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The Ftape-FAQ
Johan De Wit, <>
v0.1, 13 october 1997
This is a very incomplete attempt to create a FAQ for the Ftape Floppy Tape Device Driver. Any suggestions, remarks ... that could improve this FAQ are welcome indeed.
- 3.1 How fast is Ftape ?
- 3.2 When I write to some of my tapes, they seem to spend a lot of time "shoe-shining," or repositioning instead of streaming. Is something wrong with my system?
- 3.3 Do I have to reboot to the DOS world to format tapes?
- 3.4 Ftape detects more bad sectors than DOS on QIC-3020 tapes
- 3.5 Is it ok that I'm not hearing the tape move when I do a fsf or a bsf with mt?
- 3.6 Why does my XYZ backup program complain about "Invalid argument" errors?
- 3.7 Why do I get "/dev/qft0: No such device" errors?
- 3.8 I get "device busy" when I make multiple backups on a tape using some script.
- 3.9 How do I "...." with tar?
- 3.10 What block-size should I use with tar ?
- 3.11 Where can I find the tar/mt/cpio/dd binaries - sources - manpages?
- 3.12 If I use tapers compression, is it a bad idea to use the compression with zftape, or would it be better to not use tapers compression, and let zftape
- 3.13 How does zftape compression compare to say gzip -9?
- 3.14 I don't trust compression, but hear that the sftape interface is going away. What should I do?
- 3.15 Ftape says "This tape has no 'Linux raw format"
- 3.16 Can I exchange tapes with someone using DOS?
- 3.17 How does `mt eom' work when you've started overwriting a tape in the middle?
- 3.18 When I made backups before using taper, under the 2.0.29 ftape my drive didn't
- 3.19 What exactly is the difference between ftape, and zftape?
- 3.20 What is the difference between a rewinding, and non rewinding drive?
- 3.21 Can someone tell me how to use mt to rewind my TR-3 drive one record using zftape record, so I can verify it?
- 3.22 By non-rewinding, they mean that it doesn't automatically rewind, correct? It doesn't mean that under no circumstances it iwill rewind, right? I tried using /dev/zqft0, and it instantly rewinds the tape.
- 3.23 What is the difference between what mt considers a record and what it considers a file?
- 3.24 This script implements a simple contents listing for the zftape package using the "MTIOCVOLINFO" ioctl.
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