< powr≤t

I heard a rumour
They travel far
You know what it's like
The way people are
They talk and they talk
Though they don't understand
They'll whisper and whisper
And lie on demand
Please tell me now
I want to know
I have to hear it from your lips
Say it's not so

I heard it on Monday
And I laughed a while
I heard it on Tuesday
I managed to smile
I heard it on Wednesday
My patience was tried
I heard it on Thursday
And I hurt inside
I want to know
The depths of your mind
Tell me this whole thing is madness
And we're doing fine
Put your little hand in mine
And believe in love
Put your head on my chest
And breathe love
Breathe love
Breathe love
Breathe love

I heard it from Peter
Who heard it from Paul
Who heard it from someone
I don't know at all
I heard it from Mary
Who heard it from Ruth
Who swore on the bible
She's telling the truth
I heard it from Simon
Who heard it from James
Confirming with Sarah
That I was to blame
I heard it from Joseph
Who heard it from John
Who said with conviction
That all hope was gone
So I need to know
Your alibis
I need to hear that you love me
Before you say goodbye
Before you say goodbye
Before you say goodbye
Before you say goodbye


S│ysza│em plotkΩ
One rozchodz▒ siΩ daleko
Wiesz jak to jest
Jacy s▒ ludzie
Gadaj▒ i gadaj▒
Mimo, ┐e nie rozumiej▒
BΩd▒ szeptaµ i szeptaµ
I zmy╢laµ na poczekaniu
ProszΩ, powiedz mi teraz
ChcΩ to wiedzieµ
MuszΩ to us│yszeµ w│a╢nie z twoich ust
Powiedz, ┐e to nie tak.

Us│ysza│em to w poniedzia│ek
I za╢mia│em siΩ prz.z moment
S│ysza│em to we wtorek
Zmusi│em siΩ do ╢miechu
S│ysza│em to w ╢rodΩ
Moja cierpliwo╢µ zosta│a wystawiona na pr≤bΩ.
Us│ysza│em to w czwartek
I poczu│em b≤l w ╢rodku.
ChcΩ poznaµ
G│ΩbiΩ twoich my╢│i
Powiedz, ┐e to wszystko jest szale±stwem
I miΩdzy nami wszystko jest w porz▒dku
Wsu± swoj▒ d│o± w moj▒
I uwierzmy w mi│o╢µ
Po│≤┐ swoj▒ g│owΩ na mojej piersi
I odetchnijmy mi│o╢ci▒
Odetchnijmy mi│o╢ci▒.

S│ysza│em to od Piotra,
Kt≤ry s│ysza│ to od Paw│a,
Kt≤ry us│ysza│ to od kogo╢.
W│asciwie dok│adnie nie wiem od kogo
S│ysza│em to od Marii,
Kt≤ra us│ysza│a to od Ruth,
Kt≤ra przysiΩga│▒ na BibliΩ,
»e m≤wi prawdΩ.
S│ysza│em od Szymona,
Kt≤ry s│ysza│ to od Janusza,
Kt≤ry zapewnia│ SarΩ,
Kt≤r▒ kiedy╢ pos▒dza│em.
S│ysza│em to od J≤zefa,
Kt≤ry us│ysza│ o tym od Jana,
Kt≤ry z przekonaniem powiedzia│,
»e wszelka nadzieja stracona.
Dlatego muszΩ wiedzieµ
Jakie masz alibi
MuszΩ wiedzieµ, ┐e mnie kochasz
Zanim powiesz ┐egnaj.
Zanim powiesz ┐egnaj.
Zanim powiesz ┐egnaj.
Zanim powiesz ┐egnaj.

T│umaczenie: Eva