Public acceptance of the value of herbs as medicines is such that the growth of medicinal herbs sales in health food shops is outstripping that of vitamins. Several reasons spring to mind. Firstly there are many books and regular magazines available which reinforce to the public that herbs and holistic treatment are a viable alternative to modern drug therapy.
The second is that often side effects caused by modern drugs can trigger a new batch of symptoms worse than the original malady.
Thirdly there are now a number of colleges turning out well trained herbalists who daily prescribe the medicinal herbs we grow.
If you are a trifle sceptical of their efficacy there is now a vast body of scientific research available to make you a true believer. The research identifies the active principles in a herb and evaluates their effectiveness on the human body. The Commonwealth Government via the Therapeutic Goods Act uses this information to check on the usefulness and safety of herbs. Under this act only herbs which have passed their scrutiny can be prescribed to the public.
Suite 305 3 Smail Street, Broadway.
Telephone 029 211 6437
Fax 029 211 6452
The N.H.A.A. represents practising herbalists who are professionally qualified and experienced in holistic herbal medicine. You can contact their members in all Australian states through their head office in Sydney as listed above.
This university now has a school of Natural and Complimentary Medicine which offers courses in herbal medicine.
If you are serious about wishing to start a medicinal herb farm there is now the perfect resource for you. It is the book "HERBAL HARVEST" by Greg Whitten. Published in 1997 by Agmedia, 166 Wellington Parade, East Melbourne 3002. Telephone 03 9651 7098. Cost is $95.00 This is the book of books on herb farming and worth every penny. Greg Whitten is a long time biodynamic herb farmer from North Eastern Victoria.
A fresh herb tea is a pleasant way to take your medicine. If you are predisposed to problems in any of the nine body systems we discuss later you should select out the herbs relevant to you and start your own green farmacy herb garden.
Caffeine is one of the trappings of our modern stressful existence. Excessive caffeine ingested through a combination of coffee, tea, coke and chocolate merely serves to palpitate the heart and jangle the nerves even more. If you consult our list of herbs for the nervous system you will note that Lemon Balm, Lemon Verbena, Peppermint and Rosemary are specific for tension, stress and anxiety.
I can personally vouch that a tea made from a combination of these herbs is extremely relaxing with a beautiful flavour and helps you handle the day in a relaxed but efficient way.
We have divided the herbs we grow into nine categories which cover the systems of the body for which they are used. These are Circulatory System, Digestive System, Glandular System, Immune System, Musculo-Skeletal System, Respiratory System, Skin and Urinary System.
Have a look through them and you might find a herb that could make your life a lot more pleasant.
* Those marked with an asterisk should not be taken during pregnancy as they are in the main uterine stimulants.
*CHILLI Strengthens circulation especially in cold hands and feet
*GARLIC Reduces blood pressure and cholesterol
HORSERADISH Stimulates circulation
ANISEED Griping, colic and wind
CARAWAY Dyspepsia and colic
CARDAMOM Griping and dyspepsia
CATNIP Upset stomach
*CHAMOMILE Indigestion and wind
CORIANDER Wind and colic
DILL Colic and wind
*FENNEL Colic and wind
GARLIC Stomach infections
HORSERADISH Griping and wind
LEMON VERBENA Aids indigestion
PEPPERMINT Nausea and travel sickness
*SAGE Mouth infections and ulcers
*THYME Mouth infections and ulcers
*WORMWOOD Bitter tonic and appetite stimulant
BORAGE Revives adrenal glands
ECHINACEA Infections in any system
GARLIC Digestive and respiratory system infections
LEMON GRASS Fevers and influenza
OREGANO Mouth and throat infections
*SAGE Mouth and throat infections
*THYME Mouth and throat infections
*YARROW Fevers
*CHAMOMILE Sedative for insomnia and anxiety
HYSSOP Anxiety states
*LAVENDER Headaches, depression
LEMON BALM Relieves tension, anxiety or depression
LEMON VERBENA Relaxes nervous system
PEPPERMINT Eases tension and depression
OREGANO Headaches
ROSEMARY Eases tension and depression
SKULLCAP Nerve tonic
VALERIAN Eases tension, anxiety, insomnia
COMFREY Fractures and sprains
FEVERFEW Arthritis
*ANGELICA Coughs and bronchitis
ELDER Hayfever and sinusitis
GARLIC Infections of the respiratory tract
HORSERADISH Flu, sinusitis, bronchitis
HYSSOP Coughs and bronchitis
MARSHMALLOW Bronchitis and coughs
NASTURTIUM Bronchial infections
*SAGE Throat infections
SOAPWORT Bronchitis and coughs
SWEET VIOLET Bronchitis and coughs
*THYME Throat infections
ALOE VERA Burns, sunburn, bites
CALENDULA Wound healing
COMFREY Wound healing, bruises and sprains
MARSHMALLOW Urinary inflammation
PARSLEY Diuretic
YARROW Urinary infections