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Japan consits of several thousands of islands. The four largest islands are Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu and Shikoku. Japan's closest neighbours are Korea, Russia and China.
Japan is a relatively large country. Its size is comparable to the one of Italy. The northernmost islands are located on the geographical latitude of Milan while the southernmost islands are on the same latitude of New Dehli. Japan's North-South extension equals about the distance from New York to Mexico City.
More than 50% of the area of Japan is mountainous and covered with forrests. The population density in the populated areas, however, is extremely high.
Japan is politically structured in 8 regions and 47 prefectures.
The population of Japan is about 125 millions. Almost the whole population is Japanese. More than half of the non-Japanese population is Korean.
There are countless volcanos in Japan, since the country lies in an area where several continental plates meet. The positive side effect is a huge number of hot springs.
The most famous volcano is Mt.Fuji, which is the highest point of Japan and one of the most beautiful mountains in the world. It can be seen from Tokyo when the weather is clear.
Japan lies in one of the most earthquake active regions of the world. There is a special page about earthquakes.
Due to the huge North-South extension of the country, the climate varies in the different regions. The climate in all major cities, including Tokyo, is temperate to subtropic and consits of four seasons. The winter is mild and the summer is hot and very humid. There is a rainy season during June. Typhoons hit some part of the country every year during the summer.
The climate of the Northern island of Hokkaido is much more colder and large snow storms occur frequently during winter.
Earthquake About earthquakes in Japan. Hot Springs