From Nintendo to karaoke to sushi to the Power Rangers: Americans are awash
these days in products that have emerged from Japanese culture and industry.
And yet, Japan itself remains a mysterious and unfathomable place to most
Americans. Today's prescription aims to lift that veil. Schauwecker's Guide
to Japan is one of the best Web sites dedicated to a specific nation that
we've ever seen. It's a vastly comprehensive and endlessly fascinating and
informative guide to all aspects of Japanese culture and society.
There's information here about traditional and contemporary Japan and links
to other Japan-related online resources, as well as a forum for
communication. There's also a photo gallery of over 200 images from Japan,
in several categories. Many more images can be found on the various
information pages.
The site also features over 200 information pages dealing with many aspects
of Japan: customs, food, tourism, language, religion, entertainment,
sports, arts, history, politics, everyday life, etc. Each page offers
general information about a single topic and links to other related Web pages.
In addition, the "Japan PenFriend" is a neat free E-mail pen pal service
specializing in contacts between Japanese and non-Japanese. There's much
more to explore here, as well. Schauwecker's Guide to Japan is a great
starting point for online research on Japan for tourists, students, hobby
cooks, and everybody else. |