bought in supermarkets or at vending machines. Sake is sometimes sold in tetra packs. The Japanese pour sake into each other's cups, but one does not pour it into his or her own glass. You should always check if your friends' cups are getting empty, and then give them more. If someone wants to give you more to drink, you should take your glass and hold it towards that person. Avoid using the words 'chin chin' when you drink a toast since these words mean 'penis' in Japanese. Many Japanese like to drink often and especially together with their friends and co-workers. On Friday or Saturday nights it is not uncommon that Japanese men consume far too much alcohol, and that in those nights, for example, the trains at their terminal station are still full of sleeping drunken men who lost control over themselves. |